#hes my fluffy man who will never fully get over his ex
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Annual art of that 1 Warriors OC I never got over (his name is Crowtuft and now he's gotten over his depression arc into his old man pacifist arc,,, in my mind)
#warrior cats original character#warrior cats#oc art#hes my fluffy man who will never fully get over his ex
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Chapter 7

Baby Fever - Chapter 7
Series Summary: It all started with a classic case of baby fever
Pairing: Marcus Pike x F!(Wife)Reader
Rating: 18+ Series
Warnings: Fluffy, fluff, fluff, and one or two curse words
Word Count: 1,900 (ish)
Author's Note: I've got a lot of WIPs floating around in my mind but I will be continuing to update this fic monthly and enjoying Marcus Pike being a total softie husband and dad to be. Totally indulgent chapter here. There's no real plot to be seen. Enjoy.
Marcus had once told you about his failed marriage and an engagement that had been broken off because his fiancée had feelings for another man and had chosen him in the end. In both cases he had admitted to moving too fast, jumping to the next big step before his partner was ready. He'd proposed to his first wife in college, when they were both still too young to fully comprehend what a marriage really was and the compromises that came with it. Before they'd truly gotten to know each other and figured out if they could live with each other's flaws. She had signed the divorce papers almost a year to the date they'd gotten married. He'd known his fiancee for even less time, weeks, rushing because he wanted her to join him in D.C. Then there were the few women in between that just hadn't ended up fitting with his personality or lifestyle, to no one's fault.
Though there had been no malice between him or any of his exes, by the time he'd met you Marcus had learned to be cautious, having been burned too many times, and you had been appreciative of him taking it slow (or at least as slow as was possible for him). You had been burned too many times as well, though your relationships had been a lot more turbulent. For some reason you'd been a beacon for "men" who thought they were cool, but in reality they were just punks and assholes.
Marcus had shown you how a real man loved and how life with another person could be shared. Some mornings like this one, you wondered how you'd gotten so lucky to be in the same art gallery as him that fateful night you met.
You'd woken up that unusually warm April morning to the feel of him curled up against your back, his forehead pressed against your spine and his right arm resting over your right thigh, as if to anchor you close to him. You could feel his chest rising and falling steadily against you, a sign that he was still asleep, so you did your best to remain as still as possible, basking in the softness of the moment.
Like many times before, especially since you'd become pregnant, you were grateful that your paths had crossed and that he hadn't found a good match until you (though you knew that was selfish, Marcus himself had said he was glad too). You were never going to take moments like this for granted after your sad romantic history.
The baby inside you had other plans however, seemingly having sensed you being awake and decided that meant it was time for their morning workout, an abundant amount of kicks and tumbles commencing. Some mornings like this you thought with amusement that they must think you were their personal fitness gym, one that allowed bouncing off walls. You were fine with it, happy even. It meant that they were getting stronger and it wasn't like it was painful yet. You rolled onto your back and placed your hand habitually on your ever growing belly, shutting your eyes to focus on the movements that were still generally gentle, but much more frequent as of late. As a wispy smile formed on your lips an unusually strong tap against the bottom of you bump made your eyes snap back open in surprise. You'd felt that under your palm! Which meant that...
You nudged Marcus awake and he groaned softly. "Five more minutes," he said groggily. His eyes were still closed when you fixed your pillow so you could sit up against it.
"Fine, but then you're going to miss your chance to feel the baby moving," you told him, trying to sound casual about it while a grin was breaking out on your face.
His eyes flew open and he peered up at you, excited. "You think I could?"
"Give me your hand," you ordered.
He eagerly brought his right hand towards yours and you guided it to the spot you'd last felt the tapping movements. "Be patient. Not all of them are that strong."
Marcus gave you an acknowledging nod and pulled himself up the bed into a more comfortable position that would allow him to rest his head against your shoulder while still keeping his hand on the spot you'd left it, your hand resting beside his as you both waited with bated breath for a kick that he could feel.
You knew exactly when it happened because Marcus' eyes grew as wide as saucers and lit up just like they had when you'd told him you were pregnant. His met yours, and you felt your mouth pull tight at the joy on his face. "That's our girl," he declared in awe.
You nodded fervently as tears filled your eyes. "Yeah," you choked out.
Dr. Harrington had revealed the baby was a girl at your last ultrasound three weeks ago, and though you hadn't had a preferred sex in mind, something about your first with Marcus being a girl felt extra special, especially when he brought it up. Maybe because he sounded so proud of her already.
Noticing how emotional you'd become he lifted his head to look at your face and twisted so he could brush a stray tear away when it spilled out. "Happy tears?"
He tilted your chin up with one hand and gave you a feathery kiss before meeting your eyes. "And how are you this morning?"
"I'm good," you promised him. You really were. You'd never lied to him about how you felt physically and emotionally and that hadn't changed with your pregnancy, even though some days you were tempted to for the sake of not worrying him. As of late you hadn't had to think about it, the latter portion of your second trimester having been going pretty smoothly besides an occasional wave of intense emotion of one or another overtaking you because of the pregnancy hormones, something Marcus had been very considerate of, of course.
"Good," he said. "Cause I was thinking we'd get out together today. We haven't been out on a proper date in weeks and I think we both could use some fresh air, among other things."
"What'd you have in mind?" you asked curiously. You were really tempted to refuse and just lay in bed all day with him after the hectic work week you'd had, but you were also hard pressed to refuse a romantic date with him.
"I got us emission tickets and a parking pass to the National Zoo," Marcus informed you. "I was thinking we could spend most of the day there and eat at a restaurant of your choice after?"
His expression was hopeful. You beamed up at him and palmed his cheek, already grateful to him again. "Now how could I ever say no to a date involving cute animals with my husband?"
"That was the hope," he told you, smirking.
"Five more minutes, then we get up and dressed," you decided.
"Sounds like a plan," he said happily, placing his head on your chest and a hand back on your stomach. You swept your hand through his sleep mussed hair and let your eyelids fall again as you focused on both his and your unborn daughter's movements, on Marcus' words as he began to murmur to her. "You're a strong one like your mama, aren't you?"
You didn't leave the bed for another two hours.
The National Zoo had always been one of your favorite places to be, especially on a spring day as seasonal as that one turned out. You didn't even need a jacket as you walked hand and hand with Marcus around the park, taking your time and taking as many breaks as you needed, which was a lot more since you'd started showing your pregnancy. It had affected your knees the most so far, though you were sure your back would start complaining more soon enough.
Marcus' favorite animals at the zoo were classically the tigers, and you both hung out by their exhibit for quite some time, observing as one lazily sunbathed and two others chased each other playfully. They were stunning creatures, and startlingly large. You always forgot how big they truly were, something that always made you very thankful that there weren't wild cats that large roaming the D.C. area.
You also spent a significant amount of time in the bird house, since you loved all the colorful plumage on most of the species it contained, especially the brilliant red feathers on the scarlet tanagers.
Your favorite animals at the zoo though were the alpacas. Your glee upon laying eyes on them every time you visited the kids' farm section made Marcus laugh because they were far from rare to see outside of cities and every time he did you reminded him that horses are even more common but horse girls go crazy over them all the time. It didn't matter if they weren't exotic, alpacas were cute and fluffy, especially the chocolate brown ones, and that was enough to brighten your day immensely.
Funnily enough, when you walked up to their paddock a chocolate one was the first to approach you inquisitively, and you broke out into a grin when you noticed her impressively rounded tummy. "Looks like you're ready to pop," you observed as you slowly stretched your arm out to pet her neck. She leaned into your touch, making your lips pull back even more. "Feel good? If I could reach it, I'd scratch your belly too. I'm sure it's as itchy as mine is half the day." She hummed contently. "Did you see me and figure that I'd understand?" you inquired. Dogs and dolphins and some other particularly intelligent creatures had been noted to act differently, often more gently and protectively towards pregnant women, so it made you wonder if the alpaca had sensed a comrade. "I wonder what your little one will look like." You'd been daydreaming about how your own would look like for months. In every version in your head she had Marcus' eyes.
"We'll have to come visit again in the summer and find out," he said, a bright smile plastered on his face, having been watching your entire interaction with the alpaca mama.
He stepped forward and she took a step away from you, throwing her head a little and pinning her ears back.
You tried to soothe her as you planted a hand on his chest to stop his approach from behind you. "She's going to spit at you if you come any closer."
"They're the only animals who hate me, I swear," he grumbled and you giggled.
"Don't take it too personally, she's probably just not used to big, strong men trying to get up in her space."
He quirked an eyebrow up quizzically. "You trying to hit on me, honey?"
"Is it working?" you responded.
"It always works," he told you, grinning ear to ear. "We should get out of here and get supper before I get other ideas for passing the rest of the night."
"We could eat takeout on the way home instead," you suggested playfully, leaning into his solid frame.
"Don't tempt me," Marcus growled lowly, turning you away from the alpaca paddock. "You're getting a proper meal tonight."
"That's definite," you teased, loving the way his breath hitched a little after.
He found the sensitive spot you had along your rib cage and tickled it with the tips of his fingers. You broke out into a fit of painful laughter. "Okay, I'll stop!" you shrieked, trying to struggle out of his embrace.
He immediately ended his attack and continued leading you out of the zoo, smiling the whole time.
You were too.
Tagged: @amyispxnk , @harriedandharassed
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Werewolf by Night Day 1 - Werewolf // Moon Knight
event masterlist // ko-fi // normal nav
Whilst Marc never seem to care much about you, fully intending to avoid you. Both Jake and Steven seems to desperately want the usually closed off man to open up.
✧.* Word count: 3.8k
✧.* Warnings: mentions of injury, blood, stitching, Marc centred, kind of rushed ending, Marc being an annoying lil shit, the reader is physically strong and was a SHIELD agent
✧.* genre: SFW // fluffy ending
Rmbr guys the event is still open and there's still a lot of slots left!!! Unless they're filled out I'll just put whoever I want AHAHAHAH (also thankq for my bestie for requesting this)

“Care to tell me how you got into this situation again?” You could hear Marc’s exasperated sigh from the other line. “With all due respect, I can tell it to you a hundred times after this!”
A burst of laughter escapes you as the sounds of grunting, and snarling beasts fill the other line. “So, are you going to help me or keep laughing at me from the other line?” Marc was clearly getting impatient.
He thought calling you would get him backup, but it seems that the only thing he’s getting is your judgement. Throwing another one of his moon-shaped daggers towards the werewolf, trying to catch up to him, he ran as fast as he could to dodge the other werewolf, trying to gain the upper hand on him. Then, swerving himself to a nearby alley to catch his breath, his eye got caught in his own reflection on a puddle.
“See, Steven, I’m telling you this was a bad idea! They’re just going to keep taunting us over the line.” He complained towards his companion. “They’re going to come, mate. Just trust us, they were Jake’s partner for years, remember?” Steven, donning his Mr Knight outfit from the reflection restated.
Marc’s head whipped around the alley outside when a loud crash followed by multiple snarling echoed through the empty night streets. “Well, tell Jake, that his old partner is a piece of shit!” Marc yelled at Steven just before going back to the fray.
“Glad to know even Steven’s the only one without a sailor’s tongue.” The sound of a different voice other than the snarls of beasts caught the attention of Marc. Looking up, his masked eyes were met with your gleeful gaze, holding two guns in your hands.
Under the mask, not that you knew, Marc grinned. “Took you long enough.” He was able to keep his annoyance in his tone.
“Oh shut up, Casper the friendly ghost. I had to change my bullets to silver bullets. It takes a while to do that, you know.” You shrugged as you carefully made your way from the rooftop down to the ground beside Marc. “Any reason why it isn’t Jake in control right now?” You motioned your gun towards Marc’s outfit.
It was extremely easy to guess who was fronting when they wore their suits. Steven always had the Mr Knight outfit, Marc had the ceremonial robes of Khonshu, and Jake had a more practical, military-style black and white more armoured outfit.
You had asked because, though you often worked with the Avatar of Khonshu, it was extremely rare for you to work with Steven or Marc. You see, you had a history with Jake Lockley long before you knew Marc and Steven existed.
Being an ex-SHIELD agent allowed you to work together with the fist of Khonshu for quite some time during his work in the States. During those times you were working with him, you knew him for Jake Lockley. Only when he disappeared without any sign of contact did you start worrying.
Then he showed up one night, explaining everything. Turns out, after Marc was found out by Steven and the whole Arthur Harrow event unfolded, it didn’t take long for Jake’s existence to be noticed by the other two. Which led to a long conversation about every memory gap Marc had. Which led to Jake coming that night to your doorstep explaining everything.
To be quite honest, you were expecting much worse. When your co-workers on a daily have to deal with literal Norse Gods, a man in a flying suit of armour, several witches and wizards, and a guy with a bow and arrow. Safe to say you weren’t surprised that the man who served under the Egyptian Moon God wasn’t all that he said he was.
“Guess he just didn’t want to see you this time.” Marc quickly made up an excuse right as a werewolf swerved its head towards the noise of his voice. Eyes locking in with the beast, there was a short tense moment where the two simply stared.
All before the werewolf lunged at both you and Marc. Thinking quickly, you aimed your guns at the beast, firing your silver bullets at the creature while pushing your body to the side to avoid its deadly lunge.
What perfect timing, you thought to yourself. Of course, you could see through the bold-faced lie Marc told you. There was more to it than Jake just not wanting to see you. You and him have been inseparable since the two of you met. But, seeing as the werewolf you shot and previously thought was dead was now starting to move once again. You knew it wasn’t the time to think of such trivial matters.
Marc could only thank whatever Egyptian God controlled the timing of that werewolf. Had you teased him or called him out on his lie, which you definitely would’ve if you had gotten the chance, he wouldn’t have been able to back up his statement.
There was good reason for you to be confused why Marc, of all people, was fronting. He tended to be the one who didn’t get along with you as much. You didn’t put it against him, Jake and you hadn’t gotten along when you first met either. It was a trust thing. And Steven trusted quickly, so it wasn’t hard for you and him to get along.
But for that exact reason, Steven and Jake, mostly Jake, usually fronted during the missions when you started joining them.
The thing that Marc would never tell you was that he and Jake got into a relatively heated argument right before this mission. Something about Jake yelling at him for being rude to you the last time the two of you interacted. To which Marc simply responded that he just flatly didn’t like you all that much.
Not like Jake or Steven. As Marc could very clearly tell, Jake had something for you, and perhaps you were growing on Steven. Something Marc loathed.
During that argument, Jake and Steven agreed that Marc would be the one fronting when you tagged along on their missions. But, it turned out, that agreement would come to play sooner than any of them had expected. Marc had actually tried giving control over the other two people in his headspace right after he called for your backup.
In response, they completely ignored him and simply pushed him back into the driver’s seat.
“How many are after you?!” you called out to Marc as the two of you split up into two different sections of the street so that the werewolves wouldn’t be working together. “Five, last I checked!”
The one that you had shot when it lunged towards you, and Marc in the alleyway was chasing after you. Its thick black fur matted with its own blood. It was moving much more sluggish than when it first pounced on you. So, aiming true, you shot the beast one last time. Watching as the creature slowed down and finally fell to the ground, unmoving.
“I got one!” You shouted out towards Marc. You saw from the corner of your eye that two werewolves were chasing after Marc, meaning there were two left.
One was running straight towards you, its sharp white teeth ready to rip you to shreds. You dodged some of its attacks as you let a rain of bullets attack the creature. “That’s one, Marc has two, one of them is down. Where is the other one?” You whispered to yourself as you made the final shots to the beast.
Keeping an eye on the look out, you pressed your back against a wall so you wouldn’t be ambushed from your back. You reloaded your guns. Who knew killing mythical beasts would use up so many bullets.
As your mind raced to figure out where the last werewolf could be, you failed to realize that the building you were leaning on didn’t have a tall roof. It was too late when you heard the growling. Looking upwards, you were met with the figure of a leaping werewolf right about to land a killing blow on you. Its long arms with sharp claws outstretched towards you.
Though you were too late to dodge unscathed, you felt fortunate enough that the only damage you sustained was a deep cut on your arm from where the werewolf’s claw had sunk into your skin. Biting the inside of your lip, you ignored the burning pain of a fresh wound on your arm. You had to focus. If you don’t, the little wound would be the least of your concerns.
“Shit.” You murmured as the beast looked even more ravenous after having a small taste of ripping your flesh. You knew at this point that your right hand would be useless; if you decided to put it to work, you could rip more of your tendons from the already tender wound.
But you hadn’t realized how dire your situation was until your head began spinning. For a mere second, your eyes left the beast’s terrifying gaze to look at your arm and assess how much blood you had lost. Unfortunately, the answer was too much. And when the beast lunged at you once again when you were not ready, you were forced to throw yourself to the ground so that its claws would not sink to your head.
In return, another flesh wound was given to you, this time on your cheek. And with you now being on the ground. One arm was severely injured and the other was holding said severely injured hand to make sure it didn’t completely bleed out. You realized you were fucked.
Codeword; were.
Your knight in shining, well white, armour appeared right behind the werewolf and slammed his body to the creature. You watched in gratefulness as Marc wrestled for a moment with the werewolf under him before finally being able to land a killing blow with his crescent-shaped blade.
“I’d love to say I had it under control, but I really didn’t.” you jested, “Thank you.” your smile was both genuine and joyful. Wanting to mask how much pain you were into the mercenary in front of you.
What scared you, though, was that Marc didn’t even respond. He stalked over towards you and wordlessly crouched right beside you. You watched with a curious gaze as he took off his cape, noting how the mask was still on his face; you couldn’t really see his expression and therefore read what he was thinking.
Using his cape, he did quick work at making a makeshift tourniquet also with a branch he had found. You tried to not wince at the pain of it all as he tightened the, now red with your blood, white cape right above the deep wound.
Unbeknownst to you, a flurry of very colourful curse words of two languages were echoing through Marc’s mind.
“How did you not see that there was three following them?! You could’ve handled three but no. You had to be the one to deal with two werewolves and give the other one to them!?” He heard Jake yell in his head.
The first time the man decided to speak since the argument. And he sounded even more enraged now than during the argument.
“Jake let’s not jump into conclusion yeah? Bet Marc didn’t even know the other one was following them. Plus, we just need to focus on getting them stitched up now.” Steven tried calming the very mad Latino down.
“Fine, but if you fuck up, I’ll take over and deal with it myself.”
Usually, Jake’s statement on taking over the body when it was dealing with you would’ve made Marc happy. But, again, he didn’t like dealing with you, not that he really knew why. It was just that Marc felt weird whenever you were around. And he hated it. Therefore, he hated you. But in today’s case. He loathed the idea of Jake taking over. It was his fault that you got hurt. He’ll be the one to fix it.
“Hey, you okay? You didn’t get hurt, did you? I thought Khonshu’s suit would make you heal fast or something.” Despite your apparent worse state than him, you still showed him more compassion than he had the entire time he had known you.
Your eyebrows furrowed in worry when Marc still didn’t answer. His emotionless mask showed none of his inner turmoil as one of your hands reached out to where his cheek would be. When he realized this, he quickly stood up from where he was standing.
“Can you walk?” he almost winced at how cold he sounded. Especially when you reacted in such a confused manner from his sudden bluntness.
You nodded as you stood up, “Yeah, I didn’t get scratched in the leg you know.” Again you tried to joke. Not that Marc laughed.
When he began walking, you asked, “Where are we going?” taking the fact that he wasn’t bidding you goodbye as a sign for you to follow him, you did so. Wincing at the slight movement making the blood seep through the tourniquet. “Steven’s loft is close to here. I’ll get you patched up there.”
You didn’t even try to hide your shock from the man. There were plenty of times you had gotten yourself hurt on the field. But usually, it’d be Jake who’d patch you up, or you patching yourself up whilst Jake, and you had a conversation. The latter was the more common one.
Despite this, you weren’t going to question it too much. Whatever’s gotten to Marc Spector’s head to get him to patch you up will not stop you from not having to stitch your own wounds.
The walk back to Steven’s walk was awkward, at least to you it was. Marc had stayed in front of you whilst you followed slowly behind him. Wincing every so often when stings of pain jolted up your arm. Marc looked back at you every time, only to mask his caring nature once you realized he was looking towards you.
Finally arriving at the homey loft, you made quick work going to the bathroom, ignoring Marc as best you could as you slowly took off the white, now red, cape from your wound. Flinching at the burning pain. Analyzing it under the luminescent yellow light of Steven’s bathroom, you could clearly tell that it would need stitches. Unfortunately, the fact that Marc had yet to enter the bathroom with you meant that Marc pulled back on his own words on patching you up.
Biting the inside of your mouth, you sucked in your shaky breath. Fuck him then.
Taking off your shirt with much effort, you prepared the needle and thread, hoping it won’t hurt so much this time. It always does, though. It always hurts no matter how many times you’d have to get stitched back up.
“What are you doing?” Speak of the Devil.
You turned your head around at Marc’s voice in the doorway he stood, carrying a bottle of alcohol. Its label scratched off and blurred from age. You had once wondered if Steven drank as much as the other two, as Marc did indulge in the liquid gold; Jake, from your longtime friendship with him, was clear to you only drank for recreation. From the look of the bottle Marc was holding, you’ve got your answer. Steven hardly drank.
You noticed that you had begun to get to know the other men that shared Jake’s body. Something you felt great joy at. You knew how much Steven and Marc meant to Jake, despite him never actually voicing how he felt. And you’d be lying if you said you weren’t extremely attracted to the man.
It only hurt you when Marc would so often brush you off. Avoid you at all costs. Even Steven warmed up to you. Why didn’t Marc?
“Trying to make sure I don’t bleed out and die?” You jested.
Marc’s already furrowed brows only furrowed deeper as he shook his head. “I said I’ll do it remember?” You stayed silent, mostly in slight shock, as Marc, now not in his costume anymore, made his way towards you.
You could tell he hesitated for a moment when he realized you weren’t wearing a shirt anymore. Despite this, he steeled himself off the embarrassment and grabbed the needle and thread from your hands. You had never seen Marc so gentle as that moment. He, softer than you thought was possible for Marc, angled your hand so that he could better patch it up.
The silence both of you had made for yourself was only broken when Marc poured half of the bottle’s contents towards your, still bleeding, arm. You threw your head to the side as you bit your tongue to stop a scream from leaving you. The stinging pain burned from your hand all the way up and down your arm.
“I’m sorry.” You didn’t even register the fact that Marc had whispered those two words under his breath, as you were too busy not to let out your own slew of curses. Knowing had you done so, the next time Jake and you were alone, you wouldn’t hear an end to his teasing.
If only you knew how silent both Jake and Steven were in Marc’s mind. The two of them fretting about your own wellbeing.
Turning your head back to look at Marc, your heart stammered against your chest for a moment. He looked so focused, so careful. You could tell he was nervous; just like Jake, he had a tendency to stiffen his jaw when he was unsure of something. But his hands were as stable as they could get.
“Look away; it’ll make things easier.” You were about to retort how you’ve been patched up more times than one could count on their hands, how a little bit of blood and gore won’t do much to you.
But with the gash continuing to ooze blood, you heeded Marc’s warning and looked away. You gritted your teeth when the first puncture of a needle inserted itself into your skin.
When it was finished, Matt softly wrapped a piece of gauze on your skin. And finally, looked upwards to look at your face and not your wound.
That was the moment both of your eyes locked with one another. The tension was palpable in the air. So thick one would be able to cut it with a knife. Though from your point of view, everything was silent. Marc’s head spoke a different story.
“Kiss them.” Jake muttered. “We’ve talked about this, just kiss em’.”
But he couldn’t.
Looking into your eyes, Marc wouldn’t let himself fall for you. Not the same way Jake and Steven have. He won’t let himself be weak. So, Marc looked away, he turned and aimed to beeline towards the door.
Which he would’ve done had you not immediately grasped his arm, pulling him so he’d face you once more, and in one swift movement, pressed your lips against his. Marc’s eyes widened as he realized what you had done; for a moment, you were about to pull back because of his hesitancy to kiss you back. Thinking you had made a mistake in reading his body language and attraction towards you.
Steven was the one who stopped this from happening. “MATE, KISS THEM BACK!!!” Finally, Marc snapped out of his trance just before you pulled away. Marc pressed his hand against the back of your neck, pushing you into a deeper kiss with the man. You hummed in pleased surprise.
“Mierda, why was that so difficult?” Jake muttered in their head as Marc pulled away. Leaving you absolutely breathless.
Marc’s heart practically soared when he saw your eyes, starry and joyous. You looked incredible and that kiss felt even more incredible. He scolded himself internally for waiting that long to do it.
The moment was ruined when you couldn’t hold back your laughter anymore. “You know, I had thought if I were to kiss one of you, it’d be Jake first.”
“You hear that?!” Jake enthusiastically yelled. Marc’s face morphed into that of jealousy as he listened to your laughter. In a way, it made sense; for one, Marc was the one who seemed to hate you the most out of the other two; for two, Jake had known you much longer. But that didn’t stop him from being slightly annoyed by your statement.
“Oh, I see how it is, alright then if you prefer Jake.” Marc pulled away from your embrace, feigning frustration. “No Marc! No! That’s not what I meant!!” You were able to mutter out between your fits of laughter.
Before you could apologize even more, Marc’s body stiffened for a moment, “Marc?”
“Not anymore, mi corazon.” Just like that, Jake was in control. He immediately pushed you back towards the sink you had been leaning to, his body pressed against you.
From his grin, you could already tell that it was Jake. “I heard you were looking for me?” he whispered, his face mere centimetres away from your own.
When it was Marc, you were bold but hesitant, but Jake? Jake, you were an absolute mess for. Jake chuckled almost condescendingly when you couldn’t find the words to answer. Then, slowly inching closer to you, his lips were on you. You melted against his warm embrace, both his hands trapping you between him and the sink.
Just as Jake snaked his tongue into your own mouth, all of a sudden he pulled back. Your eyes opened in confusion, only to be met with Steven. Till this day, it surprised you how much you could tell the three apart.
“Sorry for the interruption loves, but you see I think it’s kind of unfair that Marc got your first kiss and now Jake’s about to do something else. I’m just here watching all of this unfold, even though we’ve had this conversation before and we agreed to-”
For a third time that night, you kissed the men you loved. Essentially it was to shut Steven up, though it was also to help him feel less left out. When you pulled away, Steven looked positively beaming and shocked simultaneously. His expression and reactions differ so much from the other two that it caused a giggle to escape you.
“Good night boys.” you muttered to Steven as you made your way out of the bathroom, not forgetting a small kiss on Steven’s cheek as a thank you for giving his place for you to patch up.
Steven practically watched you leave with stars in his eyes, knowing that the next time you meet, it’ll be much different than the tense environment it had been before.
#moon knight#moon knight x reader#oscar isaac x reader#oscar isaac#steven grant x reader#steven grant#marc spector x reader#marc spector#jake lockley x reader#jake lockley#moon knight fluff#moon knight fanfic#flufftober22
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Okay so like for starterssssss, I love getting represented as a chubby gal 🥺🥺 so I love you for writing that last Oikawa imagineeeee 😩😩😩
Soooo, I was wondering if I could request a plus size reader that really likes Kuroo, (and he’s like a super cliché bad boy🤰🏽) but he’s too embarrassed to be seen with Y/n. So she starts to hit on his friend or try to make him jealous. (I want you to add your own little idea here! But likeee, make her a baddie 😘😘)
Thanks baby 😚
Angsty?? kinda, a pinch of suggestive stuff
post girlboss was referring to
a/n:i decided to go for emo / anger issues / definitely has punched a hole in his wall kuroo, just cuz i love writing losers, and i love seeing grown men cry. reader is like 20/21 just like college age yk, kuroo is 23 as stated in fic. p.s where my artic monkey hoes at
warnings: swearing, mentions of sex n specific sexual acts, suggestive stuff, uhhh bad boy but he’s not a (bad boy) he’s just a (bad) (boy) he’s just no good, like no fr never date guys like this, he may SEEM COOL and give you the dick but girl you will be so embarrassed once u realised u gave up the kitty for a man that genuinely believes tame impala and mac demarco are unheard of and calls himself an empath even though he’s mean to his mum every time she comes over to help with the laundry and has manipulated every girl he’s ever been in the vicinity of but i digress! on with the story!
“Kuroo-!” you yelped in surprised, bed bouncing beneath you. The second he had thrown you down, he ripped off his shirt and made a noise of frustration when he couldn’t shed his skinny jeans fast enough. Brows furrowed, he began hopping furiously to yank them off.
You laughed, much to his annoyance.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep up with that. What’s the rush?”
He sighed, and carefully pulled them off his ankles. Standing up straight, he seemed to have composed himself, with that cocky smirk on his rugged face. Your eyes trailed down his lean, long body. It was all you could do not to scream, he was so gorgeous. He took a few sweeping steps to where you lay, and got right on top of you, hands either side of your head. His eyes bore into you, it made you squirm internally, not that you would ever admit it.
“Just want you so bad, kitten.”
You barked out a laugh as if your heart didn’t jolt at his stupid pet name. It was such a stupid name, but coming from him it made you melt. Again, not like you’d ever admit it.
“Ew, Tetsu don’t call me kitten, it’s cr-“
He cut you off by leaning down and kissing you, you could feel his snake bites against your bottom lip. He groaned softly, shoving his tongue down your throat. He tasted like his sour apple vape, and his hair was soft when you ran your fingers through it. You could barely contain your butterflies, eyes squeezed closed.
“Come on babe, you know you like it.”
No matter how many times you and Kuroo hung out, it always felt so fresh. Maybe it was because he was exciting, or because he was a little bit wild, you didn’t know.
He leaned down closer to you, getting on his elbows, deepening the kiss. He pulled away and smirked at your breathlessness. With a slender, ring adorned hand, he reached beneath your top and cupped your tits over your bra. He gave them a sharp squeeze and started placing chaste kisses on your neck. He was considerate like that, didn’t leave hickeys because he knew they’d be hard to cover for you. He groaned as he jiggled the fat of your boobs in his hands,
“God, you have the nicest tits, babe.”
You had been dating for nearly 3 months now, if that was what it was. To be honest, you weren’t really sure what you were. You hang out all the time at his or your place, there was rarely a time when you didn’t have an ache between your legs, one way or another. He didn’t really take you on ‘dates’ but chatting to him was fun in itself, you didn’t need to go out to do that. He didn’t necessarily say romantic stuff either... but he didn’t not say romantic stuff either? He beat up your ex at a party one time! That had to mean something right? He exactly wouldn’t tell you how he felt but he showed you, kissing your cheek or tilting your chin up to look at him or kissing your neck or feeling you up. But that usually led to sex, so you couldn’t be certain. It wasn’t like you only screwed though, you watched your favourite movies together... although the last couple times he just started fingering you. You showed him your playlists? No no, he showed you his playlists, his sex playlists. There seemed to be a common theme here. But... there were times, afterwards, when he would pull in you so tight, tell you how good you were for him, how well you did, how pretty you looked. Any doubts you had were gone after a few hushed words on his tobacco reeking rickety old bed. You’d never really had a relationship like this before, but you assumed it was just because Kuroo was so chill. You were probably boyfriend and girlfriend, he just didn’t feel the need to announce it, he was laidback like that. So what if you guys had a lot of sex? Weren’t you a new couple? Wasn’t this just the honeymoon stage were you can’t get your hands off each other? You didn’t want to seem high maintenance and nag, so you let it be. He was sweet enough to you, right now everything was good.
Until it wasn’t.
A clatter sounded downstairs, the door slamming open against the hallway wall.
“Kuroo! Hey man, I brought some California!”, a voice called from bellow.
Kuroo broke away immediately, spit trailing from your neck to his pink lips.
“Shit, shit, shit, shit,” Kuroo mumbled, pushing off the bed and scrambling the pick up his discarded clothes and shove them back on.
You sat up, disgruntled, rearranging your bra strap from were he’d kneaded at it.
“What’s wrong? Who is that?”
He shot you a glance before continuing to yank back on his jeans.
“Uh, so change of plan, I can’t do tonight. I need you to go home. Discreetly.”
“What? Tetsu, I’m already here,” you scoffed.
What was going on?
Why was he acting like this?
You had never seen him so... frantic.
“I know babe, and I’m really sorry about that, but my friends are here early than I said.”
“So? Can’t I meet your friends?”
He didn’t reply for a moment, just let out an exasperated breath, zipping up his fly.
“Well, yeah you can meet them, just not with me. I don’t want them knowing that I-“
He cut himself off, but you had heard enough to understand.
There was a beat of silence, only disturbed by Kuroo’s friends calling for him.
Your mouth hung open, and you scoffed in shock.
You shouldn’t be surprised really. It’s so obvious now that you think about it. So that’s what this was. That explains everything. He didn’t really like you, he was just using you. That’s why he didn’t take you anywhere, or why he didn’t show you he cared. It was because he didn’t. He wasn’t “afraid of getting close to people” or “emotionally distant”, he was just upfront about not giving two shits about you aside from your vagina. I guess he didn’t want his friends to know he was furiously screwing a fat girl any chance he got. He was embarrassed of you. You were something to be ashamed of. Your stomach jerked as you got to your feet. You were pissed, but that didn’t mean it didn’t really hurt. You had liked him. A lot.
“What the fuck is that supposed to mean?”
You could see the panic in his eyes, it was quite funny actually. Of course you new what it meant, but it still made you feel a little better to watch his eyes widen like that, to hold a shred of power over him.
“I mean- well I didn’t- come on babe you know I didn’t mean it like that-“ he laughed nervously, not noticing the footsteps in the landing. You rolled your eyes. You may have been naive, but you certainly weren’t going to fall for his shit again. Whatever he spouted.
“Don’t give me that bullshit. Just say it, your embarrassed of me.”
“Y/N, please, don’t you think-“
Two men burst through the door, one with spiked grey hair and one with fluffy black hair.
“Kuroo! What the hell are you doing up here we’ve been-“ the grey haired one, stopped when his eyes went from a shirtless Kuroo to you.
Your eyes flickered to Kuroo, he looked mortified.
“Ah. I see. Well, Akaashi, we better give these two some time, we can just-“
“Oh no, I was just leaving,” you grabbed your jacket from on top of his chest of drawers and turned back to the two men, putting on a big smile, adrenaline and fury spurring you on.
“I’m Y/N, by the way.”
Your eyes shot to Kuroo, who looking like get was about to shit himself.
“You probably haven’t heard of me, me and Kuroo have actually been having sex for three months. He kept it a secret because he’s embarrassed of me. We should hang out soon though!”
“Y/N-!” Kuroo yelled, exasperation clear in his tone, but you were already descending the stairs.
He came into the hall, hands rubbing his temples.
“Y/N just come talk for a second, I can-“
But he was cut off by the door slamming.
You got in your car parked outside and sped away.
The whir of the engine and the monotony of the roads cleared your mind a bit, a mist of anger still remaining.
You can’t believe you let yourself be tricked. you were a fully grown woman, but you had been reeled in hook, line and sinker. Not only had you been reeled in, you have been reeled in by a man that still had tik tok LED lights in his room and a fucking monster can collection at the age of 24 fucking years old. The more you thought about him, the more you realised how much of an emo loser he was. Of course you were still hurting, but it was more of the angry hurt you feel when it turns out your crush is homophobic or something (been there done that, don’t ask). He was a waste of oxygen, you had decided by the time you made it back to your apartment. A waste of perfectly good space that could most definitely not get the kitty anymore. You got inside your house, pulled on some comfies and got on facetime with your friends.You told them all about what happened, and they passionately bitched about him with you, confirming your suspicion that they never liked him in the first place. They also told you to forget about his existence, he wasn’t worth a slither of your brain power, he was dirt compared to you. All in all, you felt marginally better, saying goodbye to your friends while they still giggled about how stupid Kuroo’s hair was.
This was just a speed bump, you thought as you tucked yourself into bed, you would get over this.
“Who’s Bokuto been talking to all night?” Yamamoto leaned over to ask Lev, shouting over the blaring music.
It was a week after you had thrown Kuroo to the curb, and he was out with a couple of volleyball friends, some from Nekoma, but there was also Bokuto with them.
“I’m not sure. I think it’s Y/N something? She’s in class. She’s pretty chill.”
Kuroo’s ears perked up, and he turned around to face his friends up against the bar.
“Bokuto’s talking to who?” he said through gritted teeth.
“Y/N. She goes to my-“
“I know who Y/N is,” kuroo snapped, taking a swig of the beer in his hand and scanning the dance floor for either one of you. He found bokuto first, shoulder against the wall, holding a drink as he leant down to have you whisper something in his ear. That’s when Kuroo paid attention to you. You looked... you looked gorgeous. He felt jealousy creep up inside him. How many times had you been out looking like that since you broke things off? How many guys had you slept with since? How dare Bokuto chat you up when he knew you two had been a thing? Wasn’t he meant to be Kuroo’s friend? As Kuroo wound himself up, you and bokuto continued your extremely pleasant conversation.
“I just wanna say, sorry about Kuroo. He’s a real bonehead, but we’ve been friends since high school so I can’t ditch him.”
You snorted into your cocktail.
He frowned and straightened up indignantly.
“Yeah, and? What’s wrong with bonehead?”
“No no, nothing, it’s just very Legally Blonde.”
He beamed down at you.
“I love Legally Blonde!”
“You do? Me too!”
This big beefy man was very cute, you had been talking for nearly three hours now, but you never ran out of things to say. And, aside from the obligatory introduction compliments, he had not made any move to try and get you into a wendy’s bathroom as quick as possible, which you couldn’t say of yours and kuroo’s first meeting.
He had dreamy eyes, you noted as he smiled for the nth time that night.
“Whose your favourite-?”
“What the fuck are you doing man?”
You glanced scathingly over to the familiar face of your old fling.
“What?” Bokuto asked back, clearly done with his friends bad boy shtick.
“Why are you talking to her when... when you know?”
“What’s there to know? I’m talking to her because I want to, and she wants to.”
He looked over to you for approval.
You nodded, a little nervous. You hated Kuroo’s guts, but you knew how weirdly possessive he was, you didn’t wanna cause trouble for Bokuto.
“See? Now I don’t think she wants to see you, right?”
He looked at you again. You nodded again.
“Ok? You guys are over, now are we done?”
Kuroo huffed. His eyes flitted from Bokuto to you, remembering you were there most likely, and he scowled.
“No, we aren’t done, what are you trying to pull anyway? Trying to piss me off by talking to someone I know? Are you really that petty? Well, your little plan is working, so just-just stop, ok?”
You felt like screaming. You had just come out here to have a nice time, not listen to Kuroo’s narcissistic whining.
“Can you just fuck off? Was I not clear enough or something? You’re dead to me, Kuroo. I’m just trying to have a nice night.”
Kuroo’s mouth gaped open. He had never been spoken to like that, never. He clenched his fists at his sides and his glare intensified.
“You’re lucky I gave you the time of day, fat ugly slut.”
He grabbed Bokuto’s shoulder roughly, turning him to face him completely.
“Hey man, thanks for clearing up my sloppy seconds, really good of you. Good to know I’ve got great friends like you.”
Those were the last things out of Kuroo’s mouth before bokuto landed a punch on his cheek, knocking him to the ground.
“You’re a fucking asshole man,” Bokuto grunted.
He stepped over where Kuroo lay, and held out a hand for you to step over too. You took it quietly and trailed along behind him to the door, fingers still locked. His hands were warm, and big. Kuroo’s face must hurt right now. The thought made you smile. He held the door open for you before sighing, resting his back against the wall. You stood in front of him, twiddling with your fingers.
“I am so sorry about that,” You apologised, embarrassed and shaken by the scene Kuroo had made, “I shouldn’t have wound him up, and I shouldn’t have talked to you after I knew you guys were friends, I promise I didn’t mean to start anything.”
“Don’t be, if anything I’m sorry for not making him leave right away. And either way,” he gently reached for your hand again, and you let him take it,”I’m glad you talked to me. I’d like it if you talked to me even more.”
DISCLAIMER FOR KUROO STANS!!!! I DONT THINK HIS HAIR IS STUPID!!! it’s just when ur bestie is going thru a break up or anything entailing a male you shit talk everything about him to high hell, doesn’t matter if he’s the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. also i have no ill will towards kuroo nor any of the characters i write shit bag fan fics about i just like to complain any way i hope you enjoyed! reblogs and replies always appreciated!!!
#haikyu x reader#haikyu x y/n#haikyuu fanfiction#haikyuu!!#hq x y/n#haikyu angst#haikyuu angst#hq angst#hq x reader#angst#kuroo x reader#kuroo smut#kuroo angst#kuroo tetsurou#bo x reader#haikyuu x chubby reader
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Okay so I’m a sucker for protective/possessive moments with Bucky so I was thinking something like either dbf! Bucky or biker! Bucky knows the reader’s ex wasn’t great and while they are on a date or something, he sees the reader’s ex harassing her and the ex gets a little physical (nothing super serious)?? Maybe the reader goes to get them concessions or goes to the bathroom and that’s when her ex sees her and tries to like corner her and get her back?? Idk you can have fun with it I’m not picky. Also congrats on almost hitting 1k followers!! :) xx
Summary: a night meant for just Bucky and his girl doesn't go as planned
Warnings: gross, toxic ex, unwanted attention, lil angsty, lil fluffy, lil smutty, cursing.
AU: Biker!Bucky x F!Reader
AN: Since I've done so much dbf bucky the past couple days and haven't done biker bucky in a hot minute I chose biker, and this also may be a little peak into a new biker!bucky series I've been planning out for awhile.
Gif not mine
Bucky patted at his pockets, shifting around in his seat to feel his back ones. "I forgot my wallet in the truck." He sighed, going to stand from the booth.
"I'll go get it, just sit back down." You said, giving him a soft smile. He didn't argue, just nodded and leaned back into the seat. "It's in the glove compartment."
Going to the single cab truck that was parked a few spots down from the front door of the diner, you pulled the creaky door open, the dome light flicking on to light the dark space.
Bucky kept everything but gloves in the compartment. Unopened packs of cigarettes, extra lighters, gas receipts; the gloves usually stayed on his hands or in his back pocket.
You quickly grabbed the brown leather wallet and shut the truck door, seeing the waitress walking towards the table Bucky was at through the large windows.
"Hey, you. Been awhile." You froze from the familiar voice talking behind you, not taking your hand from the door. "Hi, Jason." You mumbled, glancing at him when you went to walk back towards the entrance of the diner.
He walked closer, blocking your path and making you back towards the truck again. "How have you been? Heard you moved away but, here you are."
You cleared your throat and looked to the windows where Bucky was sat, looking down at his gloved hands. "I'm, uh, here with my boyfriend. So, if you'll just let me-"
Jason blocked you from going around him, holding his arm out so you couldn't pass. "Boyfriend? Please, hun. No other man could want you after I had you."
Your blood went cold, skin crawling from his words. "Well, you can tell him that. I'm sure he'll appreciate it." You spat, pushing pass him.
Bucky looked out just in time to see Jason grab your wrist and jerk you back towards him. The action making him push out of the booth and shove the glass door open.
"Get the fuck off, Jason." You seethed, trying to pull your arm from his bruising grip. "That's such a pretty dress, though. You never wore dresses when we were together. Let's try again." He said with faux innocence. "You never let me."
A gentle, yet grounding touch to your sides from behind eased your nerves; Bucky's gruff voice filling your ears. "I don't like people touching what's mine. Especially my girl."
Jason sneered at him, releasing your wrist. "Your girl? You let her out in a dress like that?" He scoffed. Bucky pulled you closer to his front, trying to put as much space between you and the man as he could. "Most know better than to touch or even look at her. Now, move." Bucky's voice was chillingly calm as he glowered at the shorter man.
"Must not have fucked her yet, she's ruined. All because of me." Jason said with a low chuckle. "Get in the truck, cherry." Bucky said, his tone softer towards you as he urged you to walk away. "Buck-"
The hard look he gave made you shut up and walk around to the driverside, jumping slightly when Jason was shoved into the side of the truck's bed.
You looked over you shoulder to see the much larger brunette stalking towards him, expression on his face that would make anyone with some sense slither away in cowardice. "I don't know who you think you ruined, but it's not her. I suggest you stay as far away from her as possible, she's mine and I don't share."
You scooted to the passenger side and cranked the handle to roll the window down, poking your head out to look at Bucky. "Buck, please. Can we just go somewhere else?" You pleaded, wanting out of the situation as quick as possible.
Bucky backed away, glaring at Jason for a moment before turning around. "Yeah, better listen to your whore. It's all she ever w-" Jason was cut off by a swift right hook knocking him to his knees.
"Dumb fucking bastard, that's not how you talk about a lady." Bucky spat through gritted teeth, looking down at the man who was holding his bleeding nose. "Anything but a fucking lady. Let her out in a dress like that and she'll cheat on you with the first guy who gives her a compliment."
Kneeling in front of Jason, Bucky cocked his head to the side. "I know how to take care of my girl, unlike filth like you." He spat through gritted teeth.
"Bucky Barnes, truck, now." You ordered, Bucky standing and looking at you, a softer look to his face as he made his way to his side of the truck.
"Sorry, baby." He mumbled, shoving the keys in the ignition before tugging you to the middle seat.
Tonight was suppose to be a night without club and bar talk, and jackets. Just you and Bucky, at a small diner just outside town. Now, Bucky felt like it was ruined and could tell you were still stressed by the way you fiddled with the glove on his hand.
"Want it off." You huffed, getting a nod from Bucky who took the velcro strap between his teeth and pulled it; taking his hand from the wheel just long enough to tug it off.
His warm hand went back to your thigh, thumb pressing soothing circles into the skin. "We're taking the back way home." He exhaled, his grip on the steering wheel not letting up.
You looked over at his stern expression, knowing exactly why he wanted to take the back way home. The reason making you squeeze your thighs together.
"I shouldn't have let you go get it. I'm sorry." Bucky mumbled, giving your thigh a light squeeze. "You don't have to say sorry for every little thing." You said, shaking your head at him.
His jaw clenched, the way your ex had looked at you replaying in his mind. It made his stomach churn.
The truck was suddenly pulled to the side of the dark road and jammed into park. "C'mere, wanna talk to you." He said, pulling the lever to tilt the steering wheel as high as it could go. "You can talk to me from here."
"No, I need you to listen to me fully. Come here." His tone had a demanding edge to it as you shifted around to straddle his lap.
Leaning his head back against the headrest, Bucky took a slow, deep breath, hands on the outsides of your thighs. "I don't want you listening to a damn thing he said. Got me?"
You nodded, toying with one of the buttons on his shirt. "What he says doesn't matter. I've got you, Sarge." You said softly, fingers moving to wrap around his dog tags. "Hm, that's how you wanna play?" He chuckled, hands gliding further up your thighs.
"Maybe." You shrugged. A gasp passed through your lips when the thin fabric of your underwear was ripped at the sides. "You gotta quit doing that, won't have any left."
"If you'd quit wearin' 'em, I wouldn't have to rip 'em."
You lifted your hips long enough for him to shuffle his pants down enough to free his erection, lips engulfing yours as your fingers carded into his thick hair.
Bucky's thumb pressed to your clit, rubbing slow, deliberate circles as he pulled away. "Want you to make yourself feel good. Alright, baby? Do whatever takes your mind off of it, I'm all yours and you're all mine." He purred, both of your chests heaving from the kiss as his metal hand lifted your hips. "Right?"
You nodded, biting back a whimper from the stretch he caused when you lowered onto him. His hand held your jaw, pulling your face closer so he could nudge your nose with his. "Say it, sugar. I wanna hear it."
You popped open the buttons on his shirt, gliding your hands up his muscular abdomen and chest before leaning to his ear. "All yours, Sarge."
A low groan pulled from his chest, you lips ghosting across his scruffy jaw. "There's my girl." He cooed, hands guiding your hips in a grind.
"So tight and wet for me. Take me so perfectly." He groaned, rolling his hips up into yours as you bounced as much as you could in the cramped space.
"Fuck, James" you panted, already feeling the pressure building in your lower stomach with each movement. "Already, cherry? I knew I was good but damn- can feel you milking me."
Bucky moved his thumb to press sloppy circles to your clit, your fingers digging into the skin of his chest as warmth took over; making him groan and snap his hips up.
You felt the muscles of his abdomen tense before he let out a low groan, rolling his hips into yours through both of your highs.
Thick arms wrapped around you and held you close, Bucky's lips brushing your shoulder and stubble scratching your skin. "I'll always take care of you, sugar."
#bucky barnes#bucky fanfic#bucky fic#bucky x reader#bucky imagine#bucky barnes smut#biker!bucky#biker!bucky x reader#biker!au#biker au#biker!bucky smut#biker!bucky fluff#biker!bucky angst
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Can i regurst a gojo x reader smut where y/n is gojo’s ex girlfriend and also a strong jujutsu sorcerer and they get back together asdfghjkl 🥺😂? Tyy 🥺
hehhee yes ma’am here u are!!! i actually loved writing this one (i think i just have a thing for writing gojo lately lmao) anyway! i! hope! you! enjoy!
to heaven and back
gojo satoru x f! sorcerer!reader
synopsis: you and your ex, gojo satoru, beat the hell out of a few special grade curses and then head back to his house to rekindle an old (and kind of kinky) flame
tags/warnings: nsfw (18+), smut, handcuffs, blindfolding, little bit of oral sex, teasing, alcohol consumption, some fluff at the end? just a little
word count: 3.1k
You lifted your elegant glass of random wine that you could care less about knowing the name of, and took a long sip. All of these old rich bastards talked way too much about brand names, aging, and what cheese paired well with each wine. They were missing what was really important — which one would get you drunk the quickest.
These kinds of formal events weren’t really your scene, and having to listen to a bunch of old, conservative, high-up jujutsu leaders was terribly boring — so why not take this opportunity to get a little tipsy? You deserved it for putting up with all of these assholes. After all, the only reason they invited you to this prestigious event was for protection. If that pesky band of special grade curses caught wind that all of the higher ups from both Kyoto and Tokyo were in the same place, they were sure to launch some kind of attack. The old, wrinkly douchebags couldn’t care less about your opinions of the jujutsu world and how you would change it, they only liked you for incredible cursed technique.
And so here you were, spitefully wearing your most elegant dress and downing glasses of wine in an attempt to drown out all of the nonsense around you. There was only one thing that could make this event any worse and—
“Hello everyone! The strongest jujutsu sorcerer has arrived — I know you were all looking forward to my appearance”.
And there it was. There was that one thing that could make this event any worse. Gojo Satoru.
You dipped your head low, burying yourself in your glass of wine and praying to any god who would listen to not let this man see you. It’s been over two years since the two of you broke up, but he still wasn’t someone you enjoyed running into.
Gojo was terribly notorious for having a long line of girls at his disposal, and with his incredible strength and annoyingly good-looks, it wasn’t hard to understand why. The two of you had never been in an officially committed relationship, and so technically Gojo was free to do as he pleased — but you were practically dating and your heart ached every time you caught wind of him being with another woman. And so two years ago you cut things off with him for good — you were tired of being the one he always ran back to at the end of the day.
He’d looked at you with eyes full of pain that night, begging and pleading to stay with him. He showed you a vulnerable side to him that you had never seen before — and he swore to you that if you had asked to make things official, he would have committed himself to you fully. You declined however, because you felt like you shouldn’t have needed to ask for that kind of thing — but maybe that was just your ego getting in the way.
“Hey, beautiful, I’ve never seen you around before, you must be from the Tokyo campus,” Some random assistant casually leaned against the counter you were sitting at and shook you out of your thoughts.
“If you’ve never seen me before then you must not be very important,” You shot him a distasteful glance, taking another sip of your wine.
The man’s face lit up with panic — he must not have been expecting such retaliation to his pathetic attempt of flirting.
“Are you bothering her?” A familiar voice came from behind you — a long, slender hand slapping down onto your shoulder, “Please don’t flirt with my wife”.
“Ah- Wife? I’m so sorry, sir,” The man stumbled over his words, bowing his head to Gojo and scurrying away.
Gojo wasted no time sliding into the seat next to you and pouring himself a glass of wine from the bottle you’d already been working on.
“Really? You’re telling people I’m your wife now?” You gave him a deadpanned look.
“It worked, didn’t it?” He shrugged his shoulders and took a sip from his glass.
You rolled your eyes hard, “Why are you here, Satoru?”
“Same reason as you. The old, conservative pussies are afraid those special grades might attack — so why not invite their two prized sorcerers to protect them?”
“Fair,” You let out a heavy sigh, “Not sure that was their best move though — I don’t think either one of us is very motivated to save these fuckers”.
“No, but I brought my students with me today. So, if anything does happen, make sure you put on a show for them,” He winked, already topping off his wine glass.
You looked over to see a few kids sitting a couple tables away from the two of you, chatting amongst themselves and wondering why the fuck they had to be here.
And so an hour or two went by, and to your surprise, you found yourself laughing hysterically alongside Gojo. The two of you had definitely drank a bit too much, and your personalities complimented each other a little too perfectly. You shared the same terrible sense of humor and he had quite the knack for bringing out this lighthearted side of you. You had missed moments like this these past two years.
Neither of you were paying any attention to the current debate that was occurring between the higher ups when a loud crash sent broken pieces of glass flying through the grand hall. Sure enough, the curses had made their appearance and came flying into the building through a now broken window.
“It’s our time to shine, huh?” Gojo looked over at you, and you imagined that his icy blue eyes were swirling with excitement under that mask.
“Yeah, let’s make this quick,” You found a warm ball of excitement churning in your own stomach — it’d been a long time since the two of you had fought together.
Your technique revolved around the manipulation of cursed energy and converting it into light. You could wrap yourself in a shield of light, send curse-filled bursts of light at your enemies, and move at the speed of light as well — which was almost as efficient as Gojo’s teleportation abilities. You had a series of more advanced moves as well, but those required more energy output and therefore you used them a little less often.
The two of you were both able to move so fast that the curses really didn’t stand a chance. You found yourself laughing as you flipped through the air, hurling balls of light at the curses as Gojo worked closer in hand-to-hand combat. At one point, while the two of you were flying past each other, Gojo stuck out his hand and gave you a high five, both of you smiling like maniacs who enjoyed fighting a little too much.
Between Gojo’s Limitless and your extreme agility and bursts of light, the curses were quickly forced to flee. Both of you were feeling much too drunk and much too lazy to chase after them, even with all of the higher ups begging you to do so. Gojo simply flipped them off and stuck out his tongue, saying that he did what they paid him to do — keep the curses away — and now that the curses had been scared off, he was no longer needed.
“You want to come back with me, relieve more of our old memories together? I remember how much you loved sleeping in my king sized bed,” Gojo looked back at you, offering one of his large, slender hands.
Maybe it was the alcohol or maybe it was your stupid, stupid heart, but you reached out and took his hand, “Fuck it, let’s go”.
Gojo’s house on the outskirts of the Tokyo campus was just as you remembered — sleek black interior with modern furniture and extravagantly silky sheets on his bed — his same bed that you were currently sprawled out on, laying in nothing but your undergarments.
Gojo joined you a couple minutes later, his bare skin warm and familiar against yours. He pressed a few sloppy kisses to your lips, both of you still incredibly tipsy and unable to stop the small giggles from leaking out between your lips while you kissed.
“Take the blind fold off you weirdo,” You pulled at the back of the black fabric.
“Mmm, okay,” He mumbled, undoing the knot and exposing his piercing blue eyes.
“So pretty,” You murmured under your breath — his eyes really were the most beautiful thing you’d ever seen in your life
His fluffy silver hair fell down messily over his face, a drunken smile stretched across his lips. His smile quickly turned into a devilish grin as he slipped the mask over your eyes instead, tying a tight not at the back of your head.
“This isn’t what I meant,” You droned, but you didn’t argue — you certainly weren’t opposed to being blindfolded.
“It looks good on you,” He slurred, his words messy and his lips even messier as he pressed them back against yours.
The kisses seemed to last forever, and both of you were perfectly okay with that — your hands taking their time exploring each other’s bodies for the first time in far too long.
Gojo’s hands worked their way up your back, tracing lines along your toned muscles until he finally reached the nape of your neck. His fingers entangled themselves in your hair, soft hums coming from his lips.
“I still have handcuffs, if you’re still into that sort of thing,” he mused, massaging his fingertips into your scalp.
“Damn, I can’t believe you remember what I like. I thought my preferences would have gotten lost among the sea of other women you were pleasing,” You let the snarky remark roll off your tongue, though there was clearly no real spite in your words — you’re both adults and what happened then was in the past now.
“It wasn’t even that many,” He defended, “And you were the only one who ever mattered”.
“I’m flattered,” You laughed, “Now, where are those handcuffs?”
Gojo stifled a deep laugh, his hands leaving your hair as he lifted himself up and stood from the bed. When he returned a few moments later, there was cool metal wrapping around both of your wrists. He had two sets of handcuffs, putting one on each wrist and then hooking the other side to the bed posts.
You were entirely at his disposal now, your hands secured over your head and your vision blocked off by the black mask.
“I could tickle you right now and there’s nothing you could do,” Gojo observed aloud, pressing kisses up the side of your torso.
“Satoru, I would kick the living shit out of you,” You threaten, goosebumps growing under your skin.
“Yeah, but you can’t touch me unless I let you,” He retaliated, his soft hands reaching underneath your bra to feel your breasts.
You groaned in response — his Limitless really did make him impossible.
He cupped each of his hands around your firm lumps, gently massaging them between his fingers. His cool fingertips then made their way down to your lower body, swiftly removing your remaining underwear. You were now completely exposed to him, chills running down your spine as you wondered what he would do next.
You heard a shaky breath leave his lips, his hungry hands massaging circles into your thighs, “God, you’re so beautiful. I missed you so much, you know that?”
“I’m sure you did,” You breathed, “I’m a wonderful person to be around”.
Gojo let out a hearty laugh, and you heard what you assumed to be the sound of his own underwear getting thrown to the floor. A few seconds later he was straddling your torso, his warm thighs wrapped around your body. You couldn’t see it, but you knew his massive member had to be right in front of your face now.
“Remind me what that pretty mouth can do,” He cooed, pressing the tip of his length gently to your lips.
You graciously granted him access, parting your lips and taking the head of his cock into your mouth. You swirled your tongue around the sensitive tip, earning a few twitches from Gojo’s body. You began to bob your head back and forth as much as the handcuffs allowed, a few quiet moans leaving his throat in response.
He began to move his hips against you, gingerly pushing his member deeper and deeper into your mouth until you were taking the full length down your throat. He groaned and let a few curse words slide from between his teeth — your mouth was wrapped so perfectly around him. Tears pricked at your eyes and a couple rough gags ripped through your throat, Gojo finally pulling away and allowing you to catch your breath.
After that, you felt a single one of his long, slim fingers slide into your mouth, and you wasted no time wrapping it in your tongue and sucking hard.
“Good girl,” He murmured, plucking his finger back out of your mouth and moving it down to your aching entrance.
Between the saliva on his finger and the slick juices around your opening — his finger slid in effortlessly. He started moving in quick movements, curling his finger up into your g-spot each time. A few light moans left your lips, your fists clenching in the cuffs as your yearned for more. His finger felt good, but you wanted the real thing — you needed it.
“Satoru, please,” You practically whined his name, a tiny bit ashamed for how desperate you were for him right now.
“Patience, love,” He clicked his tongue and your heart did somersaults at the endearing name.
He removed his singular finger and intertwined it with a second one before sliding them back into your cavern. He picked up a steady pace again, your breath hitching in your throat. Two fingers was certainly better than one, but the continuous teasing was just making you even more desperate to feel his member inside of you. You mumbled his name over and over, small pleads and shameless whispers leaving your mouth as you bucked your hips against his hands.
“No ones fucked you as good as I used to, have they? You’re horribly desperate right now” He clicked his tongue again, removing his fingers and moving them up to your clit. He rubbed the smallest, softest circles against the small nub, your core growing warmer with desire.
“I won’t make you wait any longer then,” He whispered, sitting back and positioning the head of his length against your throbbing cunt.
“Please,” You mumbled fervently, any ego or pride that you once had was completely down the drain now.
Your pleads were finally rewarded, Gojo pressing himself deep into your tight walls. The immediate feeling was complete bliss, your head rolling back in pleasure as you heard a throaty moan creep it’s way out of Gojo’s mouth. His moans were so pretty — god, you’d missed the sound of them.
He moved in and out at a tantalizingly slow pace at first, your hips bucking and wiggling as you made fervent attempts to make him go faster.
“So eager…” He shook his head, continuing to move at a pace that was absolutely agonizing — you thought you might die if he didn’t rail the hell out of you soon.
“Please, fuck,” You gasped, “Stop moving so goddamn slowly”.
“Your whines are so pretty, baby. Say my name and maybe I’ll give you what you want,” He murmured, his voice low and husky.
“Fucking hell,” You gritted your teeth, “Please Satoru, please fuck me already”.
“Shit,” He mumbled under his breath, your words sending electricity coursing through his body.
After hearing you say that, he was quick to give you what you wanted, picking up his pace and wrapping his hands firmly around your hips. Strangled combinations of moans, whimpers, and cries filled the air as they flew from your mouth. You didn’t care how loud or desperate you sounded, you wanted him to know how good he was making you feel.
The two of you were an entangled mess of sweaty skin and throaty moans, Gojo filling your ears with praises and compliments the entire time. His lengthy member railed into you over and over, hitting that perfect pleasure point with each stroke and sending warm surges of ecstasy through your veins.
Your bodies moved together in sync, your breaths aligning and your climaxes threatening to arrive simultaneously. After a few more firm strokes, you felt yourself drowning in pleasure — euphoria crashing through your body like waves. Gojo reached his end point just a few moments later, his loud cuss words and strangled moans filling your ears.
The two of you rode out your orgasms together, and almost immediately afterwards Gojo collapsed next to you. He lazily reached up and uncuffed each of your hands, leaving the cuffs dangling from his bed posts just in case there was a round two in his future. He rolled the sticky condom off his member and tossed into a nearby trash bin, a relaxed sigh slipping between his parted lips. You peeled the black mask off of your eyes, finally able to meet his again.
He was staring at you with eyes filled with all kinds of emotions — the emotions that he’d been too afraid to admit to the first time the two of you were together. But he wasn’t afraid of commitment anymore, he was absolutely certain about what he wanted, and it was you.
“Stay with me,” He asked, his eyes pleading with you, “I’m ready this time, I promise. I’m all yours, if you’ll have me”.
You found a small smile tugging at the edges of your lips as you looked deeper into his eyes, “Of course I’ll stay, as long as you still feel this way when you wake up sober tomorrow”.
“I’ll feel this way forever,” He pressed his head into you and mumbled into your chest, “And I’ll remind you as many times as you need to hear it”.
You wrapped your arms around him in response, the two of you fitting impeccably together. He placed a few gentle kisses to your skin before his breathes began to slow. You found your own breathing to be evening out, your cloudy thoughts pushing you closer and closer to sleep. The two of you slowly drifted off together, your heavy breaths falling perfectly in sync.
#jujutsu kaisen smut#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsukaisen#gojo satoru smut#gojo#gojo saturo#gojo satoru x female reader#gojo satoru x reader#gojo x female reader#gojo smut#gojo x reader#gojo x you#satoru smut#smut#smut and fluff#jjk gojo#jjk smut
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Wedding Day Blues | Pt.1
Pairing: Issei Matsukawa x f!reader
Prompt/summary: When your ex-fiancé leaves you at the alter, who’s there for you? Your best friend Matsukawa. After spending a day exploring Italy all dressed up out of pure pettiness, you make your way back to the abandoned yet paid for honeymoon suite that you were supposed to spend the night in with the other man. You weren’t expecting much to happen that night, in fact you thought that the two of you might change and venture out later for dinner, but what you were least expecting was Matsukawa to kiss you
Word count: 8.9K
Warnings/contents: Smut: Oral, clit stimulation, fingering, squirting, deep penetration, dirty talk, overall it’s nothing too kinky. Sort of fluffy, strong language, 18+
Notes: Probably about 90% of this chapter is just smut 😬 I was supposed to spend the past few days writing the rest of Makki’s FWB to lovers chapter, but this idea came to me and stole every ounce of my attention away. Regardless of the fact that this was not what I was supposed to be working on, I hope that you enjoy the chapter anyways. Matsukawa is just too sexy of a thought to push aside
Just a quick clarification in-case anyone gets confused, this is not an angst. Matsukawa does not abandon you at the alter 😫 he would never
Part 1 (current chapter) | Part 2 (Wedding Day)
¥199,448.10 was down the drain on a single wedding dress, though it was downright gorgeous. A striking white ballgown with a beaded cream bodice and a cream base beneath the white tulle that you were never going to wear again. It was almost a pitiful thought, especially since the use for the dress had been so short term on your wedding night here in Italy.
Your now ex-fiancé, a man that you now and forever would only view as a lying cheat, had run off minutes before the ceremony with his sisters friend who had begged to be one of your bridesmaids. It left you wandering the room, thanking people for coming and apologizing for the waste of their time and money, though who was really surprised? You were only marrying the man because he was rich and your family was growing desperate for money. It was arranged years ago when the two of you were teenagers, though if you were being completely honest with yourself, even you had fallen a little bit for his meaningless charm.
It wasn’t the sort of falling for him as if you’d fallen in love with the man. Instead it was a falling for him that left you wanting to have sex with him and explore more of this charm. He was a very handsome man— pretty enough on the outside to cheat and ugly enough on the inside to stay for the thrill of leading someone on. Thankfully for your wellbeing, you hadn’t fully fallen for the mans pointless flattery or else you would be a sobbing mess right now rather than being vaguely annoyed that he’d done this to you.
You turned away from his sister who was apologizing for her brothers behavior before she got distracted by a rumor that the runaways were moving here to Italy together and that was why your ex-fiancé had pushed so hard for the wedding here, but you couldn’t have cared less to hear it. When you turned, you met Matsukawa’s eyes from across the room. He sent you a small, sympathetic smile as he started to walk over, holding his arms out for a hug. You leaned into the man, wishing that this day had never come. You were humiliated, annoyed, and most of all, tired.
“I’m sorry. He was lousy.” Matsukawa said, but it wasn’t the first time. Ever since he had met the man, your typically relaxed and fun-loving best friend had hated him openly, ignoring him whenever he spoke to him and not even doing so little as to bother looking at him. He’d always known that he was messing around and trying to make a fool of you, and that was something that Matsukawa had not appreciated him doing to you in the slightest.
“A lousy good for nothing,” you agreed, pulling back from the comforting hug to look at the man with a small smile. The tie that he was wearing was loosened around his neck a bit, though it seemed as if he had been taking it off before spotting you because he reached up to continue taking the tie off and shoving it down into his pocket all rolled up as he spoke to you.
“Do you want to get out of here?” He asked, looking around at all of the people that were talking amongst themselves and slowly filtering out. “I doubt anyone would mind if the bride who got left at the alter left this sham of a wedding.” You gave a bit of a laugh and nodded.
“I want to leave so bad, but I am planning on wearing this dress in pure pettiness for the rest of the day.” You said, making the man laugh as he undid a single button on his shirt.
“Then I’ll wear this all day. We’ll go somewhere simple and sit there in this wedding attire like a couple of runaways.”
“Even though I wasn’t even the one who ran away,” you grumbled, reaching up and carefully taking the hair piece that held your vail out, looking back at the long train. It went past even your dress which trailed off a few inches, something that your mother and the woman who was supposed to be your mother-in-law had pushed for you to get because it had “Made you look like a princess,” as they had put it that day.
“Hey, those people don’t know us. For all they know, we just got married and we might get free gelato as a congratulations.” You thought for a second before you looked back at your best friend as you let the clip and vail fall from your hand.
“You know what, you are the smartest man that I have ever met.” Matsukawa chuckled, offering you an arm that you quickly linked with your own as he started to slowly guide you towards the doors.
“I have my moments.” He said with a little sigh, looking over and seeing his parents. He sent them a little wave, not missing the way that his mother laughed at the two of you as you walked out of the building. He had just barely caught a glimpse of the two of you in the mirror by the doors, but you really did look like a couple who had just gotten married. “I was thinking maybe I could innocently stay the night with you in your honeymoon suite that you have here. Why leave Italy when we could stay out of pure pettiness as well?”
“That’s a good idea. I was excited to go sight-seeing. And sight-seeing with you would be so much better than sight-seeing with that lousy asshole anyways.” You said, stepping out of the doors with the man. The sun was bright and warm, but it felt nice. As much as you adored Japan, Italy was something you had been glad you sprung for even if it was merely a ruse for your fiancé to leave you for.
“Exactly, why not hang out with your best friend like a newly wedded married couple for a few days.” You gave a cute laugh and leaned into the man a bit more.
“Not like everyone didn’t think we were dating in high school anyways.” A smile twitched at the corner of Matsukawa’s mouth as he peeked down at you.
“You know what, that’s true.” He tightened his arm in your own and looked around the beautiful country, a little smile curling onto his lips as he walked down the street with you. “Now come on, we got shit to explore.”

You yawned as you walked in the door, Matsukawa quickly following afterwards and locking it after the two of you. This dress was gorgeous, but you had to be honest, it was weighing heavy on your legs, and the heels that you wore had exhausted your feet after walking in them all day long around Italy. Even as the sun was only just now setting outside and you’d left with Matsukawa at noon, you were exhausted.
“You ready for bed already?” Matsukawa asked with a bit of a teasing snicker as you plopped down on the little sofa. On the wall, there was a fireplace that was lined with photos of happy couples in the past who had stayed in this room. The bed was in the other room, and you couldn’t wait to see the rest of this beautiful place that you were staying in.
“Hey, I got left at the alter, you can’t be mean to me today.” Matsukawa snickered, walking over to you and kneeling on the ground in front of you.
“I promise that I will not be mean to you anymore.” He said, helping you slide the uncomfortable but gorgeous heels off your feet. He brought them to the door and set them beside his own before walking back over to you and sitting beside you. “Here, give me your feet and I’ll rub them.” He said, patting his lap.
“Oh, that’s nice of you.” You said, bringing a single leg up onto the sofa. Matsukawa took your foot into his hand and gently put pressure on your aching heels, making you give a soft sigh in relief as you relaxed against the sofa cushions. “Thank you, Issei.” The man sent you a smile and rubbed along your arch, applying just enough pressure to feel good, but not too much that it hurt.
“You’re welcome.” The two of you sat in silence for a minute, just you relaxing with your eyes closed as Matsukawa rubbed your feet, pushing your dress up a little bit so that he could gently rub along your ankles as well. “What do you want to do for the rest of the night?” He asked suddenly, earning a soft hum from you as you thought.
“Well, I was going to have sex, but since that’s off the table, I have no idea.” Matsukawa gave a soft chuckle at you.
“It isn’t off the table, you just need to hire a hooker.” You laughed, looking at the man and shaking your head when he looked at you as well.
“What do you want to do, Issei?” He thought for a moment before he looked around.
“Does this place not have a tv?” He asked, looking back at you just as you shook your head. “Why the hell not?”
“It’s supposed to be an intimate night with your new lover, so there’s no tv and there’s no WiFi.” Matsukawa huffed and looked back to your foot as he gently set it closer to his stomach and reached for your other foot.
“This is bullshit. If we were getting married, I never would have booked us a hotel with no tv.” You laughed and watched as the man started to rub your other aching foot.
“Face it, if we got married, we wouldn’t leave that bedroom long enough to watch even ten minutes of a movie.” A small smirk was on Matsukawa’s face as he nodded.
“You’re right. You’re incredibly horny and I’m a push-over.” You rolled your eyes and gently kicked the man, making him laugh.
“As if— you’re way hornier than I am. But what I meant was that we’re both horny, so… try and leave, and I think one of us would convince the other to stay.”
“You wouldn’t even be able to handle how I would rock your world.” He teased, gently massaging your foot and looking at you. “I think it might break you.”
“Yeah right, I’d so fuck you better than you could fuck me.” You said, oddly competitive with the man about this fake scenario in your mind. Truth be told, pretending you had married Matsukawa today was the most fun that you’d had in months.
“I guess we’ll never know.” Matsukawa said, looking back to your foot. You hesitated for a second before you shrugged.
“Yeah, unless we kept up this fake married ruse for the rest of the night and added it to the list of things that we’ve done together that we never bring up again.” Matsukawa hesitated as well for a second before he looked at you.
“I don’t know. You might fall in love with the idea of being Mrs. Matsukawa a little bit too much.” He said, and you couldn’t lie about the fact that him saying that had made your throat feel a bit dry as his fingers nearly stopped working on your foot.
“Do you mean that you might fall in love with the idea of me being Mrs. Matsukawa a bit too much?” You retorted, though truthfully your breath nearly hitched in your throat.
“I don’t know. Why don’t we find out, Mrs. Matsukawa.” He said, shifting a bit closer to you on the sofa. You swallowed the lump in your throat, sitting up a little bit as he neared you. “First one to fall in love loses?” Without thinking, you nodded a bit as the man gently pushed your legs off of his lap so that he could get closer to you.
“Bet you’ll fall in love first, Mr. Matsukawa.” A small smirk was on the mans face before he leaned in and closed the gap between your lips. You wanted to believe that you could win, but you had given a bit of a shaky breath the second that his lips pressed to yours, and you were immediately unsure. The man pressed his hand to the sofa beside you, his lips pressing to yours with more force as you slid a hand up into his curly hair and rested your other on his shoulder.
His lips were so soft pressed against your own, not to mention how good he smelled even after a day of walking around in the heat in not the airiest of clothes. There was a hint of cologne still clinging to both his skin and his clothes, and it was driving you crazy this close. Matsukawa reached up, brushing your hair back behind your ear as he kissed you, turning his head in the kiss and parting from your lips with a soft ‘smack’ for just a quick second.
With another shaky breath, you moved along with the man as he slowly lowered you back on the sofa as he leaned in. Your dress slid down a bit more up front with how you laid on the train, but you could have cared less as Matsukawa’s body pressed down on top of yours. Suddenly, the man pulled back from you, but before you could even open your eyes and look at him, he nudged your jaw with his fingers and leaned down to kiss your neck.
You gave a soft moan as the man sucked lightly on your skin, shifting beneath him again and keeping your eyes closed as you laid your head back on the comfortable cushion. Matsukawa’s lips were warm and wet against your neck, but you couldn’t have cared less for anything aside from how good it felt.
“Give it up, you know you’re gonna fall in love with me first.” He whispered in your ear, snapping you free from the trance you were in because of how good his lips felt.
“In your dreams.” You retorted, earning a little hum from the man as he pushed his lips back against yours without another word. His tongue pushed into your mouth, his hand slowly guiding your chin up so that he could swirl his tongue around yours. A soft sound came from you into the kiss as you went along with the mans movements, swirling your tongue around his in return.
You couldn’t help but feel almost pathetically small beneath the man. He was tall, he had broad shoulders, and he was muscular. The man leaned over you more, pressing a knee down on your dress between your legs and getting as close to you as he possibly could. As he pulled back to kiss you normally, you took the chance to teasingly nibble on his bottom lip, something that made the man smile above you a bit into the kiss.
“Why don’t we go where dreams are made and see who really gets their dream come true here?” He suddenly spoke, pulling back a bit as he made a comment that took a jab at your earlier words that you would only fall in love with him first in his dreams. You licked your lips, a bit anxious but otherwise nearly excited. With how good of a kisser your friend was, you were honestly excited to find out what else he was good at.
Matsukawa stood up as you nodded, watching as you sat up, but he was quick to lean down and scoop you up into his arms once you did, earning a soft yelp from you as you leaned into the man and wrapped your arms around his shoulder.
“I’ve got you.” He promised, carrying you bridal style to the bedroom. “Just because your shitty ex didn’t think you were everything he could’ve ever asked for and more doesn’t mean I can’t carry you to the bedroom.” You gave a soft little chuckle, pressing your head to the side of his and closing your eyes as you tried to force back the warmth that grew on your cheeks.
“I’d say you lucked out here, Mr. Matsukawa.” You teased, missing the little smirk that was on Issei’s face as he walked through the bedroom door. There was a little dip in the floor for a small sofa that looked as if it could be remote controlled to raise up and down into the ground, though the bed was in one too. Stairs surrounded the small area where the king sized bed was at, something Matsukawa carefully walked down with you in his arms.
“No need to worry, mrs. Matsukawa. He doesn’t know what he’s missing out on.” He said, pressing a kiss to the side of your head and setting you down on the unnaturally comfortable bed. You looked at the man as he shrugged his suit jacket off and tossed it onto the floor carelessly. “I’ll benefit from his loss any day.” He said, moving to straddle your waist as he leaned in to kiss you. “You ready to take this off?” He asked, sliding his hand along your side gently, his fingers sliding along the beads on your upper-half as he cupped his hand around your breast and gave it a light squeeze. “Or do you want me to fuck you in it?” You couldn’t help but think about what it might be like to get fucked in this dress.
It was heavy, therefor making you heavier, and while you had no doubt that Matsukawa could hold you up, you hadn’t wanted to put so much stress on his arms.
On the flip side, fucking your best friend in the wedding dress that you were wearing at your wedding with another man who had left you on the alter was a delicious concept that you couldn’t seem to toss aside.
Matsukawa leaned in, giving you a minute to think as he softly kissed along your neck. You bit your lip, leaning into the man as you leaned your head to the side and slid your fingers up into his soft hair.
“I want you to fuck me in the dress, and then I want you to fuck me naked on this bed.” A small smirk curled onto Matsukawa’s lips as you finally told him what it was that you had wanted. He kissed your neck one final time before he leaned back and kissed your lips quickly.
“Then come here,” he said, pulling you close effortlessly by the waist. “I’m gonna fuck you against this wall.” He said softly, his lips pressing to yours again for a soft kiss. “Are you ready, or should I take some pleasure in burying my face between these legs of yours?” He asked, his hand sliding over your thigh while you wore the dress. There was no denying that you were wet down there, but his face between your legs was hard to pass up.
“You pick,” you said, leaning in and pressing a kiss to his upper lip. “I can take you now, or you could make my legs shake in a different way.” A soft chuckle came from Matsukawa as he leaned down and pressed a kiss to your cleavage. The corset that your mother had made you wear was pushing your breasts up nicely, accentuating them in a way that drove Matsukawa wild as he buried his face against them as much as he could in this position.
“Come here,” he got up, reaching for your hand and bringing you along with him as you grabbed onto his hand. He brought you up the three steps down to the bed, past the little sofa in the ground, and over to the barren wall that was across the room from the bed. Gently, he pushed you back against the wall, making your cheeks heat up as he leaned in and bit gently on your neck, earning a little moan from you in return. “This might be a little bit difficult,” he said, getting down on his knees and lifting your dress up a ways. It was heavy, though he could have cared less as he licked his lips at the sight of your thighs. “Hold this for me.” He said, gathering the pretty dress in his hand and pulling it to the side to expose you.
You had been so warm beneath the dress that even though the air in the hotel room wasn’t all that cold, it made you shiver. Though you reached for the dress, holding back what Matsukawa had in one of his large hands with both of your own, and moving along with him as he slowly slid your thong down your legs.
“Oh, fuck…” he said so softly that you hadn’t heard it, only seeing the man lick his lips as he brought your panties up to his nose and took a whiff. You flushed even more, looking away from the man as he tossed them aside and leaned in. His tongue pushed out between his lips, licking along your clit and earning a soft hum from you. “Mmm, you’re wet.” He said, gently persuading your legs to spread more against the wall. You leaned back heavier, glancing down at the man as he licked along your clit again. “You smell so good.” He said softly again, though this time you had heard it. “Look at these thighs,” he gave them a soft pat, pressing a kiss to your inner thigh and earning a soft moan from you as he slowly licked up your leg and towards your pussy, though stopping before he got to where you wanted his mouth the most. “Mmm, you’re so sexy.” He said, peeking up at you. “I don’t know how the fuck anyone left you at the alter.”
“I must be intolerable.” You joked, watching Matsukawa’s lips quirk up into a little smile as he shook his head.
“I’ve been tolerating you my whole life,” he said, though it was only partially true in two ways. The first being that Matsukawa had never once viewed you as anything other than his adorable, fun best friend who he loved in so many different ways. The second being that the two of you had really only known each other since just before high school started when you moved onto his street and he met you with Makki one day. “So that’s bullshit and you know it, too.” He leaned in, kissing your clit but giving a small hum in thought.
“Come here,” he said, though he stopped quickly and looked at you as he wrapped an arm around your thigh. “You trust me, don’t you?” Almost skeptically, you nodded. Matsukawa pressed a kiss to your thigh before bringing your leg over his shoulder, making sure you were steady against the wall before he brought your other leg over his shoulder as well. You gave a soft, anxious sound as you put your pressure back against the wall, not worried the man would drop you intentionally, though you had never been in a position like this before. “I have you,” he promised assuringly, and it was true. His hands were clamped onto your thighs, keeping you steady as he leaned in and kissed your thigh. “I will not drop you.” He promised, one of his hands slowly sliding up your leg as he pressed his thumb to your clit. “Just trust me.”
You chewed on the inside of your lip, shifting slightly against the wall and making it easier for the man to push his tongue out between your folds. He licked at your entrance, his tongue teasing you as it partially pushed inside of you before pulling back. You gave a soft moan, raking your fingers through his curl hair and watching as the man teased you while you held your dress back with your other hand. His eyes closed as he gently rubbed at your clit with his finger.
“Oh, Issei…” You softly moaned, biting your lip as you watched the man who merely hummed in return, his tongue lapping at your entrance. “Oh, fuck— that feels good.” You said quietly, unsure as to why you were being so quiet in an empty room. Matsukawa rubbed your clit more and elicited another moan from you, though this time it was a little bit louder. “Oh, Issei,” you said again, this time louder as your eyes closed and you relaxed your head against the wall.
The man didn’t pull back to reply, only working you towards feeling that much better. Your toes curled softly as he lapped at your entrance, your fingers giving his hair a soft tug that earned a quiet hum from the man. Another moan of his name spilled past your lips, something that was damn near music to his ears as he licked along your wet cunt, his mouth replacing his finger on your clit and licking at you while he sucked on it.
“Ah, fuck!” You said quickly in shock, making the man chuckle against you as you seemed to jump in his arms a bit. “Mmm, shut up.” You complained, catching the man looking up at you for the first time since he started to tease you. You met his eyes, flushing a bit as he eyed you with a sexual look in them as he sucked on your clit. Embarrassed, you leaned your head back against the wall and moaned, giving his hair another gentle tug as he lapped at your entrance.
Matsukawa gave a little moan, his cock aching in his pants as he sucked on your clit, and listening to your moans was only making it worse as he buried his face between your legs. Trusting that you could hold yourself up a little bit and he had you around his arms, Matsukawa reached down his free hand and undid the buckle on his jeans. The sound hit your ears as he slid his zipper down finally and pushed his hand down into the pants, though the relieved moan he gave against your pussy as he touched himself only ensure that you knew what he was doing.
“Oh, Issei— you’re so lewd.” The man gave a little chuckle, his finger taking back over at your clit while he leaned down and lapped at your entrance again. Now that his mouth was open as he curled his tongue inside of you, his soft moans as he stroked his cock were more audible.
“Fuck,” he gave a muffled moan against your pussy, his belt buckle clinking as he moved his hand faster. “Fuck, you taste so good,” he moaned, squeezing his shaft as he ate you out and rubbed your clit faster. “Ah, I can’t stop stroking my cock to you, baby.” He said, though he stopped and pulled back a second later. “Sorry— that just came out.” You gave a little chuckle and shook your head.
“It’s okay, you can call me whatever you want.” A teasing smirk curled onto his face as he looked at you.
“Whatever I want?” You gave a little chuckle and lightly tilted your head from side-to-side a couple times in thought.
“Within reason.” Matsukawa chuckled, pressing a kiss to your clit by his finger before he started to rub you again and earned a soft hum from you.
“Don’t worry, I would never disrespect you.” He promised, leaning back in and licking along your folds until his tongue curled by his finger that moved on your clit. He pushed his tongue back inside of you, swirling around as deeply as he could get it while he started to jerk himself off again. “Mmm, fuck— you really do taste good though.” He said, lapping at your entrance and making you moan as your eyebrows turned inwards.
“Oh, fuck…” You moaned out shakily, tightly gripping at the mans hair. He could have cared less as he gave a little moan at the feeling, moving his tongue and finger a bit faster on your pussy as he lagged on his cock. “Issei, fuck!” Your eyes squeezed shut as you squirmed slightly against the man, though even as he had you secure against the wall, you tried to stay as still as you could. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me squirt if you keep doing that!” You warned the man, though it only made him smirk as he did exactly what he was doing but faster.
“Oh fuck, baby, squirt in my fucking mouth.” He said, giving a muffled moan against your pussy a second later. “Mmm, that’s so sexy— I want you to squirt in my fucking mouth.” He pressed almost breathlessly, making you moan as he edged you closer towards your orgasm. Not another word came from the man as he only continued to tease you, waiting for that moment that you squirted down onto his face.
It only took a few more teasing laps of his tongue before you reached your orgasm, your hand tightening in his hair as your back arched against the wall, the last thing on your mind was the worry of falling over as you squirted around his fingers and mouth. Matsukawa continued to tease your clit, lapping at your entrance and prolonging your orgasm.
“Oh, you’re such a good, obedient little bitch, aren’t you?” He teased, watching as you averted eye contact with the man as he gently rubbed at your clit with his fingers now that you were coming down from the high of the orgasm. Matsukawa pressed a final kiss to your clit before he carefully set your shaky legs on the ground and stood up. He gave a soft sigh as he undid a few buttons on his white dress shirt. “That was hot as fuck,” he said a little bit breathlessly as he licked his lips off.
You were still panting a bit, trying to catch your breath as the man looked at you. Matsukawa stepped closer, reaching down and grabbing onto your legs. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders as he pulled you up into his arms, wrapping your legs around his waist as he gently pushed you back against the wall.
“You think you’re ready?” He asked, watching as you lazily nodded. He leaned in, pressing a kiss to your neck as he got situated against you, reaching a hand down and pushing his pants down more as he pressed his hard cock against your entrance. You took a soft breath, leaning in and pressing your forehead against the mans. He pressed a little kiss to your lips, slowly guiding himself inside of you with gentle thrusts that earned a soft moan from you as your nails dug into his shoulders.
“Oh, fuck!” You moaned softly, giving a shaky breath as you held onto the man. “You’re so big…”
“You okay?” He asked, pulling back a bit to see you nod. “Are you sure?” You nodded again, peeking your eyes open at the man and giving a little moan as he pushed himself inside of you with each gentle rock of his hips. “Fuck, you’re pretty tight,” he said a bit breathlessly, grabbing tightly onto your legs that were around his waist. He’d never fucked someone against a wall in a giant wedding dress, though he had to admit that he hadn’t minded it all that much, and even with that person being you, a long time best friend who he hadn’t ever thought too sexually about in the past, he was pretty aroused.
“Oh, god,” you moaned softly, leaning your head back against the wall with soft moans and whines as he edged himself deeper inside of you until you finally took all of him. His hips brushed against you as he leaned in, his forehead pressing to yours as he stopped moving, giving you a minute to adjust to how big he was. You were panting even though he wasn’t moving, squeezing around him so tight that he was left breathless as well.
“Mm, fuck—” he said quickly, giving a soft inhale of a breath between his teeth. “Is it okay if I start moving?” He asked, looking at your closed eyes. You gave a small moan, adjusting to the man at a decent pace, though as he started to slowly move his hips, you couldn’t help but let out a little whine— not necessarily in pain, but you weren’t wrong, Matsukawa was big. “Mmm, you’re so fucking tight,” he mumbled, leaning in and pressing his forehead to your collarbone as he slowly started to move his hips at an even pace.
“Ah, Issei!” You gave a drawn out moan, nails digging into his shoulders and earning a soft grunt from Matsukawa as he rocked his hips against yours. “Fuck, you feel so good!” You panted, sliding your hand up into his hair as Matsukawa leaned in, his lips pressing to your neck and sucking gently as he left a trail of soft kisses along your skin. “Ah, fuck— oh, shit,” you moaned, keeping him close by the back of his head as Matsukawa licked along your neck, his teeth sinking gently into your skin and earning a moan from you in shock. “Ah, Issei!” You said again, making the man chuckle as his hips hit yours at an even pace.
“Fuck, if I knew you were this goddamn hot, I might have tried to fuck you a long time ago.” He said, squeezing your thighs in his hand and giving another little moan at how you squeezed around his shaft. “Mmm… fuck, (y/n), you’re so little.” He grunted, eyeing your chest. Your breasts weren’t moving all that much because of the clothes that you wore, but as he thrusted into you and made your body jerk against the wall, they shifted inside of your low-cut dress enough to make him lick his lips.
Uncomfortably, Matsukawa leaned down and pressed his lips to your breasts, trying to kiss as low as he could while he thrusted inside of you and made your entire body shiver each time that he hit deep inside of you. Your toes curled as your legs rested around his waist, moaning as he left a small little mark on your breast with his teeth.
“Issei,” you gave a drawn out moan of his name, catching the mans attention as he licked his lips and looked at you. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum, Issei!”
“Oh, fuck yeah— cum around my cock,” he said, leaning in and nibbling on your neck. “I want you to squirt around my cock,” he said, kissing your neck gently a few times before he moved up to push his lips against yours. You gave a soft moan against his mouth, feeling the orgasm building up in your stomach as the man rammed inside of you at an even pace. “Fuck, you feel so goddamn good,” he mumbled, nibbling gently on your bottom lip and holding your legs tight in his hands as he swore he felt his own orgasm starting to build up. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, too.” He mumbled, something you were quick to pull back and respond to.
“Don’t you dare get cum on this dress.” A soft laugh came from Matsukawa as he pressed his forehead to yours and closed his eyes, nodding gently.
“Can I cum inside of you?” He asked quietly, feeling you nod against him as you tugged on his hair gently.
“Yeah, you can.”
“Mmm, that’s pretty slutty.” He teased, making you laugh even as you came back with a snarky remark.
“I change my mind, you have to pull out right out.” Matsukawa snickered, leaning down to press a kiss to your neck as he edged you closer with every thrust to your next orgasm.
“Fine, I’ll just leave you unsatisfied.” He said, though he made no effort to actually stop moving inside of you, only continuing to hit those deep thrusts in you that made your body tingle.
“Fuck…” You mumbled, unable to come up with a snappy comeback for the man. The urge to tease you built up in the man, but as you leaned into him, squeezing around his shaft, he couldn’t find it in himself to deny you of an orgasm right now. He kissed your lips, feeling you moan against his mouth as he hit deep inside of you. “Ah, fuck!” You moaned, biting down on your lip as you pressed your forehead to his and moaned. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” Your toes curled painfully as Matsukawa kissed your head.
“So cum, baby. So cum around me like a good girl.” As strong as the urge was to give a comeback about you not being a dog to the man, you couldn’t help yourself as you felt yourself coming undone around his thick cock. Matsukawa gave a groan, thrusting his hips a few more times against you before he came inside of you, his hands gripping so tightly on your thighs that you thought he might leave marks on your skin.
The two of you took a moment in silence, foreheads pressed together as you both panted and slowly came down from your highs.
“Fuck,” Matsukawa mumbled, slowly pulling back and looking at you. “That felt really fucking good.” He said softly, watching a little smile curl onto your lips as you nodded.
“It did.” Matsukawa slowly pulled himself out of you, setting you back down on your feet and adjusting his pants while you still held onto the mans shoulder. Matsukawa snickered at you, reaching down and bringing you up into his arms bridal style again as he brought you to the bed.
“These shaky legs of yours don’t seem very helpful right now.” He said, gently setting you down on the edge of the bed and standing between your legs. “What am I gonna do with you.” You sent the man a little smirk, reaching back and pulling the tie loose on the back of your dress.
“Well first of all, you could help me get this dress off.” You said, and it made Matsukawa’s cock twitch in his jeans as he was half-hard again in his boxers quickly.
“With absolute pleasure,” he said, offering you a hand and pulling you to your feet. You turned around for the man, his warm fingers undoing the laces on the dress. “You look so pretty,” he said to you again. You smiled, peeking back at the man. The two of you had been in a slightly similar position when he’d first gotten to your wedding today; he’d crept up behind you, told you that you looked pretty, and laughed when you jumped.
“You look very handsome.” He smiled, pressing a gentle kiss to the back of your neck as he pulled the final tie loose and slid the dress down your side, taking advantage of this position and being able to feel your curves.
“Let’s get this off,” he hummed, sliding the dress all the way down and watching you step out of it as he brought it up and laid it across a little chair that was in the room. “Is this a corset?” He asked, feeling along your sides as you nodded.
“My mother and the woman who as supposed to be my mother-in-law insisted that I would look good in this.” You said, e earning a little hum from Matsukawa as he eyed your breasts for a moment before turning you around and starting to undo the tight ties.
“You look gorgeous, but I think you look just as good without it.” He said, taking the thing off of you and finally letting you give a breath for air in relaxation for the first time in hours. “There we go,” he slid it up, moving along with you as you raised your arms, and tossed it aside. “Now,” he got down on his knees, eyeing your now completely naked body as he leaned in and pressed a kiss to your hip. “Sit back.” You sat on the edge of the bed, watching the man as he slowly pressed kisses along your thighs.
“Issei?” The man looked at you, pressing another kiss to your thigh as he hummed in question. “Will you kiss me.” He smiled, pushing himself up on top of you and pressing down on you, his bare chest pressing against your own as his shirt fell around him with only a few more buttons left to undo before he could take it off.
“Absolutely,” he whispered, pressing his lips back to yours and kissing you. Reaching down, you undid the last few buttons on his shirt for him, easily sliding it off his shoulders. He pulled back only to strip his shirt off and toss it aside before he leaned back down and kissed you again. Hesitantly, you placed your hand on his bare chest, something that made him smile as he reached for your wrist and guided your hand down to feel along his abs.
Your cheeks warmed as you traced your fingers along his abs, your other hand sliding up into his hair and cradling the mans head to keep him close as you kissed each other in a passionate way that you never could have imagined. Even in your wildest dreams, you never could have thought you’d be making out with Matsukawa on your wedding night— a man that you weren’t even married to, but because your ex had run away on you.
Life was cruel, but it also was sweet, and so were Matsukawa’s lips against yours.
You wrapped your leg around Matsukawa’s waist, something that he eagerly grabbed onto as you kissed him, bringing it around his waist and pressing closer to you. His cold belt buckle pressing to your skin made you jump and him chuckle as he pulled back.
“Pause on this,” he said, setting your leg down on the bed as he got up and stripped his pants off. “Okay, that’s better.” He got back on you, sitting between your legs and wrapping your leg around his waist as he leaned in to continue kissing you.
“Mmm, Issei…” You moaned softly against his mouth as the man gently grinded his erection that was in his boxers against your bare pussy. “I want you so bad,” you whispered, making his cock twitch as Matsukawa pulled back to look at you.
“You want me to what?” He teased, grinding himself against you gently.
“I want you to fuck me,” you said, looking up at him with these desperate eyes that he found hard to say no to. “Please, Issei. I want you inside of me. I want you to fuck me. I want you to make me squirt. I want to you make my legs shake until I can’t feel them.” You begged, earning a little smirk from the man who bit down on the inside of his bottom lip.
“How could I say no to you?” He hummed, pulling back and sliding his boxers off. For the first time ever, you saw Matsukawa’s cock; thick, hard, throbbing for you and dripping precum from the tip as he moved between your legs again. “You want this cock?” He asked, rubbing his cockhead against your clit and earning a little moan from you as you nodded.
“Please, Issei,” you begged again. The man teased your entrance with his cock before bringing both of your legs up onto his shoulders. You gave a soft, shocked sound and flushed as you looked up at the man who slowly pushed himself inside of you, guiding himself with his hand until he no longer needed to. You moaned softly, your eyes lagging shut quickly as you leaned your head back on the bed and panted softly.
“Fuck, you’re sexy as hell,” he mumbled, watching your eyebrows furrow inwards as your mouth hung open with soft moans and pants that made him throb inside of you.
“Issei! You’re so big,” you mumbled out, reaching up beside your head and grasping tightly at the sheets. “Fuck, Issei!” You moaned, toes curling already by his head as he leaned in to press a kiss to your leg.
“You’re taking me so good, baby.” He bit down on his bottom lip, biting back a soft moan while you arched your back a bit on the bed and moaned as his thick cock pushed all the way inside of you. He gave a groan, holding onto your legs tightly and taking a few deep breaths while your pussy clenched around him. The look on your face was almost pitiful as you took all of him inside of you, struggling yet seeming to enjoy it.
“Fuck, Issei! It feels so good!” You moaned, grabbing tightly on the sheets until your fingers went numb. “God, I want you so bad!” Matsukawa licked his lips, rocking the bed steadily against the wall with every deep thrust inside of your wet cunt.
“God, you feel so good,” he said, his cock rubbing against your cervix with every thrust deep inside of you. You moaned loudly, legs shaking as the man plunged deep inside of you. He swallowed hard, panting as the sweat on his forehead stuck his hair to it, his eyes peering down at you as he watched your bare breasts bounce with every thrust. “Fuck, I think I’m gonna cum,” he said again, catching your attention as he thrusted deep inside of your pussy. “Fuck yeah, I’m gonna cum.” He panted. “Are you gonna cum with me?”
“Mng, yeah— yeah— fuck, Issei, rub my clit,” you said, shifting beneath the man so that he could reach down easier and rub at your clit. A jolt shot through your body as his fingers pressed to your clit, rubbing a continuous circle around you and making you moan. He gave a soft moan as you tightened around him, your head laying further back on the bed as you moaned loudly. “Fuck, Issei!” He couldn’t help the way that his cock throbbed inside of you as he put more pressure on your clit. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum!” He could feel you getting wetter around him, clenching tighter and he couldn’t help himself as he came deep inside of you.
“Ah, fuck!” He moaned slowly, tossing his head back as he tried to keep thrusting inside of you as he came, making you squirt a few deep thrusts later. He rubbed quicker at your clit, making you squirt around him even more. “God, you’re so fucking good,” he panted, sliding your legs off his shoulders so they fell to the bed as he leaned down, laying on top of you as he slid out of your pussy, earning a small whine from you as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
“Fuck, Issei…” You softly moaned, your heart beating fast in your chest beneath his ear while you ran your fingers along his back gently. “That felt so good.” He smiled, leaning up to look down at you and nodding.
“So fucking good.” He agreed. You sent the man a little smile, tired and yet you swore that you could still do more. Matsukawa’s hand cupped your face, catching your attention. “You still want more?” He asked, a little smirk on his face as he caressed your cheek. “I’ll fuck you until you can’t breathe if that’s what you want. It’s your failed wedding night, let me give you everything that you deserve.” You couldn’t help the way that your face flushed as he spoke.
“Ah, you’re embarrassing me.” He snickered, leaning in and pressing a little kiss to your neck.
“Am I embarrassing you because what I’m saying is true?” He asked, his hand caressing your cheek gently. “Do you want me to fuck you until you absolutely can’t breathe, baby?” You gave a little whine in embarrassment, averting eye contact with the man. “Come here,” he said with a little chuckle, leaning in to press a kiss to your lips before he pulled back. “Why don’t you put your ass up in the air and bury your nose against the bed while I fuck you.” He said, only making your cheeks flush darker as you moved beneath him to get on your knees. “Hmm, such a good girl.” He said, watching as you got down on your elbows, arching your back a bit and resting your head down against your hands that were on the bed.
Matsukawa took a breath, moving on his knees to get behind you. He slid his hands along your sides and ass, giving your ass a slap that made you give a little yelp in shock. He leaned down, pressing a kiss to your ass as he slowly trailed kisses up your spine, his cock pressing against your ass as he kissed your shoulders.
“Am I making you feel better than he did?” He asked softly by your ear, pressing another kiss to your shoulder before moving to lick a slow line along the back of your neck that earned a soft moan from you. Your hair was falling from how tight the professional had done it up, but that hadn’t surprised you in the slightest with how you’d laid back on the bed before.
“I didn’t ever actually…” You said, trailing off slightly as Matsukawa chuckled in your ear.
“What a loser, he didn’t even want to fuck you?”
“I think he wanted to emotionally fuck me.” You said, turning back a little bit to glance at the man as he sat back up.
“Even after tonight, if you were ever needing something, I’d fuck you again in a heartbeat.” He said, sliding his hands along your ass and giving you a light squeeze as he rocked his hips against yours, teasing your entrance with his cock and earning a whine from you that made him laugh. “Okay, okay,” he reached down, guiding his cock to your entrance, and slowly pushing himself inside of you.
A soft moan in pleasure came from you as he was only about 2 inches inside of you, but a moan in shock came a second later when the man pushed the rest of himself inside of you. He chuckled at your loud moan, sliding a single hand along your arch as he took no time to wait, rocking his hips against yours and making you moan loud at a consistent rate. The sound of his skin hitting yours was hard and loud as his hips thrusted roughly against your ass, making a shiver shoot down your entire spine with nearly every thrust.
“Oh, fuck Issei! Fuck, fuck, fuck!” You buried your face against the bed, toes curling as the man moved faster inside of you. “God, it feels so fucking good!” You moaned out, making a chuckle come from the man in-between moans.
“God, you’re squeezing me so good.” He said, holding tightly onto your hips. “I want you to soak this fucking bed, (y/n). Soak this fucking bed real good.”
“Issei, we have to sleep in this bed!” You complained, fingers grabbing tightly on the sheets as another moan quickly came from you.
“Guess we’ll have to sleep on the sofa.” He sighed in content, his hips slamming against yours a second later and earning a moan from him as you shivered beneath the man. “Because I’m not gonna stop until you’re absolutely fucking exhausted,” he continued, sliding his hand around and rubbing at your clit that was wet from all the times you’d came around the mans cock.
“But— Issei— ah!” You moaned, tightening around the man as you reached another orgasm around his cock. “Fuck!” You bit down on the comforter beneath you, listening to the man chuckle and moan as he thrusted inside of you relentlessly.
“You know… I might just have to get you addicted to it.” He hummed, rubbing your ass with his hand as he fucked you. “I might have to work you towards orgasm after orgasm until I’m the only person that you can think about whenever anyone else is fucking you. Thinking things about how I was better than them, how my cock was better— thicker, bigger, longer— how much you wished you were fucking me instead of them,” he grunted softly as you curled your toes hard and let the comforter fall from your mouth.
“So why don’t you fuck me so good that I come crawling back to you every time I’m horny then.” A chuckle came from Matsukawa as he suddenly moved, his body pushing your own down onto the bed beneath him as he snaked an arm around your neck and thrusted inside of you in the new position, holding you close to himself as he kissed your neck.
“I told you that I would make you fall in love with me first, Mrs. Matsukawa,” he said softly into your ear as you leaned your head against his bicep. “We’re only really just starting now, baby,” he groaned as he reached another orgasm inside of you, his cum mixing with yours and seeping out of your dripping pussy that he didn’t stop on quite yet, slowly rocking his hips against your ass even still. “By time we leave this room, I promise that I’m going to be the only person you ever want to fuck again.”

#haikyuu!!#haikyuu#haikyuu x female reader#haikyuu x reader#haikyuu x reader smut#haikyuu smut#haikyuu x reader fluff#haikyuu fluff#haikyuu imagines#haikyuu issei matsukawa#issei matsukawa#issei matsukawa x female reader#issei matsukawa x reader#issei matsukawa x reader smut#issei matsukawa x reader fluff#issei matsukawa smut#issei matsukawa fluff#issei matsukawa imagines
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No More Pain | Jung Jaehyun

Pairing: Jung Jaehyun x Fem!reader
Synopsis: The lingering wounds of your miscarriage have reopened. Now that you are broken up, an unforseen change in Jaehyun’s life has brought him back to your doorstep. Will he be able to fix you this time? Or will he fail just the same as before?
Genre: Angst, One Shot.
Warnings: mentions of the reader having a miscarriage, depression, alcohol addiction and heartbreak.
Word Count: 2.8k
A/N: Probably one of the heaviest angsts I’ve written. I know the subject is rough but the idea came from a dream so I just had to write it down.

This was a different kind of pang to your heart.
You’ve had your fair share of tragedies, heartbreaks and disappointments, but this…
This feeling was nothing like anything you’ve ever felt before and quite frankly, you wouldn’t wish this upon your greatest enemy.
It was a Thursday night, one like many where you decided to stay in and recharge from a busy day at your demanding job.
You were seated on your couch with a hot cup of tea as you mindlessly scrolled through your Instagram feed. Completely wrapped in the warmth of your favorite fleece blanket. But even the thick fluffy material couldn’t protect you from the cold shivers that ran down your spine.
You blankly stare at the post your best friend forwarded to you via dm and stiffened.

Memories of the night you miscarried 4 months into your pregnancy flood back to you as you stare at his comment.
You remembered how broken he looked when the doctor couldn’t find the baby's heartbeat anymore.
You remembered how he held you as you cried in his arms, promising that he’d love you just the same as he tried to console you to his best ability while suffering himself.
You remembered the pain and the relief of having Jaehyun by your side through it all. Glad that even though your life was about to change forever, he’d be the one constant thing you could rely on.
You remembered all of these moments like they happened yesterday, wishing future you could mentally prepare past you for what was going to be the hardest time in your life.
The man who swore never to leave you did just that, and not even 6 months into his new relationship, your biggest insecurity was made into a reality.
He had moved on for good, and even though you have no ill feelings towards him, you can’t help but feel anger over sadness right now.
It was that easy to replace you. And that easy for him to find someone that could give him what you couldn’t.
Even though your miscarriage wasn’t the direct cause of why he left, the effects of the incidence on your mental health dragged him down with you. So both of you felt it’d be better to part ways for the sake of not wanting to hate or resent each other in the end.
But God…you hated and resented him now more than ever.
It didn’t matter to you that both of you started to date new people, because a part of you always held on to the fact that you’d somehow find your way back to each other, though the probability of that ever happening again turned to ash.
Your miscarriage broke you.
No appetite for weeks, no motivation to get yourself out of bed and no cure for the monsters in your head who told you that Jaehyun was only sticking around out of pity for your broken state.
That same insecurity is what drove him into the arms of the women he told you not to worry about, and now they’re having a fucking child together.
Knowing that that should’ve been you was a thought that was just too much to bear right now. You suddenly feel sick to your stomach, tears prickling your eyes as you rub the spot on your belly where the mini bump used to be 8 months ago.
You were finally doing better, thriving in your job and social life. Meeting new people and dating a few loose ends here and there, but you can already feel yourself spiraling back into old depressional habits as you stare at the picture once more.
You pettily decide to like it, hoping it would spark interest from none other than your ex, and much to your surprise, it did.
Not even 20 minutes later your phone started to buzz on the counter as you poured yourself a glass of wine. You mindlessly retrieve it, expecting it to be your best friend but when you see his name as you take a sip you almost choke.
Is he serious?
You try to come up with what to say for the next 3 to 5 minutes but nothing in your head seems to translate your exact feelings to your fingertips.
You sigh in agony while leaning over on your kitchen counter with your phone still in your hands, reading his messages over and over again. You subconsciously start to bite your lip in deep thought, getting startled by your ringtone as your phone starts to ring in your grasp.
“Fuck,” you mumble to yourself, taking a big chug of the alcoholic beverage in front of you, putting on the bravest face and straightest posture to make yourself feel better before accepting the call.
You knew you didn’t have to answer, but you were dying to hear what he had to say under these circumstances.
“Y/N? Is that you?” His voice was unchanged. You didn’t know why, but you expected him to sound different, be different. Yet the same worry he’s always had for you was evident in his tone this time as well.
You clear your throat to avoid a voice crack and sigh. “Congratulations,” you tried to sound as genuine as you could, but you knew you sounded like shit.
You start to play with the ends of your hair out of anxious anticipation, waiting for him to respond on the other end of the line.
“I meant to tell you,” he starts. “I just…I didn’t know how and Chaeyoung suddenly uploaded the picture and-”
“Jae…please spare me the details,” you interrupt him. Saying his name like you used to felt like speaking a foreign language. He stayed quiet upon hearing your voice again and let out a frustrated sigh.
“Do you still live in the same apartment in Itaewon?” he suddenly asks, immediately alerting you to stand up straight because he could only be asking for one reason and one reason only.
“Good, I’m on my way.”
Just like that, he hung up and just like that your heart rate starts to race uncontrollably.
You down the remnants of your wine glass and hope he’s isn’t too close because your place looked far from neat. For the next 15 minutes, you run around, shoving things into random cabinets. Whether those items belonged there or not was the least of your concern and just as you fluff the last pillow on your couch, your doorbell rings.
You take a deep breath, calming your nerves as you walk up to your front door, taking it off the lock before you open it with a dramatic swing.
There he was. Jung Jaehyun.
As beautiful and put together as he always looked, no matter the circumstance. You forget how to breathe when you lay eyes on him and gulp. It’s actually him.
His big dark orbs widened as he laid eyes on you after months of not seeing you. His facial expression softened, slowly parting his lips to speak but you beat him to it when you broke out of your trance.
“What are you doing here?” your shoulders fall as you look into his eyes for answers. The same eyes that once looked at you with so much love and adoration, but right now his pupils were stressfully darting back and forth, trying to read you like he used to be able to but he had no idea what you were feeling right now.
“Because I feel like shit y/n. Please let me in and let me explain,” he pleaded with a defeated tone.
You scoff, rolling your eyes. “What is there to explain? You knocked up your girlfriend and finally got what you wanted. Why bother coming here? To rub it into my face?”
Your plan of staying calm and collected went completely out the window just now and you could tell by the shock on his face that he did not expect you to be angry with him.
He took a step forward, backing you into your own hallway. His height towered over you when you stepped back and without looking back he closed the door behind him.
“Y/n. I would never purposely do that to you. Ever.” You ignore his statement, narrowing your eyes at him.
“I don’t remember inviting you in Jaehyun. Does she even know you’re here?”
You hold your ground, crossing your arms over your chest as you wait for him to counter your attack, but he simply shook his head. Knowing damn well that you’re acting tough just so you won’t get emotional.
As he’s scanning the premises, his eyes linger on the red wine bottle on your kitchen counter and with a look of utter disbelief, he averts his attention back on you.
“You’re drinking again?” he asks with an almost condescending tone.
“Did you come here to practice your parenting skills because no thanks Jae, please leave,” you bite back as coldly as you could, but he wasn’t having it.
“That shit almost killed you and you’re just casually drinking again?” He runs his hand through his locks out of pure frustration, not knowing what to do with the misplaced feeling of still caring for you just the same, while also knowing he has no business to tell you how to live your life.
The truth is, Jaehyun had no idea what he was doing here. Everything about the situation felt wrong and he couldn’t lie to himself any longer. Ever since Chaeyoung told him she was pregnant; he couldn’t be fully happy about it. He couldn’t commit to fatherhood knowing how much it broke your relationship. How much it broke the women he loved most to this day.
“A little red wine didn’t hurt anyone,” you mumble under your breath and that comment alone send Jaehyun’s emotions into overdrive, unable to hide his disappointment and worry for you any longer.
“IT HURT YOU Y/N. DAMN IT!” He raised his voice at you as he roughly grabbed your arm to make you look at him, which is the last thing you expected. He wasn’t mad at you. He was mad at himself. Mad at the fact that he wasn’t there when you needed him most and mad at the fact that this is what your lives had come to.
You might have previously dealt with your pain by drinking, and you might have mindlessly mixed your anti-depressants with your drink once, which…just might have earned you a trip to the hospital, but that was your lowest low and you made sure it’d never happen again.
You beat your demons by yourself when he had already moved on, so he had no place to waltz back into your life when he felt like it, just to judge you.
You’re absolutely fuming by now because of that same reason and much to your dismay you feel new tears well up in your eyes.
“NO, YOU HURT ME!” you yell back at him as you smack his chest, the salty droplets streaming down your face as you kept hitting his chest to make him feel your pain. “YOU LEFT ME.”
Your knees got weak and you knew you looked absolutely pathetic as you crouched down in front of him. Shock took over his features as he got down on his own knees just as quickly, pulling you into the comfort of his arms. The warmth that you used to call home and the warmth that always seemed to calm you down engulfed you completely, a feeling your favorite fleece blanket from before could hardly imitate.
He patted your head with assuring strokes, whispering sweet nothings to you as he held you on the floor of your apartment. Letting you sob the pain away in his black shirt. “Shhh, it’s okay…” he kissed the top of your head, caressing your cheek as he wiped away your tears.
You calmed down slowly, ignoring the suffocating ache in your head and heart while he made you feel safe and sound like he always did. You sat there like that for God knows how long, letting your minds go into overdrive as silence comforted the both of you.
Ironically enough, this scenery was the exact same as the one in the hospital 8 months ago. You cried in his arms just like this when you had lost your child, but now you were crying because you had lost him. For good now.
“I would never purposely plan to have a baby this quickly y/n, you have to believe me. Chae was on birth control but it just…happened,” he whispers, finally breaking the agonizing silence.
You stay quiet, closing your eyes to the sound of his low voice, letting his words register. “I was going to tell you. I was planning to ask you out for a coffee but as soon as she passed her first trimester, she was just so excited and made the announcement…it was just bad timing.”
“All of this is bad timing,” you mumble, which made him nod in agreement. He sighed into your hair as he continued to explain. “Y/n, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t care for you anymore. I wish things were different, but they simply aren’t and I’m sorry.”
You sniff, dabbing your tears and your nose with the sleeves of your blouse before looking up at him through your lashes.
“You don’t have to apologize for moving on and being happy Jaehyun. It’s all I ever wanted for you.” You wipe the single tear that remained on the corner of his eye, not having realized that he shed a few tears himself too.
He leaned into your touch as he looked into your eyes before closing them, leaning his forehead onto yours while taking a deep breath.
“I just want you to be ok.” He says suppressing a sob. “I can’t live this picture-perfect life knowing that you’re in pain y/n. It makes no sense; you deserve so much more it’s not fair.”
Your lip starts to quiver as his words hit you, and you build up the courage to look at him again.
He stared at you longingly and lovingly for the first time since forever and you knew a mistake was about to be made when he inched his face closer to you, but it was too late.
His lips made contact with yours and you completely gave in. Letting him lead you into a slow yet passionate kiss that took both of your breaths away. Before things could get more heated, you realize what was happening and froze.
You take a hold of his wrists as you pull away, your eyes staring into his equally electrified ones as you recompose yourselves.
“I-I’m sorry,” he started. “I should’ve never confused you like that. Fuck. What the fuck am I doing.” He covers his mouth as he got up. Frustrated with his own behavior, he digs his fingernails into the palms of his hands to suppress the urge to swing at your door or any other object in sight for that matter.
You get up just as quickly as well. Straightening out your clothes before shaking off the nerves of what just happened.
You take a deep breath followed by a shaky exhale as you opened your front door, turning around on your heels to look at an equally distressed Jaehyun.
He was about to speak; about to confess that he still loved you, but you stopped him by raising your hand, motioning for him to keep whatever he was about to say to himself.
Your eyes find his own and you take one last glance at the man that was supposed to be the pillar to your family. The man you used to call yours, and the man that you had hoped to still have a future with, despite everything.
But you knew better.
You knew what was right and you knew what you had to do before things would start to spiral out of control again.
You stepped aside so he could pass by you, trying to avoid eye contact all while you could still feel his burning stare lingering on your fragile state.
You swallow harshly, licking your lips before you spoke as clearly and steadily as you could.
“For the sake of your family, please leave Jae…and never come back.”
#jaehyun angst#jaehyun scenarios#jaehyun imagines#jaehyun imagine#jung jaehyun imagine#jung jaehyun imagines#jung jaehyun scenarios#jung jaehyun angst#jaehyun x reader#nct imagines#nct smut#nct angst#nct scenarios#nct 127 scenarios#jung jaehyun#jaehyun#jaehyun au#kpop imagines#kpop scenarios#kpop angst#jaehyun fanfic#kpop fanfic
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Trans s/o
Bang Chan
° Was dating you before you came out to him, you were fully prepared for him to leave you. But to your surprise, Chan stayed with you and even encouraged you to get an appointment early for your transition.
° Will help you take your medication to help with the process, and if you get dizzy from it he will gladly pick you up and carry you to bed. He's a true gentleman, so he'll probably carry you to bed even if you aren't dizzy or tired.
° Helps you pick your new name, always finding the cutest ones or the most random ones. Like Flossy/Tangerine, but he tries he truly does. But at the end of the day you make the final call, and he respects that 110%.
"You're going to have to find a name that goes with Bang as a last name."
"That's why I'm not going with the names you picked out."
Lee Know
° Had a crush on you ever since you started working as a stylist, and he had absolutely no clue that you were transgender until he revealed his crush and someone told him that you were. He honestly didn't care that you were.
° Minho found it rude how the staff member that told him found him weird for still liking you, as if it is weird to like someone who is transgender. He wasn't interested in the staff member or considered them a friend, so why do they care?
° Soon realized that thier opinions of your transition wasn't just kept private and that they would harass you about it. So he went to JYP to try and at least make it so you were further away from her. But JYP genuinely didn't help.
"I'm just saying, it's weird since they aren't actually a-"
"It's weirder that you care so much, do you not have a life?"
° Was your best friend before you started dating, he saw you transition and the struggles you went through in high school when the teachers would call you by your old name even though you constantly insisted to go by your new one.
° When you started dating, it never dialed to amaze him by how ignorant people can be. As if they think he doesn't know that his lover of 3 years is transgender. He knows, and he loves you no matter what.
° The last straw was when he was on a special interview with Jessi where she invited different idols. One of the being Siwon from suju, who is known to not be overly supportive of the lgbtq+ community. Which made Changbin upset.
"How can you date someone who is faking-"
"They aren't faking, if anything you are the fake one for putting on this nice guy act when you're really an asshole."
° Will spoil you with any transgender items he can get, cute pikachu with the transgender colors? Bought. Pins? Bought. Flags? Ordered. Cakes? Already in the oven. You reassure him that he doesn't have to spoil you, but he wants to.
° Won't gush over your baby photos or hang them up if you are uncomfortable with looking at them, instead he'll gush over your current photos and hang up recent couple photos of the two of you. He even has a wedding collage ready.
° He can be dramatic, in a good way. So when you are being harsh on yourself saying you still look too much like a boy/girl. He will stand you infront of a mirror and tell you everything that's manly/feminine about you.
"You're my precious lil bean, don't be hard on yourself."
"Hyunjin, your ruining my foundation with you kisses *giggles*."
° He had a crush on you for ages, you were Hyunjin's best friend and he met you through Hyunjin. Jisung grew fond of you after only a week of chatting to you, everyone noticed how blushy and mushy he got around you.
° Hyunjin never told him you were Trans because he thought you had already told Jisung yourself, but you didn't since you thought Hyunjin told him. This led to a semi confused Jisung when you were going through old photos.
° He didn't mind and still found you attractive, he was just surprised to see you in your old photos. You looked so uncomfortable in them and didn't look like yourself at all, he was honestly glad you came out of the closet.
"You look just as gorgeous and confident as you do back then."
"Can you not flirt with y/n when I'm right here?"
(I just want to ruffle his hair istg.)
° So proud of you when you come out to him, he cries so much that you are worried he is sad. But it's actually happy tears, because he's always had a suspicion for the last four months that something was off with you.
° Won't stop clinging onto you after you get the surgery done, he's just a smiley ball of fluffiness the whole time because he is so happy for you. But if you ask him for anything cause your sore or don't feel well, he's up and doing it in a flash.
° Felix is the type who wouldn't care about gender or sexuality, as long as they are interested in him and have a good personality then he would love them endlessly. So you will blush often from the way he gazes at you like you're his universe.
"God, I'm the luckiest man alive to be with you. You're so perfect, now let me snuggle you."
"You're so cheesy sometimes, you're lucky you're cute and can pull it off."
° When you came out to him and your family, he was surprised but still loved you just as much. He didn't think it should effect the way someone feels about you, but apparently your parents had different opinions on the matter.
° One week later and you had the last of your boxes in Seungmin's dorm. Your parents gave you one week to move out, not wanting someone part of the community to live under there household and be seen by their friends.
° You would be lying if you said it didn't hurt, it did you sobbed every night. But as long as Seungmin was beside you, everything was going to be okay. You don't know what you would've done without him, you felt lucky that way.
"I can't believe they are ashamed of me."
"It's there loss, you're the best person on this planet. Skz and I are happy to have you."
° Jeongin was your ex boyfriend's best friend, he watched you get cheated on and verbally abused by his so called "friend". The last straw for him was when you came out and all your boyfriend did was scoff and dump you on the spot.
° Jeongin pretty much took you under his wing and babied you until you were over that asshole. He even deleted his contact and phone number from his phone, realizing how bad he was when he saw how he treated you.
° 5 months later and you and Jeongin are happily dating, and making you feel like the royalty he sees you as. You both never heard from your ex ever since that day, but when Jeongin took you to a grocery store to get some snacks. You both bumped into him.
"So I see you're getting my sloppy seconds."
"You're the only sloppy one here dumbass."
#stray kids#kpop#skz scenarios#stray kids reactions#changbin#han jisung#hyunjin#jeongin#bang chan#lee know#Lee felix#felix skz#skz seungmin#trans reader#thunderous
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Their Alright... For A Boomer
Summary: Being a girl with a larger chest always got you attention, maybe having your nipples pierced to try and fell more confident handt been the best idea, but how can you regret it when your latest client; the sexy Mr Cavill was ogling them but could this end up being more then just that one time you were eyed by a hot celebrity?
Warnings: Suggestive, No Smut, Fluffy? Cute and funny, Swearing
A/N: this was a request from @fanficlover91 i hope you like this hun, i tried to keep it hot but sweet and respectful? Which was a struggle but i hope i got the vibe you wanted. And as always i hope you all enjoy.
Taglist: In Reblogs.
You blushed as you looked down the lense at your model. He smirked sweeping his eyes over you non to subtly. You could feel the blues penetrating you with a hot stare. The was the distinctive fast clicks on you camera snapping a burst of shots managing to capture his smirking face and eyes sweeping over your form appreciatively.
You stood tall and smiled pulling away double checking the shoots. You bit your lip. Fucking hell this was both the best and worst job you had. Henry Cavill was the most enticing male you'd ever had the pleasure to photograph. He didn't even have a good side, every side was good! There wasn't an unflattering angle on the man!
"And that's a wrap? I think we have everything we need Mr Cavill" you said professionally making to move away from him and begin to swap sd cards and label them before packing away. Henry gawfed and rose quickly panicked almost.
"I- err no! Wait I was... Well hoping that I could have some more done?" he said chaseing you across the small studio you could hear his agent Leah scoff from the side lines. You frowned and looked to her nervously. The woman had been watching and tutting, scoffing and clicking her tongue through the whole session. It actually made you nervous, wasn't she pleased with the shoot? You were worried, being freelance this was your first time doing a celebrity shoot for a magazine but the usual photographer was in hospital having a stroke a few days prior and you were the only free photographer in the agency that was close enough to take the job. Sure you wasn't well known but still it was a little disheartening to have someone seemingly unimpressed with your work.
But it was when you eyed her you saw she wasn't giving you the evil eye. Her frown was directed at henry, a scolding look you'd give a misbehaving child. You frowned a little puzzled, but shook it off in favour of looking to Henry. Your actual client.
"More? I... I? Thought the piece only needed a few to choose from? They were very ah... How do I put it? Thorough? With the brief" you explained hoping Leah would step in and clarify just what was going on. Because you didn't have a clue.
"I yes but- I'd love to top up my portfolio? You know? I err yeah have a few changes going on and... I mean a few greys and such... Just want to update it a tad... I'll pay obviously- I'd pay anything for more time please?" he pleaded watching you closely eyes wide and bright full of hope.
"I... Err" you shifted swapping your camera from one hand to the other and craned your head around the man trying to spy his agent. But you had no hope of peeking around this gargantuan man. Just like with the camera he demanded your full attention.
"And for Instagram and stuff! There's only so much I can do in a selfie... I'd even recommend you- advertise your work!" he quickly added sounding desperate now. It would help you out if you did have a few shots of him for in your own catalogue. It shouldn't matter but having a celeb under your belt was actually a good thing. It meant you'd acted professionally and been good to work with.
"I suppose so, I do have a few extra sd's here... Tell you what I'll do another shoot for you as long as I can pick a few to put in my portfolio? Then we both update our files?" you nodded to him speaking slowly. He grinned and relaxed nodding quickly pleased with himself for wrangling more shots. You'd never know he was just glad to has more time with you.
"Oh yes absolutly! That's fine here should we get started now or?" he asked biting his lip trying not to stare at you for too long. But it was hard you were fucking stunning!
"Oh yeah sure iv got time, let me just sort these out and set up, need to switch, you've tired my poor camera" you said with a grin trying to ignore the man as he beamed at you looking excited nodding enthusiastically. You backed up and spun around trying not to blush as you felt henry gazing openly at you.
"Right well if the magazine ones are done I will be off then" Leah called packing up her bag with a small chuckle to herself. You froze and spun quickly seeing her seemingly abandoning you with Henry.
"Wha- oh you don't have to you can stay-" you tried to reason unsure why, I mean who wouldn't want to be alone with this huge glorious man? Maybe you just didn't trust yourself with him? He had been 'making love' to the camera all afternoon. Smouldering bedroom eyes that was making it hard to focus. You had been getting hot under the collar all day as you kidded yourself he was eyeing you, not the camera or would be readers.
It didn't help that you had caught him oogling your breasts earlier. But you wasn't mad, it was your own fault. It was the Hight of summer and you had on a string vest with a thin bra, that you could clearly see your nipple bars through. You didn't feel uncomfortable or anything, you didn't blame Henry for looking. You cant exactly ignore your tits.. The were pretty large for your frame. You were curvy but they were as one ex put it 'exceptional'. And besides he had looked not touched and he hadn't been a creep about it. In fact he had done a double take and then blushed when he realised he had been caught looking. But as you said you get that with big boobs, you'd had it your entire life, it was actually one of the reasons you'd got them pierced. It helped with your confidence and you convince yourself that they were looking at the bars. Not you per say.
"Okay aunt Leah I will see you in a few days." henry interrupted you quickly smiling practically ushering the woman out the door. He moved fast ever picking the womans phone and juice bottle to help her leave quicker.
"Yes, behave Henry I'll see you soon" she said with a giggle before calling a thank you and goodbye over her shoulder at you. You swallowed nervously and gave a quick bye as the door clicked behind her and you were left alone with Henry. The man groaned stretching as he spun around a huge grin on his face, making your knees tremble a little. Fuck.
Henry came over and watched you closely as you scribbled the name and date along with the publication name on the sd case label. You tried not to notice as he hovered biting his lip then took off the blazer and threw it on the table beside you drawing your attention as he did grunting a little. The v neck letting the smallest amount of soft looking chest fuzz that had been teasing you all day. He grinned slyly as he caught you eyeing him and crossed his arms over his chest flexing for your benefit. You gasped and quickly looked back to the camera in your hands inserting a new scarf into the new fully charges camera.
"Soo how do you like this kind of work?" henry said casually trying not to seem like a creeper but god damnit he couldn't stop eyeing you. If he had known how sexy you'd be he would have demanded to be doing a bloody swim wear shoot!
"You mean people?" you stuttered trying not to look him in the eye. Not that it helped because the rest of him was just as fucking sexy! You quivered all over desperately trying to remember how to breath, yet didn't want to draw in too deep a breath and make your tits bounce for him and look like a slut. There was a very fine line for a big busted girl, to much wobble will make you look like your trying to get attention.
"I mean celebrities, magazines we were told you mainly do private shoots for events and model portfolios" he offered leaning forward as he leant back on the desk next to you hooking one ankle behind the other. The way he stood placed his crotch in your line of sight as you looked down and worked on setting up the camera. You flushed. Oh god he looked er... Bigger then you'd thought earlier, not that you were looking but... Well you couldn't help notice the package! The man was a fucking serial man spreader! And that thing was huge! With the muscles he was packing he could probably bench press you with his crotch!
"Oh well its different... And you sir popped my celebrity cherry" you froze on the spot as you said that, it had meant to be an ice breaker, a joke but instead had sounded fucking creepy!. You snapped up to him making to apologize as your face flamed mortified but he had thrown his head back laughing. The deep rumble sent chilled down your spine.
"Well I'm honoured to have popped your cherry~" he teased placing a hand over his heart with a cheeky grin making you blush and nod then turned to him with the new camera all set up.
"Soo where do we start?" you said moving on quickly looking up at him trying to forget the whole cherry comment.
"Where ever you want me, i will let you take the reigns command me as you will" he chuckled standing tall once more and looked about the room casually to the various small set ups, different furniture, seats sofas and mini tables dotting the space.
"I... Okay then you said Instagram? How about we start with some facials-FACE SHOTS! Face. Shots. Not facials fuck. Shit" you quickly tried repairing the damage whist cursing yourself wanting nothing more then to be swallowed up by the floor.
"No, no love facials sounded perfect~" he said winking before gliding past you making you stutter and almost choke on your breath. Oh good lord this was a bad idea. You followed as he sat down on a sturdy sofa and looked head on at you and bit his lip once again watching you with a sultry look.
And that was the beginning. You followed him about taking various snaps whislt having small talk. He seemed to be very flirtatious as he spoke, dropping lines and compliments as he made eyes at you. You flushed each time clamming up at his suggestive comments. And rightly or wrongly you flirted back trying to seem cool and suave. But inside you were fangirling unable to belive you were here with this incredibly gorgeous man teasing one another. On a few occasions he even growled as you scampered about him, crouching and taking shots from blow getting some delicious angles that dampened your knickers. Then in between all this he managed to get little tied bits. You'd told him you were on agency freelance and were trying to get into the social media platform as it seemed easier in this day and age rather then to be in fashion photography. You wanted to be commercial not private but no one would really take a chance anymore.
Then you suggested a few shots on the sofa laying back trying to think of something different for your portfolio, maybe a body length shot. He was quick to agree and dived onto the sofa saying he had an idea you swallowed nodding not fully trusting the look in his eyes. But that was forgotten as he relaxed stretching out over the sofa legs crossed and resting on the arm of his hands behind his head and a devilish smirk looking down the lenght of his body. You knelt at his feet trying to get a flattering image of him looking down but cursed as the camera wasn't playing ball. The lense was focusing, this was why you used the other one first, the camera had a few issues and was temperamental.
"What's wrong?" he asked frowning a little at you as you growled pulling the camera away fro your face and began trying to manually focus the lense.
"Oh its.. It wont focus.. It does this sometime, really need to throw it out but.. She was my first I'm sentimental" you said feeling silly as you battled with the camera.
"We all are with our firsts... How about you come closer instead, I really want to see this shot, never done one at this angle.. Out of all my shoots your the first to suggest this~" you froze and looked to him but he just smiled impishly at you. Slowly you rounded the sofa and leant over him positioning the camera at his stomach as he looked right into the lense giving you a definite bedroom eyes, half lidded and burning. Both dreamy and amazingly sexy. It was as if he could see you beyond the lense, as if it wasn't even there!
"You can come closer love, I wont bite, not if you don't want me to~" his voice was low and teasing, luring you in like a siren. You trembled and moved along him but he tutted and moved a hand to your hip and pressed, coaxing you onto the sofa and sat you on him making you straddle him. You gasped squeazing your camera tighter as he moved you easily, warm palms holding you both delicatly and firmly. You could see in his eyes he was weary unsure if he had gone to far but you squeezed him between your thighs and relaxed making him grin up at you getting the message you didn't mind at all. You aimed the lense at him once more and got the shots you wanted.
"Perfect! Mr Cavill" you said actually a little sad that this session was over. It had been nice playing this little cat and mouse game with him. But all good things come to an end.
"Ah now i have a policy love, when a womans on top they can call me henry, among other things~" he said smoothly laughing as you chuckled nervously fiddling with the camera in your hands and shifted over him a little.
"I will try to remember that for next time boomer~" you teased managing to overcome your nerves as you pulled away the camera with a giggle winking at him as he stuttered. For a second you thought you'd gone too far but a quirk to his lips made you relax once more.
"That hurt, that was hurtful" he teased pouting not releasing you from his lap, instead holding you tighter, fingers digging into your sides making you gasp and bit your lip as he pulled you to his crotch and ground into you teasingly.
"I'm so sorry~" you uttered breathless trying to keep yourself together. But this man was something else, like a drug- the devil all fanged smiles and smooth words. God you were fucked, you knew this man could do anything to you and youd thank him for it~
"I doubt that" he cooed and slid his hand higher growing more and more confident. The last few hours of casual flirting had built up his appitite. There was no misconceptions, you wanted him as much as he wanted you.
"Oh yeah?" you said coyly tipping your head to him playing along willing for this to happen, whether it be a one of fuck or something longer. You didnt have any complaints~ this was your body and youd enjoy it with who ever you wanted to!
"Yeah prove it!" he hissed and moved quickly sitting up and swinging around planting his feet on the floor. You yelped as he moved surprizingly fast and managed to keep you in his lap now face to face with you eyes roaming your face settling on your lips.
"And how should i do that" you teased tilting your head skimming your lips with his as you spoke. He groaned and held you tighter making you whine breathlessly willing this to happen. You wanted him and you wont deny yourself the chance.
"Make and old mans day" he said plainly and leant back resting on the back of the sofa, you watched him closely and brought your hands to his shoulders prodding at the neck of the t shirt and drew your fingers down slowly feeling him shiver at the light skimming fingertips.
"Oh really Boomer? And how would i make and old mans day?" you teased once more making him grunt but he quickly caught himself as your fingers smoothed over the teasing curls that peeked over his top. You scratched over them lightly with your nails making him draw a needy breath and chuckled at him. He was sexy and cute~
"By accepting a job offer?" he said before smileing smugly as you paused and frowned. Had you missed something? Was he after a freebee?
"Job offer? Really another shoot?" you snorted suddenly not feeling sexy, more like he was trying to butter you up for some fuck for parts shoots or something. He sighed and began speaking before you could get yourself all twisted. But then again you could have taken his offer wrong.
"Manage my social media. I have many companies and brands reach out to me for endorsements. They want me caught wearing their brands. But I'm to busy most of the time I cant make it to the locations they want. It actually doesn't seem worth it most of the time, with cost of flights and time lost travelling to and from studios itd be easier if I had my own personal photographer that travelled with me its be easy, slip on the clothes and what not take a few snaps and then you touch them up and post them on my social media." he explained watching as it sunk in that he wasnt trying to pull a fast one. Well he was but not trying to fuck you over... Just fuck you... And keep you because you were fantastic and he wants nothing more then to have you around hime as much as possible. In the single dat he had spent working with you, you had enchanted him, not only were you sexy but you were good at your job and easy to work with but also funny and cute and he needed to get to know you.
"Of course its a very big venture and we'd have to have a few dinner and lunch dates to work out all the nitty gritty" he added after a few beats of silence trying to make it clear he was interested... Very interested~ it worked as you fluched and a playfull look donned your face your fingers began stoking his chest hair once more. He relaxed shuddering under the nails as they teased his curls.
"Is this a big ploy to get a date Boomer?" you purred his new nick name making him groan when you squeezed him between your thick thighs once more grinding on him and the considerable bulge below you that twitched.
"No... Maybe is it working?" he said quickly hissing at you shifted in his lap once more, his hands snapping to your hips trying to still you before he came undone in his boxers. You were a very dangerous woman and something told him you knew.
"Well it sounds like an offer I'd be very, very interested in taking further~" you clarified giggling when he swallowed dryly and eyed you surprized that his plan had seemed to work.
"Good to hear~ so got anything planned after this?" he asked feeling a wave of confidence at the prospect of snagging a date with you. He hadn't meant to sound so eager but... He was eager and that was that.
"Yes" you said with a straight face and got up off of him spinning around heading to the table with your camera bags. You gave him a glance and giggled seeing him still sitting there gobsmacked legs wide open and his crotch that was now definitely bigger then it had been earlier.
"O-oh" he stuttered seemingly unsure how to proceed. You giggled as he fumbled over his words. Then decided to grant him some mercy and began speaking whilst popping out the sd card from the camera labeling it like the previous one.
"You see I had a very cheeky client today who asked for a shoot last mineut. But I wasn't to bothered he was very very sexy even if he was a boomer, but get this out of nowhere gave me a job offer? And we're having dinner- he promised pizza~" you giggled glancing at Henry as he slumped in the seat realising halfway through that you were talking about him. He smoothed his hands over his face and jumped up coming over to you shaking his head.
"You know I'm not actually a boomer?" he quipped folding his arms. You rolled your eyes at him as you packed your stuff away making sure to recheck everything.
"Have you seen your selfies? Your a boomer, boomer" you teased making him scoff but laugh at the name that has now stuck.
"Wait you've seen my selfies? What do you think?" he asked wanting feedback on the silly shots he took. You paused halfway through zipping up your bag and turned facing him fully giving him a thoughtful look then shrugged
"Their alright... For a boomer" you giggled when he preened for a second then his face dropped into a pout when you finished the comment.
"I repeat...That was hurtful" he said covering his heart with a kicked puppy look making you laugh and hoist your bags over your shoulder and make for the door with him hot on your heels.
"Its fine boomer a second date will make up for it I'm sure~" you sniggered at him playfully looking back at him as he followed you out of the door.
"A date for each time you call me boomer? Deal" he quipped walking along side you offering you his arm like a true gentleman unlike the teasing horny little shit he had been all day. Not that you minded either. Gentleman on the streets, freak in the sheets and all that jazz.
"God we may aswell marry now then boomer" he laughed nodding in agreement the banter from the day still in play as you both left the building.
"Seems so, I mean were at ten that's what the kids consider boyfriend girlfreind territory" he anounced with a sigh playing on the 'boomer' joke making you giggle and roll your eyes as he mentioned the tally. Then you frowned and quickly counted your 'boomers' and opened your mouth you correct him, arguing that ten was incorrect.
"I think its nine boomer- ah see what you did their sneaky boomer!" you cried pushing him playfully at his little trick. He roared with laughter and quickly tangled his fingers with yours dragging you back alongside him guiding you down the street towards a place he knew served pizza, he didn't remember but apparantly he promised pizza...
#henry cavill#henry cavill fic#henry cavill imagine#henry cavill x reader#henry cavill x you#henry cavill x y/n
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Life As We Know It {Chapter One}
Summary: After the sudden deaths of Nesta’s sister and Cassian’s best friend, they gain guardianship of their nephew, Nyx.
Based on Life As We Know It (2010) and a prompt sent in by anonymous for our Nessian fanfic contest. This is a modern au.
Instead of doing a tag list for this story, we have decided to have a set posting schedule. Chapters will be posted weekly on Mondays and Thursdays. Chapters will be posted on both my and Tara's blogs! >> @tacmc.
Life As We Know It Masterlist
Shelby's Masterlist
Tara's Masterlist

5 years later….
Nyx looked at his birthday cake and the lone candle that was lit atop the icing before looking up at Feyre with a confused expression on his beautiful, little face.
His mother laughed, quietly, before leaning forward and taking out the candle. She had just blown out the flame when Rhys barely pushed the cake closer to Nyx, who put his chubby, little hands smack-dab in the middle of the icing and dug in.
Everyone had come to celebrate, and even Nesta couldn’t stop her smile from showing. At least, she let it show when she was on the opposite end of the house from the one and only, and massively self-centered, Cassian Nazari.
Of course, he would be at Nyx’s first birthday party. He was Nyx’s uncle - maybe not by blood, not that blood mattered when it came to Cassian, Rhysand, and their other lifelong friend, Azriel.
He, too, stood across the kitchen, watching as Elain snapped picture after picture of the jubilant baby, the mess atop his high chair the largest Nesta had ever seen. She knew Elain was taking notes for their own daughter’s birthday party, though she was barely three months old.
Rhysand’s smile was as big as Feyre’s as they watched their son, listening as his giggles filled the kitchen. Nyx realized quickly that the cake was for him alone and after smashing it for a few moments, he lifted a large handful to his chubby face and took a bite. His eyes lit up and that started the giggling anew.
Nesta loved her nephew and niece, had loved him since the day they were born, but she didn’t envy her sisters and their happy families. Unlike them, she had remained perfectly content on her own, especially after the endless string of disaster dates she had been forced to sit through throughout the years.
And children? It wasn’t that Nesta disliked kids. Not all kids, at least. She loved her nephew and niece, anyway. Having one of her own, though? Having to be around one every day? Every night? Having to constantly try and make a tiny person content?
No, thank you. That was a challenge she had little interest in.
A deep rumbling laugh came from across the house and Nesta looked up to find Cassian entering the kitchen, still chuckling at something Mor had said.
As hard as she tried, she couldn’t keep her lip from curling slightly as she looked at him. It only infuriated her more when he caught sight of her as he raised his beer to his lips and winked.
He was absolutely insufferable.
After their catastrophe of a date years ago, which Nesta had made Feyre promise was a stunt she’d never pull again, she had only been forced to be around Cassian Nazari a handful of times.
One of which was during Feyre and Rhysand’s wedding, only months after their date.
“You only have to walk with him for thirty seconds,” Feyre had sighed, while Mor continued to pin and curl her hair into place. “You don’t have to be happy about it.”
“Good,” Nesta said, draining the glass of champagne in her hand. “Because I’m not.”
As Feyre’s maid-of-honor, it was customary that she was supposed to walk out of the wedding arm in arm with Rhysand’s best man. She wished that he’d picked Azriel, but since it seemed the Cauldron hated her, it had to be Cassian.
Elain, who was harboring the world’s most obvious crush on Azriel at the time, was thrilled with how they’d be exiting the wedding. Nevertheless, she said to Nesta, “I think you two got off on the wrong foot. He’s a really good guy, Nes.”
Nesta shot her youngest sister a look of pure annoyance through the mirror’s reflection. “Have any of you ever been on a date with the guy? And not only a date, but the worst date of your life?”
Feyre snorted, fully aware of where this conversation was headed. “No.”
“Then you have no room to talk,” Nesta snapped, admiring herself in the mirror. “Mother’s tits, Feyre, he wore jeans to the nicest restaurant in Velaris!”
“At least he didn’t wear his boots,” Mor muttered, then she caught Nesta’s glare in the mirror. “Really? He wore his boots?”
“He was dressed for an all-night, summer bonfire,” Nesta said, shaking her head. “And he’s completely full of himself. And, he forgot his wallet!”
“Not like you can’t afford dinner,” Feyre said, and Nesta’s lips snapped shut. She was fully aware that the conversation had somehow become a let’s-pick-on-Nesta session.
Feyre added, “You have to walk back down the aisle with him, share an entire table during dinner, and that’s it. No one is asking you to dance with him, but be nice.” Nesta met Feyre’s eyes, her jaw set. Feyre sighed, “Fine, be civil.”
She scoffed, but nodded. “Fine.”
The ceremony itself went off without a hitch. It was beautiful and elegant and the perfect wedding Rhys and Feyre had always wanted.
She ignored Cassian’s unending looks the whole night, managed to give her maid-of-honor speech without snarling at him, and after that, took advantage of the open bar her sister and new brother had so kindly provided.
She was coming out of the bathroom, a glass of wine still clutched in her hand, doing her best not to trip over her own feet when she walked into a wall.
A wall of solid muscle that turned out to be Cassian’s back.
When he turned around and she looked up at him, his eyes were nearly as glazed as hers.
“Hello, Nes,” he said, smirking down at her.
She bit out, “Don’t call me that.”
“That was a pretty, little speech you gave,” he said, leaning against the wall. “I know true love exists cause I’ve seen it first hand. Poetic.”
Nesta scoffed, brushing off the skirt of her dress as if he had tainted it. “Don’t flatter yourself. I wasn’t referring to you. I was talking about Feyre and Rhys, in case you thought otherwise.”
“Oh, I didn’t,” he promised. “Honestly, I didn’t think you were talking about anyone. Just some fluffy shit that sounded sweet. Unless it’s that guy that showed up at the restaurant and ruined our date. Oh, wait,” he began, tapping his chin as if in deep thought, “You dumped him though, right? Poor bastard.”
“You’re a prick,” Nesta bit out. She refrained from saying that Tomas hadn’t ruined their date. It was sad that seeing her ex was one the bright points of her night, rather than seeing the Greek god standing before her. The pretentious, cocky asshole of a Greek god.
He only grinned. “But am I a liar?”
Nesta’s jaw locked. She eyed his tux. “I’m just glad you decided to clean up for your own brother’s wedding. No jeans?”
He scoffed. “Is that the worst you’ve got?”
“Do you prefer me to give you my worst?” she asked, brows furrowing. “If so, you may want to be careful what you wish for.”
Cassian said nothing, just lifted the beer she hadn’t noticed in his hands to his lips.
Nesta rolled her eyes, brushing past him, and made a move to head back into the reception.
His voice called out behind her, “You don’t have to be such a miserable bitch, you know?”
She froze, looking back at him. He was no longer smirking at her. Instead, his eyes were intense. “Excuse you?”
“You’re so miserable that you won’t allow anyone else to have any fun, won’t allow yourself to either,” he said, still leaning against that damn wall. He crossed his arms over his muscular chest, his dress shirt tight and loose in all the right places. “You want everyone else to suffer, just because you’re forcing yourself to, for whatever reason.”
“You don’t know a damn thing about me,” she bit out, stalking back over to him. She was so close she had to look up into his face.
“I don’t,” he said, words clipped. “I tried, but you didn’t seem very inclined to let me get to know you during our date. You were more concerned with my attire and your ex than you were with me. You thought all I wanted to do was fuck you.” His eyes, still glassy and glazed, dragged down her body and back up again. “Besides, you’ve got that damn stick shoved so far up your ass, there wouldn’t have been room for my cock even if I’d really even tried.”
A blink was Nesta’s only reaction. Then her hand was moving of its own accord, splashing her full glass of wine directly in his face and all over that pretty, white shirt.
“Go fuck yourself,” was all she’d said before she walked back into the ceremony, leaving him there to drip on the venue’s fancy carpet.
She blinked, Feyre’s voice drawing Nesta out of her memories, looking over at her sister. She stood next to Rhys and Elain, who had her camera in her hands, and Cassian stood behind Nyx’s high chair.
“I want a picture of him with his godparents, come here,” she beamed and Nesta tried not to cringe.
She had been so proud, her heart feeling like it would burst when Feyre and Rhys had asked her to be Nyx’s godmother. There was no hesitation when she said yes, tears lining her eyes as she’d hugged both her sister and brother-in-law.
She tried not to think about the fact that when they’d told her Cassian was his godfather, she nearly asked them to give the distinction to Elain.
But she hadn’t, wouldn’t. Despite what others, especially Cassian, thought of her… Nesta loved her nephew.
She loved her family.
With a sigh, Nesta meandered over to Nyx’s high chair. “Alright.”
“Closer,” Feyre ordered, gesturing Nesta to move in closer beside Cassian behind the high chair.
Nesta’s lips pursed but she took another step toward the boys for her sister’s sake.
“I’m not poisonous, Nesta,” Cassian muttered, smiling at the camera as he spoke. “You won’t burst into flames if we brush arms.”
“You’d be so lucky to brush arms with me,” she muttered back, hoping the smile she was giving her sister was convincing - and knowing full well that it wasn’t.
Without another word, Cassian tossed his arm around Nesta and said, “Cheeeeese!”
Nyx was giggling, looking up at his godparents behind him. There was so much joy and adoration in those big, beautiful eyes that Nesta didn’t have the heart to storm off, leaving Cassian in her dust, no matter how much she wanted to.
The camera’s flash went off and Nesta pushed Cassian’s arm off her shoulder.
The rest of the party was perfect. Feyre took Nyx up to the bathroom to clean him off, while Rhysand, Azriel, and Cassian hauled his many gifts out into the living room. Feyre opened them one by one, despite everyone knowing Nyx had no clue what was going on, though he did clap his chubby little hands and giggle at a few particular items. Nesta stood off to the side with Elain, holding a milk-drunk, sleepy Seph in her arms.
Azriel and Elain’s little girl had been a surprise, neither of them planning on Elain getting pregnant so soon after they got married. They both fell into the role of parents so seamlessly though, that Nesta knew another baby would be in their near future. They adored the baby girl, and she was the most perfect baby Nesta had ever seen.
Persephone hardly cried, only doing so when she was hungry or needed to be changed, and once whatever wrong was taken care of, she became a happy, smiley baby again.
Nyx, on the other hand, had been a hellion as a baby.
Which was to be expected, considering who his father was. Although responsible when necessary, Rhysand was just as much of a madman as Cassian...especially when infused with alcohol.
“You look good with a baby,” Elain crooned from beside her sister.
Nesta rolled her eyes. “You can keep trying to push me down the marriage-baby road, but I just won’t take it. Wasting your time.”
Elain sighed, dramatically, with that little grin remaining on her soft pink lips. “As long as you stay such a good auntie, I suppose I can’t complain.”
Nesta looked down at the sweet, sleeping infant in her arms. She didn’t mind those little snuggles.
She did mind the diaper blowouts, constant spit-ups, and loud crying, though. That’s usually when she gave Seph back to her parents and blissfully enjoyed her independent life.
Feyre gasped and Nesta looked up. She was holding a little guitar that had Nyx’s name and the night sky engraved into the dark-stained wood.
Nesta’s eyes snapped to Cassian.
Cassian smiled, fondly, at Feyre. “I know he won’t be able to start messing with it for another few years, but I couldn't help myself.”
“He made that himself, you know.” Nesta’s eyes shot to Elain, who was watching the scene before them. She whispered again, “He doesn’t do it for a living, of course, but it’s a hobby of his, making guitars. He’s really good.”
She blinked, the information catching her off guard for whatever reason. But all she said was, “That’s nice.”
She spent the rest of the afternoon, ignoring the man as much as she could, as she always did. But as the guests began to dwindle, as Nyx and Seph went down for their naps, the three sisters gathered in the living room, while Rhys, Azriel, and Cassian went out back to inspect the small jungle gym Rhys was building for Nyx. Again, he was too young to use most of it, but the tiny swing and slide would be hours of fun for the little man.
Feyre brought two cups of coffee out to her sisters before collapsing next to Elain on the couch. “That could not have gone better if we tried.”
Nesta leveled her a look and raised an eyebrow.. “If we tried? You had a minute-by-minute itinerary for a one-year-old’s birthday.”
“Everything was perfect,” Elain smiled, cutting off Nesta, blowing on her coffee gently. “Nyx had a good time, neither he nor Seph had a blow-up, Cassian and Nesta managed to be in the same room without stabbing each other. All in all, a good day.”
Nesta rolled her eyes before throwing a vulgar gesture towards her sisters, who were both laughing.
“Fine, new subject,” Feyre grinned. “Oh! Before I forget, Rhys and I are going out of town for our anniversary in a few weeks. I was hoping you could watch Nyx for a few days.”
It took Nesta a moment to realize that Feyre was talking to her. She froze, having been blowing on her own hot coffee. “I’m sorry, what?”
Feyre laughed, quietly. “I was hoping that you could watch Nyx while Rhys and I go away for a long weekend. We’re going to the mountains for our anniversary. To his family’s cabin.”
“Oh, that sounds nice,” Elain said, looking at Nesta.
Who blinked, having only unfrozen to set her coffee down on the table between them. “You want me…to watch Nyx…for the weekend? Alone? By myself? Just me and him?”
“That’s what I was hoping for, yeah,” Feyre said, nodding as she sipped from her cup. “You can come here, where all of his stuff is in one place, and make yourself at home.” She shrugged. “I’ll leave money for takeout and the key to the wine cabinet.”
Nesta hesitated. “I’ve only babysat Nyx a couple of times…all for, like, an hour each.”
“It will be fine,” she said, a genuine smile on her face. “It will only be three nights, really. We’ll leave after work on Thursday and be home Sunday evening.”
Nesta stammered and shook her head. “I have to work on Friday, the restaurant-.”
“I’ll keep him during the day on Friday,” Elain offered. “I don’t have any shoots that day, so he can spend the day with me and Seph.”
“You could keep him the whole weekend,” Nesta tried, looking at her younger sister hopefully.
“Seph is enough of a handful,” she chuckled, glancing at Feyre, who was nodding as well. “I don’t think I can handle two at once for an entire weekend.”
“Please, Nes,” Feyre said, drawing her eldest sister’s eyes to her. “I know you can do it and it would be nice for you to spend some time together, just you two.”
“And you can call me, if you need anything,” Elain added.
Nesta looked from Feyre to Elain. “You two already planned this.” They at least had the wherewithal to look guilty. She sighed, closing her eyes and shaking her head. “Fine. But I’ll probably end up calling both of you every thirty seconds.”
“I can work with that,” Feyre said, just as Elain said, “Then it’s settled!”
“Yeah, yeah,” Nesta snorted, shaking her head. “But, I hope you know that I wouldn’t do this for anybody else.”
“Oh, I know,” Feyre grinned, “which is what makes you such a wonderful, wonderful big sister.”
“I am pretty damn wonderful,” Nesta agreed, grinning as she sipped from her mug.
As she drank, she peeked out the window, where the boys were putting together the playset. Once she did, only one thing caught her eye.
Cassian was already watching her.
And when he caught her gaze, that stupid little, cocky-ass grin appeared.
She hated that grin, hated it with every ounce of her being.
And she wouldn’t feel bad for it, no matter how much her sisters adored the guy.
She hated him, hated Cassian Nazari.
And she always would.
#life as we know it#snacmc lawki#shara#snacmc#nessian#nesta archeron#cassian#acotar#acomaf#acowar#acofas#acosf
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You Deserve This
Andy Dolan x Female Reader
GIF by @kissxmedeadly !!
“The reader asking Andy about his kiddo (let's pretend is a lil boy 🤣) and him being very emotional about it and the reader who truly loves him conforts him 😭❤️” - anon
Please read the warnings!!
Warnings: use of drugs (weed), smut, oral (female receiving), slight public sex, slight angst, mentions of rehab, mentions of suicidal thoughts, a lil bit of crying and VERY slight Eden spoilers, but thats only if you don't want to know anything AT ALL, so basically none? idk lmao:)
Notes: hi! So this is my first Andy fic, I wrote it very quickly last night after a sudden burst of inspiration and it doesn't make too much sense, also it’s kinda cheesy? I don't think I've ever written anything this angsty or soft before, but i’m trying to be more in touch w my emotions nd this is my way of doing that, so hopefully i'll do more things like this soon:) also if you’re interested, the title is one of my favourite songs by Men I Trust that I just thought fit Andy well.
Word count: 1.8k
The warm, dancing breeze washed over your skin, plucking up your many goosebumps and blowing the rainbow coloured sea of petals that decorated the large garden from left to right. The bittersweet mix of their fragrances and Andy’s blunt rushed to you and filled your scrunched up, wrinkled nose as you let out a loud laugh. The vibrant expanse of fluffy grass felt close to a mattress underneath you, cradling your form whilst you laid amongst the greenery and watched Andy ghost a deep inhale of the blunt he had balanced precariously between two fingers. He flopped his arm across the gap between you and offered you another toke, the dopey smile spread over his features making you laugh even more.
“What’s so funny? Hmm?” He questioned you jokingly, rolling onto his forearms and bringing his face to hover just above yours as you brought the blunt to your lips. You couldn't hold in your laughter, your drug hazed state and the breeze that pushed his brown curls to tickle your blushing skin only exaggerating your amusement further as you choked out clouds of smoke.
“What??” He joined in laughing, finding humour in his own confusion and finding your laugh infectious. His lips found your own in a sudden yet gentle kiss which you gladly embraced, still not managing to fully compose yourself as you giggled into his open mouth.
You did your best to pull back from the kiss, but were reminded you didn't really have anywhere to go when you felt a blade of grass flutter against your ear. “It’s just.. your smile.” You rested your blunt carrying hand on his cheek as you spoke, feeling your heart swell when he pulled an overdramatic expression of insult at your reply.
“What’s so wrong with my smile?!” He half faked offence, not understanding what you could possibly find so amusing about it as you giggled more and more. “What’s wrong with it?- is it my lips? ‘They not good enough for you baby?” His thick accent aided his voice, making him sound even more attractive than he already was as he joked with you.
“Noo! it definitely wasn’t your lips, cause I love those.” You gripped his locks a little firmer, biting your lip as his stare changed from one of curiosity to one of want.
“Oh yeah?” He leaned back down and kissed you again, but this time rougher, the weed made you feel as if his lips were slowly melting into your own as it sent strong signals of lust through your body. He put all his weight on one arm, lifting the other and groping your waist with it whilst simultaneously moving to trail wet kisses down your neck.
His touches were deep, yet executed so delicately it convinced you if he was any rougher, you might just break. He opened the buttons of the flowing shirt you wore; one you had stolen out of his wardrobe that morning. He moved his head further down your chest to your stomach, mouth racing in slow motion to reach you were he wanted to most.
Forgetting to explain why you found his smile so funny in the first place, your high carried your thoughts closer towards how incredible his mouth felt on your skin, making you lean into his touch and let out a few small mewls.
As he reached your panty line, he tapped your hip, signalling for you to lift them so he could take your shorts off. He slid them off your legs in a quick, smooth motion that had them landing on a nearby lavender bush. The garden had quite a large variety of blossoming shrubbery and many clusters of beautiful flowers, it was probably down to the bi-weekly gardeners Andy had hired. You had known they were expensive and after spending so much time like this, lazing around, surrounded by the expensive home’s nature, you were beginning to understand why he had hired them.
You returned your gaze from the dangling shorts, back to the man nestled between your bare thighs. His beard was scratching at your skin in the best way possible as he laid small kisses over the thin fabric that covered your cunt. His hot breathe felt like fire as you wriggled and squirmed below him, just wanting some kind of contact from him.
He used two fingers to peel your panties to the side, groaning at the site of your glistening folds before kissing your clit gently. His tongue started swiping across your cunt slowly, taking all the time in the world to make you feel as good as he knew he could. You moaned loudly, grabbing at his hair once more as he sucked on you deeply.
“Mr Dolan?” You were interrupted by a throat clearing before hearing a man speak; one of Andy’s many servants you guessed. They had never seemed to leave the two of you alone whilst you had been staying there. No matter how big his home was, you always seemed to find another at every corner.
Andy looked up to the man with question and annoyance, raising an eyebrow at him as he wished for him to just hurry up and leave so the two of you could continue with your escapades. “It’s the phone for you Mr Dolan. Your son.”
Andy quickly rose from his place below you, his mind abandoning all thought of the act he was just partaking in as he jogged past the glass doors of his home, wanting only to speak to the young boy.
You sat up slightly, doing up a few buttons of your shirt and laying your crossed legs to the side of you as you held yourself up with your arm. You watched him as he scrambled into the house after his servant, little red marks from where he had been lying in the grass next to you were noticeably imprinted on the skin of his left arm, the one he had been leaning on, and his open shirt was flowing behind him with the speed he was moving.
You looked down to the flowers on front of you, picking a single daisy that bore tinted, pink tips on the end of each slim, white petal, twirling the stem around between two of your fingers as you listened to the breeze pick up. You could feel the mood of the air change as he left, the wind feeling more cold an irritating than once before as you pondered the call Andy was having.
You knew how desperate he had been to speak to his son again. It had been months since he had spoken to him without his ex-wife being the messenger. He missed him more than he knew to describe.
His recent divorce had been what had fuelled him to return home to Eden; hoping to find solace in the paradise he knew so well after feeling as if he had lost himself entirely. Spending too many years constantly playing other people had taken more of a toll on him than he had realised, that was until he was sent to rehab. After getting out, he felt as if staying in Eden was the only way for him to climb out of the dark hole he had managed to find himself in. Unfortunately, this journey of finding himself had meant making the decision to leave his son behind in Los Angles. Something he didn't like to speak on much.
When you had first met him in rehab however, he had been extremely open about his life, telling you how anger was the only emotion he could really feel anymore. Explaining that if he wasn’t at least the slightest amount intoxicated, he didn't think he couldn't go on with living; especially after the recent downfall of his career being showcased for the entire world to see. It was dark stuff, but you understood each other. That’s a big part of what made you grow so close.
You picked off petal after petal from the daisy, watching its beauty fade with each pluck and letting each one slowly blow into the breeze, creating a tragic stream as they blew away from you and down to the not so far off shoreline. As you plucked the last petal, you admired the daisy, still glowing with pollen and beaming in the sunlight despite have lost so many important parts of it. You stuck it into your shirt pocket and fell back down to lay on the grass as you waited for Andy to finish his call.
It had been maybe ten minutes you were lying with your eyes closed, enjoying the heat that beamed down from the clear, Australian sky when you finally heard the slow footsteps that you knew to be Andy’s, pattering along the grass. You shot up from where you lay to see the dopey-smiled man who had left you in the garden just fifteen minutes before, only to be faced with a red-eyed, teary one.
“Andy what happened? Are you okay?” He fell down onto the grass besides you, staring at you but completely wordless. You felt as if you could see into his soul. He was feeling so many emotions he hadn’t even been able to grasp at in so long. It was overwhelming him and you knew it. You reached out to stroke is cheek, concern running through you for the man that you had grown to love so dearly over the past few months.
He looked up “She’s gonna let me see him. T-They’re coming over next month.” A tear fell from his face as he smiled harder than you had ever seen him smile before. He was finally going to see his son after all these long months and you couldn’t have been any happier for him.
“Really?! That’s amazing, oh my god!” You moved forwards, wrapping your arms over his large shoulders and squeezing him in a hug so full of love it was palpable. “You really got to speak to him this time?” You questioned him once more before pulling away from his grasp, thinking back to the many times his ex-wife had promised he could speak with the boy but decided at the last minute he wouldn’t get to.
“Yeah!.. he uhh,” He took in a shaky breath, chuckling with joy as he recalled hearing the young boy’s voice so filled with excitement and energy over the phone. “He said he couldn't wait to meet you! You know, when I told him about you.” He stumbled over his words, running a hand through his hair as he shook with nerves, doing his best to calm himself.
In that moment, you felt your love for him soar higher than it ever had before. You were so proud of the progress he had made, and you knew his son would be too. “And I cant wait to meet him either.” You rested your forehead against his, the two of you enjoying a stand still and bathing in the happiness you both felt in the beautiful moment. The sound of the ever present breeze occupied your ears as the laughter emitting from two of you joined it, echoing a song throughout the garden that wouldn’t be forgotten any time soon.
Thank you sm for reading!!🥺💗
Tags: @celestialrequiem @ntxoza @dark-mei-rose @sojournmichael @blakescoven @ritualmichael @ghostangels @fernfiction @ferndolan @brattylovee @7-wonders @angelicmichael @melodylangdon @brooklinn13 @kitty4860 @lavenderahs @michaellangdonstanaccount @9layerdevilfoodcake @chicaluna2410 @plymptxn-reborn I've just tagged anyone who I thought might be interested as per usual, but if you would to be removed feel free to let me know!! you can also lemme know if you would like to be added to the tag list too:)
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His Kind of Beautiful
Hello lovely people! I don’t even know where to begin here. My ex popped up as a friend I may know on Facebook the other day. Of course it brought up all these memories. (I’ve been with my husband for over a decade so this ex was from way back when.) Anyways, I couldn’t help but think back to when and why we broke up. We worked together (that was a mistake) and I was chatting with one of our coworkers. The guy looked at me and was like ‘I don’t want to get in the middle of anything but your boyfriend said something about you the other day and it bothered me.’ I told him to tell me what he said. ‘He said you weren’t pretty enough to blow him.’ (Fun fact! I had already blown him a few times by this point.) So of course I thought my life was ruined. I mean I was only 17/18. I called him right away and asked him if it was true. The fucker didn’t even deny it! He was like I was just joking around. So I told him since I wasn’t pretty enough to blow him, I wasn’t pretty enough to date him either. That’s the last time I spoke to him.
Anyways! That’s what inspired this little fic. I know we all go through days where we don’t feel pretty or beautiful. But you know what? We are all beautiful no matter what! Please if you ever feel less than that and need to talk, I am here and willing to listen! Nobody should go through life feeling anything less than beautiful.
So I knew I needed to somehow incorporate this into a fic. At first I was going to go with Steve but I took a look at my Masterlist and realized I only had one Andy fic on there. That’s just despicable! So without any further ado, please enjoy this fic with our lovely, handsome floofy haired lawyer daddy!
Rating: Explicit (Like I could write something that doesn’t involve sex with Andrew)
Words: 5.3k
Warnings: Language, fingering, unprotected sex(Remember: Sex is cleaner with a packaged weiner), and just Andy being fluffy
You honestly didn’t even know why you had agreed to this. You hated first dates in general, let alone a blind date.
But your friend, Jane, assured you this guy was handsome and nice and worth your time to go out with.
So, you pulled a blue dress from your closet that you’d only worn maybe twice in your life and actually did your eye makeup.
After getting fully ready you take one last look at yourself in the mirror. For once you didn’t hate the woman staring back at you. This dress happened to accentuate your curves and the color of your eyeshadow made your eyes pop. You wouldn’t necessarily say you were pretty, but you looked decent.
You slip on your heels and grab your purse and head out of your apartment. As you go to lock your door, the apartment door behind you opens.
“Good evening, neighbor.”
You turn around with a smile on your face and return the greeting to your sinfully handsome neighbor, Andy.
He can’t help but notice how pretty you look. “Where are you going all dressed up?”
You blush and start heading towards the elevator together. “Oh, my friend set me up on a blind date. I’m nervous. Haven’t been on a date in awhile.”
He presses the button for the lobby. “Blind date, huh? Yeah I went on one of those recently. First date since the divorce. It was...interesting.”
You couldn’t help the giggle that escaped as you both headed into the elevator and pressed the button for the lobby. You turn towards him. “Interesting, how?”
“Well, for starters, she was almost an hour late. Then when she showed up, she didn’t even apologize for being late. She just sat down and demanded the waiter bring her a cocktail. By snapping her fingers at him.”
The elevator doors open. You head into the lobby and notice Andy following you. “So I think it’s safe to say you aren’t calling her for a second date?” He opens the door to the outside for you. You smile in thanks and head out into the warm evening air of Boston.
He rolls his eyes as he follows you onto the street and hails down a cab. “Absolutely not.” He gestures for you to take the cab.
You look at him confused. “Don’t you need one?”
He waves you off. “Nah, I’m heading to pick up Jake to take him to dinner. He finally found some time to fit his old man into his ‘busy’ teenager schedule.” He heads towards his Audi you now realize is parked in front of the building right behind your cab.
You scoff at him as you open the cab door. “Old man? Oh, please. You can’t be more than what? 38?”
He opens the door to his own vehicle and smirks at you. “Try 43, sweetheart. Hey! Good luck on your date!” He waves and gets into his car. You return the wave and get into the cab and give the driver the address to the restaurant and try to get your mind off of how good Andy’s ass looked in the jeans he was wearing.
You arrived at the restaurant with a few minutes to spare. You wanted to get there a little early so you could get a drink from the bar and calm your nerves.
You find a seat away from the other patrons and order a glass of wine. You scan your eyes over the room to see if your date has arrived yet. You weren’t entirely sure what he looked like but you knew he was going to be wearing a red shirt.
The bartender sets your wine in front of you. You hand over a 10 dollar bill and tell him to keep the change. As you sip your wine, you check your phone for the time. 7:02. You’re about ready to text your friend to ask if your date is normally late when you feel a tap on your shoulder.
You turn around and look up at who you assume to be your date for the evening. He was handsome. Not as handsome as Andy, but handsome enough.
He gives you a small smile. “Hi, are you Y/N?”
You nod your head with a smile. “Yes, hi! It’s nice to meet you. You must be Jason?” You then gesture to the seat next to you. “Would you like to have a drink before we get a table?”
He nods once and takes a seat next to you and flags down the bartender to order a scotch.
The bartender sets the drink in front of him. Jason thanks him and pays for his drink.
You can feel the awkwardness start to creep in. And when that happens, you tend to get chatty.
“So, what do you do for a living?” You smile hoping to ease the tension building.
He turns to look you up and down. And not subtly. He shakes his head in disapproval and downs his drink before standing up. “Listen, I’m sorry but I can’t do this. Jane lied to me.”
You can’t help the confused look that crosses your face. “She lied to you? How?”
He gives you another not so subtle once over. “She told me you were beautiful. And no offense, but I just don’t see it.”
You can’t help the jaw drop. Sure you knew you weren’t gorgeous but damn. You’d never had a man be bold enough to actually say it to your face. “So, you’re just gonna leave? Not even give me a chance because I’m not your version of beautiful?”
He scoffs and checks out a girl that walks by the two of you. “What can I say? I’ve got standards that you just don’t meet.”
You feel like you’ve just been punched in the gut. That’s it. You’re fucking done. You reach behind you and grab your wine glass and throw the drink in his face.
You grab your purse and head towards the door. You turn back to face him. “I may not meet your ‘beauty standards’ but at least I’m not an asshole!” With that you flip him off and head outside to hail a cab to head back home.
You manage to make it almost all the way home before the tears start to fall. Sure he was a stranger and his opinion didn’t matter. But it still fucking hurt that he didn’t want you and didn’t even think you were pretty enough to share a meal with. Your self esteem already sucked and this asshole sure as hell didn’t make it any better.
The blue dress goes in the trash as soon as you step into your apartment. You take off your nice lace bra you had put on. You take your makeup off with a wipe and pull your hair up in a ponytail. You throw on some hello kitty pajama shorts and a t- shirt that’s at least 2 sizes too big for you.
Then you head into your kitchen to pour yourself a glass of wine from a bottle you keep in the fridge for emergencies. You think this classifies as one.
You grab your phone off the counter and call your favorite Chinese place. You order double what you normally do because nobody wants to sleep with you. Might as well eat whatever the fuck you wanted. God, you can’t believe you shaved your legs for that asshole.
The lady on the phone lets you know it’ll be at least an hour. You give her your card number and thank her before refilling your now empty glass.
As you’re sitting on the couch waiting for your food, you can’t help but replay the events of the evening. Then that takes you into a downward spiral as you think back to all of your exes.
Come to think of it, they’ve all left you for one reason or another. A majority of them cheated with someone way prettier than you. Wow, maybe you were the problem. Clearly you were going for guys out of your league.
Maybe you needed to reevaluate the standards you had. Which quite frankly, wasn’t much. You just wanted them to not be a serial killer.
Perhaps you should just give up on dating. You were perfectly happy alone. Maybe that’s how it was supposed to be for you.
Before your thoughts could spiral anymore, your doorbell rang. You glance at your phone. Damn that hour flew by.
You grab $10 out of your purse for a tip and open your door. As you’re grabbing the bags and thanking the delivery guy, Andy steps out of the elevator with confusion written all over his face. “Hey, Y/N. Thought you had a date?”
You could almost feel the tears trying to well up again. No, you weren’t going to cry. Especially in front of your handsome neighbor.
“Yeah, it uh, didn’t work out. Shit happens.”
He puts his key in the lock and opens his door then turns to look at you. “Not your type?”
You can’t help the rush of air that leaves your mouth. “Not exactly. I wasn’t his. Apparently Jane, our mutual friend, told him I was beautiful and well. He didn’t agree with her.”
Andy furrows his brows and cocks his head to the side. “What? Was he blind or something?”
You shake your head. “Nope. I just wasn’t up to his standards.”
Andy mumbles something under his breath. “Well, I’m sorry. Some guys can be real assholes.”
You wave him off. “No need to apologize. I get that I’m not everyone’s cup of tea.”
Andy shakes his head. “Still, I’m sorry. That really sucks. And he really said you weren’t beautiful to your face?”
You give him a sad smile and shrug your shoulders. “It’s okay, really. I’m used to not being wanted. Have a nice night, Andy.”
You turn and head back into your apartment before he has a chance to reply. You don’t need his pity. You just need to drown yourself in the rest of your wine and gorge yourself on the greasy Chinese.
Just as you set the food down on the counter, you hear a knock at your door.
Confused, you head over and open it to find Andy standing there. And he looks kinda pissed.
“What do you mean you’re used to not being wanted?”
You sigh and put your hands on your hips. “It’s not the first time some guy hasn’t wanted me and it won’t be the last.”
Andy shakes his head as he pushes his way inside and shuts the door with his foot. “There’s just something I’m having a hard time wrapping my mind around.”
You cross your arms over your chest. “And what’s that?”
He then proceeds to walk closer to you, forcing you backwards until your back touches the wall. He puts his hands on either side of your head and gazes down at you. You’ve never been this close to him before. You can feel his chest move against yours as he breathes. You can feel the heat radiating off of him.God, he smells good. You realize you’re not breathing and take a deep breath. He smiles down at you and takes his left hand to tuck a piece of hair behind your ear that had fallen free from your ponytail.
“That some moron would think that you’re not beautiful. He’s fuckin crazy, Y/N.”
Your breath hitches as his left hand has now grabbed the back of your neck to raise your lips towards his. You close your eyes, waiting for the inevitable kiss. “I guess I’m just not everyone’s kind of beautiful.”
He leans in, just barely brushing his lips against yours. “You’re my kind of beautiful.”
WIth that, he presses his lips to yours for a slow but intense kiss. You can’t help the moan that escapes your mouth. You wrap your arms around his neck and pull him all the way up against you. He grunts when his hardening cock comes into contact with your soft belly.
After a few minutes of intense kisses that take your breath away, he pulls back and presses his forehead against yours. “Will you let me show you how beautiful I think you are?”
You don’t even need to think about it. “Yes, please.”
He smiles and leans in for one more quick kiss. “Take me to the bedroom, pretty girl.”
You quickly grab his hand and lead him down the hall towards your bedroom, making a quick stop in the kitchen to throw the Chinese food in the fridge.
Once in your room Andy spins you around and presses your back up against his front. He leans forward and starts placing soft kisses against your neck. His left hand rests at your waist while his right hand moves up under your shirt towards your breasts. “Is this okay, pretty girl?” His voice is so low and husky. Your panties didn’t even stand a chance.
You nod. “Yes, please. Touch me, Andy.”
He groans a little and reaches up to cup your right breast in his hand. You hear him let out a growl as he continues to fondle your breast. While his left hand makes its way into your shorts, brushing his finger over your clit. You jolt forward at the sensation, whimpering out in the process.
“You like that, pretty girl? Like my fingers on your little cunt?”
You grab a hold of his wrist and writhe against him as he lowers his fingers towards your entrance. He gathers your slick up before moving his fingers back towards your clit and starts slowly circling it.
“Fuck, Andy. Feels so good.”
“Yeah? You want my fingers inside you, baby?”
You quickly nod. “Please. Need to feel you.”
He lowers his hand back down to your entrance and slowly slides his middle finger against your walls. You arch your back and moan out his name as he starts pumping it slowly.
“Fuck, Y/N. You’re so tight. When’s the last time you’ve been touched, pretty girl?”
“Too long. Feels so good. I need more. Please.”
His index finger quickly joins the middle one. He starts pumping them in and out of you quicker, curling them just right so they rub up against your g spot. “Oh, fuck!” You can’t help but yell out at the feeling. It’s been so long since someone’s taken the time to pleasure you, let alone find your g spot. You could feel the coil tightening already. You were embarrassingly close and he hadn’t even really started yet.
“You gonna cum for me already, pretty girl? Do it. Make a mess on my fingers.”
He moves his thumb and starts circling your clit. Your legs start shaking. He presses his thumb down just a little harder and you’re gone. You cum with a shout of Andy’s name into the otherwise empty room.
He continues pumping his fingers in and out but removes his thumb from your clit, not wanting to overstimulate you too much. “Good girl. So fuckin’ pretty when you cum.”
You lower your head in embarrassment. He spins you around and places his finger under your chin so he can raise your head so you’re looking at him. “Don’t hide from me, pretty girl. I want to see everything.” He takes his left hand and raises it to his mouth, sucking your essence off of his fingers. He moans into his hand. “You taste so fucking sweet. Knew you would.”
He grabs your face to pull you in for a sweet kiss as he slowly pushes you towards the bed. The back of your knees touch your mattress before he pulls away. He smiles down at you as he grabs the hem of your shirt and pulls it up and off, tossing it somewhere in the room. His gaze then falls to your breasts. He licks his lips hungrily. Before he can get too caught up, he hooks his thumbs into your shorts and pulls them and your panties down and off your legs, helping you step out of them.
He stands back up and pulls you in for another kiss, your hands fall to his chest. You start to unbutton his shirt, revealing his chest to you a little at a time. You pull away to get the last few buttons and push his shirt over his shoulders and are surprised to see his chest and abdomen sprinkled with various tattoos. You never would’ve guessed. You can’t help but let your hand trace over a quote on his collarbone or onto the eagle covering his pec.
“I never would have pegged you for a tattoo guy. These are amazing.”
He chuckles. “Yeah, I only have them where they can be covered up by clothes.” He grabs your wrists to stop your tracing. “You can trace all of them some other time, pretty girl. Right now, I need to be inside of you.”
You can’t help the shiver that runs down your spine at his words. His dirty talk was going to be the death of you.
He moves his hands towards his belt buckle and starts undoing it. You couldn’t help but notice the slight tremble to his hands. You place your hands on top of his and look at his face. “Hey, if you don’t want to do this, that’s ok.”
He looks into your eyes and gives you a shy smile. “No, I want to. God, do I want to. It’s just, I haven’t been with anyone since Laurie and I guess I’m a little nervous.”
You couldn’t help the pull you felt at your heart at his words. He was nervous. Thank god. So were you. This beautiful man wanted to sleep with you, of course you were nervous. “If it makes you feel any better, I’m nervous too. You’re kind of intimidating.”
He cocks his head to the side and furrows his brows. “Intimidating? Why is that?”
You remove your hands from his and gesture up and down his body. “Just look at you. You’re breathtaking, Andy. And I’m just me.” Your gaze falls down to your feet, unable to look at him.
He puts his finger under your chin and raises your head so that you’re forced to look at him. “Speak for yourself, pretty girl. You’re the breathtaking one.”
You scoff and roll your eyes. “Yeah, right.”
His gaze on you hardens just a little. He grabs your hand and places it over his pants against his erection. “Do you feel that? Feel what you do to me? Nobody but you can make me this hard, pretty girl. I’ve been in a constant state of arousal since I moved in, watching you coming in and out of your apartment in your tight skirts and almost see-through blouses. Making me go fuckin’ crazy.”
“Why didn’t you ever say anything or make a move then?” Of course your self doubt was starting to creep in. Maybe this was him just wanting to get his dick wet. You needed to know.
He grabs your hands and brings your knuckles to his mouth, giving them a soft kiss. “Honestly? I thought there was no way in hell an old man like me would have a shot with a sweet thing like you.”
You couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped your mouth. “Please. You’re only 43.”
He pulls you in for a sweet, lingering kiss. “Yeah, well. Probably too old for you. But after what you said to me, about how you’re used to not being wanted? I stopped caring how old I was. I needed to show you just exactly how much you’re wanted. So, can I still show you, pretty girl?”
You quickly nod your head and help him finish removing his pants, leaving him in just his black briefs. The fabric doing nothing to hide the outline of his hard cock. Jesus. He looked big. Bigger than anything you’ve taken. You couldn’t wait.
You quickly pulled his briefs over his hips and down his legs. His cock sprang free and smacked against his inked abdomen, making him hiss. You grab him at the base and slowly start pumping him, looking at his face for his reaction. His head is thrown back and his eyes are closed as he moans out your name at the feeling. His hands are gripping your hips.
You smear his precum that’s gathered at the tip and use that to help jerk him off a little faster. You tighten your grip as you pick up your pace, loving the sounds you're pulling from him. You start to go on your knees when he suddenly pulls you back up. You look at him in confusion. “If I let you continue, this will be over before it even starts. Gonna make me blow my load like an inexperienced teenager.”
You couldn’t help but feel proud of yourself but once again furrow your brows as Andy walks to the other side of the bed. He starts looking around in your nightstand. “Do you have any condoms?”
You shake your head. “I did but they expired. If you’re okay with it, I’m on birth control. And I got tested after my last partner and I’m clean.”
He pushes the drawer to the nightstand back in and climbs onto the bed and lays on his back, hand lazily stroking his cock. “I’m more than okay with that. I just had a full work up done. I’m healthy as well.”
You barely acknowledge what he said, unable to remove your eyes from his hand that’s wrapped around his cock. You pull your bottom lip in between your teeth and let out a little whimper. Andy chuckles at you. “Well, are you going to just stare at it, pretty girl? Or are you going to hop on my lap and get comfy?”
That gets your attention. You meet his gaze. “You want me on top?”
He nods. “Wanna be able to see all of you, baby girl.” He removes his hand from his cock and pats his thigh. “Come on, pretty girl. Ride me.”
Well that sight just caused a new wave of arousal to pool at your core. You had only been on top once before and it was only for a short time.
You place your knees gently on the bed and crawl the short way to him. You swing your left leg over him so that you're sitting right above where he wants you. You thread your hands through his hair and lean down for a heated kiss. You lick his bottom lip, wanting in. He doesn’t even hesitate to open his mouth to let you in.
He places his left hand on your hip while the other grabs his cock. He pushes your body down so that you’re hovering over it. “Please. Fuck me, pretty girl.”
You keep your lips attached to his as you slowly sink down on him. You get about halfway before you stop and pull away to look at him, trying to slow down your breathing. He brings his right hand up to cup your cheek. “You ok? Do you wanna stop?” The quick shake of your head makes him chuckle. “No, god no. I just need a minute. You’re fucking huge Andy.”
He can’t help the cocky smirk that appears. “Yeah, I know. Just take all the time you need.” He rubs his hand up and down your back to help calm you down. It only takes you a few more seconds before you continue to impale yourself on his impressive dick.
You let out a breath of relief when your hips settle flush against his. He grabs the back of your head and pulls you in for another kiss. You slowly start rocking your hips against him. He feels fucking incredible. Hitting all the right spots inside of you.
You pull away from the kiss and raise up a little and plant your hands on your headboard for some leverage. The rock of your hips speed up significantly. You move all the way up until his tip is barely inside before you slam yourself back down against him. You’re pulling the most beautiful sounds from his lips. It makes you move that much faster and harder against him.
Andy moves his hands to your breasts and gives them a good squeeze. Then he starts pinching your nipples, eliciting a moan from you. “That’s it, baby girl. Doing so good. You look so gorgeous fuckin’ yourself on my cock. Goddamn. Riding me so well.”
The praise he’s giving you just spurs you on. You raise up even more and place your hands on his chest and pick up your pace just a little more. You can feel the coil tightening in your belly. You’re going to cum and hard.
Andy keeps his left hand on your breast and keeps pinching your nipple. He moves his right hand down until his thumb is pressing against your clit, giving you the friction you needed. “Can feel you squeezing me, pretty girl. Cum for me. Make a mess.”
He presses his thumb just a little harder and that’s all it takes. You free fall over the edge of bliss with a scream of Andy’s name, your hips faltering from their rhythm.
You slow down your pace as you come down from your high, collapsing against Andy’s chest. He cradles you in his arms and rubs his hands up and down your back. “Still with me, sweet girl?”
You weakly nod your head and take just a second to catch your breath. It takes you a moment to realize he didn’t finish. You raise your head off his chest to look at him. “Why didn’t you cum?”
He smiles and pulls you in for a sweet kiss. “Oh, I will. Don’t worry. Just wanted to watch you fall apart on top of me. And let me just say, it’s one of the prettiest sights I’ve ever seen. You look gorgeous when you cum, Y/N. Almost made me lose it. Think you can take some more?”
You nod your head eagerly, already wanting to cum around his cock again. “Then why don’t you be a good girl and turn around and get on your hands and knees for me?”
He doesn’t have to tell you twice. You quickly pull off of him and turn around to get on your hands and knees. He takes a second to admire the view of your once again dripping pussy before he gets up on his knees behind you. He grabs a hold of your ass and gives it a hard squeeze. “Such a nice ass. I bet it’ll jiggle real nice while I’m fuckin’ you.”
He grabs a hold of the base of his cock and moves it towards your entrance. Before he starts pushing in, he gives your right cheek a hard smack. You drop down onto your elbows and moan into the sheets below you. Fuck. You didn’t know you liked that. He places his right hand on your hip and squeezes.
“Hmm. We’ll have to revisit that later.” And that’s the last thing he says before he slams home. You arch your back and fist the sheets as he sets a hard and fast pace.
And boy was he right. Your ass does jiggle nicely with every snap of his hips against it. He threads his left hand through your hair and gives it a tug. It makes you clench around him. “Fuck, baby girl. Keep squeezing me like that and I’m not going to last long.”
You move your head to the side and peer back at him. You clench around him again and it earns you another groan and smack to your ass. “Want you to cum for me, Andy. Please. Fill me up.”
He stills for just a second and wraps his left arm around your chest and lifts you up until your back is flush against his chest. This time he keeps his thrusts nice and slow. He places a kiss to the side of your neck. “Yeah? Want me to fill that pussy up, huh? To claim you as mine?”
You let a whimper escape your lips and you grip onto his arm that’s holding you against him as he starts picking up the pace of his thrusts. You clench around him again. “I am yours, Andy.”
He quickly moves his right hand down and starts circling your clit. “Fuck, Y/N. You’re gonna make me cum. Cum with me, please.”
You start pushing back and meeting his thrusts, desperate to get him to his release.
It only takes a few more snaps of his hips and circles against your clit before you're both falling over the edge while moaning out the other's name.
He continues pumping his hips until he’s completely spent and gently moves to lay the both of you onto your sides, basking in the afterglow of your orgasms.
He slowly pulls out of you and turns you around so that you’re facing him. He tucks your now loose hair behind your ear. “Hi, there.”
You chuckle and move up against him and press your face into the crook of his neck. “Hello.” You place a gentle kiss to his pulse point and relax as he wraps his arms around you.
There’s only a few minutes of peaceful silence when:
“So, was that good for you?”
You pull away and look up at him with an incredulous look on your face and smack his shoulder. You both start laughing.
“Of course it was good for me. Did you enjoy yourself, Andrew?”
He pulls you in for another sweet kiss. “Oh, yeah. But you know. Just to be sure. We might need to do it again.” He wiggles his eyebrows at you. It only makes you laugh once more.
“You are such a dork. How about we get a shower and then heat up the food you so rudely interrupted me from eating before?”
His jaw drops in mock hurt. “You weren’t complaining when I was making you come around my cock, pretty girl.”
You sit up and stretch your arms over your head. You swing your legs over the side and stand up, wobbling just a little. You hear a chuckle behind you and playfully send a glare his way as you make your way to the bathroom.
You turn on the light and can’t help but look at your reflection in the mirror.
Your hair is a hot mess, having fallen out of it’s ponytail. Your lips were swollen and red from all the kissing. Your nipples looked slightly red from all pinching they had been subjected to. Your skin flushed from the orgasms. And there was what looked like a bruise forming on your hip in the shape of his hand.
And yet. You’ve never felt more beautiful.
You see Andy walking up behind you in the mirror. He smiles at you.
You turn around and return it before throwing your arms around his neck and raising yourself up on your toes to pull him in for a kiss. He gladly wraps his arms around you and reciprocates.
You pull away with a smile still attached to your face. “Not that I mind, pretty girl. But, what was that for?”
You shrug. “Just thank you. For making me feel beautiful.”
He smiles down at you and pulls you in for another quick kiss. You can feel him hardening once again against your hip. “Why don’t we skip the shower for now? I’m not quite finished with you yet.”
And with that he pulls you back into the bedroom where he spends the rest of the night showing you that you’re his kind of beautiful.
Permanent Taglist: @stargazingfangirl18 @drabblewithfrannybarnes @harrysthiccthighss @IIIoIs
#chris evans#chris evans smut#andy barber x reader smut#andy barber smut#andy barber fanfiction#andy barber x female reader#andy barber x you#andy barber#Cici91 writes
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Mr. Freezy Pops, Pt. 8
Summary: Cherry helps with the second punishment. Party night at the Freezy’s. When alcohol is involved, trouble usually follows.
Pairings: Robert “Mr. Freezy” Pronge X Reader
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, DARK!, fluffy!Robert, sub/dom, collar, mention of branding/marking, sharing, dildo, oral sex (F receiving), multiple orgasms, implied threesome, alcohol, choking, threatening, gun, murder, disposing of a body, nicknames (Sir/Freezy Baby/Pretty Girl/Baby Girl) 18+ ONLY
Word Count: 2.5k
🍦Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10, Part 11🍦BONUS Part 12🍦
Series Masterlist
“The fuck did you just say?” you can’t be bothered with what Cherry said. You just want to feel the warmth radiating off of Robert, like he’s your own personal heater. Letting his body soothe your trembling body. Needing to fully calm down from your racing emotions.
“Didn’t stutter.” Cherry takes a long drag of the bud. “I’ve been good to you, right?”
“Yeah, and you’re fucking pushing it. I just suggest you shut you’re your fucking cock sucking mouth if you know what’s good for you.” Silence feels the living room. Your body almost becoming too comfortable with Robert’s soothing hands rubbing over your skin.
“Why she take off the collar?” you hear the laughter in Cherry’s voice and it pisses you off. “I see you got yourself a mark, too. Was that part of the plan? You wanted a piece of ass and now you’re getting more than you bargained for.” Robert let’s his words sink in. When he saw you at the precinct that is exactly what he wanted. Just to fuck into you good. After more research on Paul and following you around, he knew that your husband was not good enough for you. Walking around like a saint, when he was just as dirty as the rest of them. He never thought it would be so easy to catch him in dirty deeds, and definitely never thought Paul would offer you up so quickly. And now? Now he would not only kill for you, but he would die for you. He’s not a good man, and he knows you deserve more than him, but you freely choose to stay.
The more Robert thinks, the more he has realized he has given you just as much power over him and he has over you, and he can’t possibly let you think you can control him so easily. Looking over at Cherry, who only smirks at him as he takes another drag, he knows that Robert has become pussy whipped. He knows that fucking you has turned into something deeper. Robert now has a weakness, and she’s sitting in his lap.
Robert also feels he needs to be punished. He reacted too quickly when he cut off your collar. But dammit if learning that you had been talking to your piece of shit ex didn’t make him go blind with rage. You also haven’t been punished for opening up the front door. Cherry has been good with getting information. More valuable than anyone knows. He’s setting a plan in motion, and he deserves to be rewarded.
“Go into the bedroom. Bedside drawers, pick you something out. You’re not touching her...yet.” Taking a long drag from the cigarette, Cherry pushes it into the ashtray, standing to go through yours and Robert’s treasure chest. Vibrators, dildos, plugs, clamps, it’s like a fucking toy store in these drawers. Cherry’s not stupid, he’s wearing Robert down. He will get a piece of you, too. Cherry knows how to play Robert, and he deserves this. Most of his time is spent elsewhere, playing his role, and playing it flawlessly.
Pulling out a particularly long and thick dildo and lube he walks back into the living room. Robert whispers into your ear to be a good girl, petting your face while he uses his legs to hold yours apart. “Remember, you’re my fucking whore. Cherry’s been good to us. More than you know. You understand, right?” “Yes, sir,” your lost on whether to feel excited or scared. Robert doesn’t share. So, you know how important Cherry is to him.
“If you say no, Cherry and I can think of another way. Do you want to say no, Pretty Girl?” “No, Sir. Wanna make you happy.” Cherry’s body stands at the end of couch, squirting lube on the behemoth dildo in his hands and you whimper, eyes looking up at Robert. He would tease you with the massive toy, but never once used it. “Come on.” Cherry says sitting on the couch, rubbing the soft silicone up your folds. “Be a good girl. Take this all on your own like his good little pet. If he didn’t think you could handle it, he wouldn’t have had it in the drawer.”
Sobbing you watch as he slowly slides the tip in. Everyone’s eyes watch as your hole is stretched beyond what you feel it should. Feeling Robert’s breathing behind you and his pulsing cock on your back. Cherry’s hand slowly presses it further in. No longer can you look as your body succumbs to an immense amount of pressure and fullness. Head lolling back on Robert’s shoulder, his hand slides down your body, fingers connect to your neglected clit, and he works your nub. His legs that are wrapped around your own to keep you spread further apart, exposing the leaking mess that’s become of your pussy.
“I know you said her cunt was perfect, but...” Cherry’s voice trails off as he begins pumping the cock in your stretched cunt. You feel the couch dip further, and see Cherry’s face looking intently at the mess him and the dildo are creating. His tongue licks around his lips, and you’re overcome with pleasure. Cherry who knows his place, his skin never touches you, but you see the lust and hunger in his eyes as he watches your pussy be destroyed with the girth and length of the toy.
Robert’s eyes finally leave the scene, allowing Cherry to work you into the approaching orgasm that builds in your core. Feeling your whole body heat up when Robert turns your face to his, pulling you in so he can give you the filthiest kiss he can. His tongue licks on around your mouth, lips suck around your jaw, before you finally get what you're wanting. His mouth fully on yours, sucking on your tongue, and hearing your breathing change as the pleasure seeps through your body.
Moaning into his mouth, your lungs heat up with the lack of oxygen, and you wouldn’t change a damn thing. His mouth muffles your screams and you feel yourself spew. Cherry’s hand pulls out the toy, his mouth connects to your core as he slurps up your juices. Whatever Robert may do to him because he actually dared to touch you, he doesn’t care. His eyes roll up to look at you, while Robert’s mouth sucks on the column of your neck. Cherry’s hips fuck his cock into the couch, needing a release of his own.
Cherry’s tongue flicks on your swollen clit, and you see in his eyes he wants you to cum on his tongue. His tongue determined to draw out another orgasm. Bright blue eyes stare up at you, seeing the pure unadulterated pleasure written all over your face. The hand that isn’t wrapped around Robert’s face, holding him on your neck, finds the smooth back of Cherry’s fade. Your fingers run over the smooth cut. Feeling near like the velvet flocking of your former collar. Sliding your fingers up to brush through the short brunette hair on the top of his head, and still his eyes never leave yours. Getting just as much pleasure as you.
Never did you ever think you would take such pleasure in two men as they worked your body. Cherry’s scruff rubs you near raw, while his goatee is near soothing on your sensitive skin. His tongue slides down to enter your gaping hole, a gasp exits your throat at the feeling. Robert chuckles on your neck, pushing your body to begin fucking Cherry’s tongue. “Cum, Pretty Girl. Cum on his fucking tongue.” Like a good girl your body listens. Coming undone all over Cherry’s face. Happily, he drinks up your slick, moaning like he’s eating the best dessert of his life. Leaning back, he slaps your spread pussy, and you shudder at the sting. “My fucking slut loved that didn’t she?” your heavy-lidded eyes look at Robert and nods, “If Cherry continues to be good for me, you think we should let him fuck my pussy? Would you like that, Pretty Girl?” “Only, if you’re there,” your voice, barely a whisper. Blissed out you feel yourself getting heavy with sleep, you look down at Cherry, noticing how his pants are darkened by his own release.
“Well, Cherry boy, you think you’re going to continue to be good for me? Might, let you have a chance.” Cherry’s hands wipe off your cum from his face, smiling at your still spread and opened pussy. “Could be fun, baby girl. Do you think you can handle two of us? Sucking on my cock while Freezy fucks that cunt?” “Uh-huh.”
“Or would you want me fucking that tight ass, while you ride your Sir? Saw the butt plugs. I know he’s stretching you out.”
Robert’s face leans into your neck. His fingers slide into your pussy. “You want that, Pretty Girl? Want us both to fuck you?” With a devilish laugh, Robert looks to Cherry. “You’re my good fucking slut. I feel this pussy fluttering thinking about us fucking you. She’s already getting wet again. Don’t worry, not tonight. Cherry has to really prove himself if he wants to fuck you.”
Robert’s hand rests tightly and comfortably around your waist. Hand firmly holding onto your hip, as you sip beer from a solo cup. He doesn’t want you out of his sight, and you don’t want to be far from him. There are almost too many people here, and you feel more secure close to him. An odd sense of safety comes from Cherry who stands close by as well.
He flirts with some girl, a girl you actually quite like. You two hit it off well. But no one gets too close in this group of people. The girls are typically a one-night thing. Robert is the rare man who keeps a woman for longer than a couple days. To keep up appearances he let his beard grow wild, slightly covering up the ice cream cone on his neck. He can’t have a weakness in front of these people. Yours however, is proudly displayed. The burn now healed, leaving a perfect light scar of who you belong to.
People know not to mess with you. They know Robert’s anger knows no bounds when it comes to protecting you. “Hey, I’ve got to go talk to someone. Cherry is staying close. You gonna be, okay?”
When he leaves you to “talk to someone” you know it’s business. Without argument you nod your head yes. “Go inside and get you another drink, Pretty Girl.” You listen. Cherry and his girl of the night follow further behind. You know damn well that no one else at the house is packing, but Robert and Cherry, and it’s all to keep you safe.
You chat a bit to the people inside, almost enjoying yourself, until a drunken man stands beside you. “Fucking bitch. Why the fuck are you here?”
“Excuse me? This is my home. Why the fuck are you here?” confidence beaming out of you, because you’ll be damned if someone talks to you like that in your home.
“You’re the cunt he’s fucking? He know who you are? Know that your fucking married to a dirty cop?”
“Not married.” His hands grip tightly around your throat as he pushes you down on the stairwell.
“Let’s see what’s so fucking great about that pussy.” His hand push down your jeans, he squeezes you so tightly your vision goes blurry, eyes searching for Cherry or Robert. Chaos erupts in the room. Cherry punches the man in the face screaming at him to take his dirty hands off of you.
With Cherry’s yells Robert runs in the house, seeing you laying on the stairs, neck red with the pressure he added to your throat, and sees red. His fist connects with his face, and he pulls you up to him, not spending the time to fully check over you, he pushes you into Cherry’s arms. Cherry moves you further away from the chaos.
“You need to get rid of her. Do you even know who that fucking is? Who she’s fucking married to?” The man wipes the blood off his nose, staring at a fuming Robert. “You need to get this fucking straight. She’s my fucking slut, and I’ll be damned if I let anyone disrespect her you fucking piece of shit. They’re divorced. You see the fucking mark on her neck. She’s mine. Now get the fuck out of my house, before I do something I won’t regret.” People start leaving the house quickly. This crowd knows Robert’s anger. They see the piece that he’s packing, and none want to be a witness. Robert sneers at the man, he has no idea what Mr. Freezy has in store for him.
“You trust that bitch you’re a fucking idiot! She’ll be the end of you.” “One more time. Get the fuck out of my house. You will not talk to my pet like that. Get fucking out!” With a growl he charges towards Robert. Without even flinching Robert pulls out his piece shooting him directly between the eye. When his body falls down, Robert spits on his lifeless corpse. “I did warn you.”
Crying and trembling you leave Cherry’s arms, jumping into Robert’s. Your throat burning, feeling the bruising to your skin and esophagus. “Cherry, get this mess cleaned up. Gotta take care of my Pretty Girl.” Cherry nods. “Dump him at Tappy’s. Son of a bitch always liked to pick a fight there. Lowlife scum had it coming, had a list of enemies. They’ll never question it.”
Robert walks you into the bedroom. Holding onto you gently, but securely. “I’m so sorry, Pretty Girl. I never wanted you to see me like that. I couldn’t...he shouldn’t have been here. Had no right talking to ya like that.” “Thank you,” your voice hoarse and sore from his hands as it whispers on his shoulder. “I love you, Robert.”
“Love you, too, Y/N.”
You lay on top of Robert in silence. Feeling so close to him calms you from the mayhem and murder of the night. His hands caress you, constantly moving over your supple skin until you fall asleep, pressed tightly on his chest.
Cherry returns to the house. Looking into the bedroom just to let Robert know it’s done. “Got rid of the piece, too.” Robert nods his thanks, still gazing down at you. “How’s she doin’?”
“Shaken up, but she understands. Listen...” his words trail off. He doesn’t know what to say. “Not tonight, but you’ve earned it.” Robert doesn’t tell people thank you. He shows them his thanks, and Cherry knows exactly what he’s saying. “Want you to stay here. Things are getting tighter. We’re almost done. She needs someone in the house who I can trust. Let me warn you though, she’s fucking mine. You touch her without my permission I will fucking torture you. And I’ll fucking kill you slowly.” “Understood.”
#mr freezy#mr freezy x reader#mr. freezy#mr. freezy x reader#robert pronge#robert pronge x reader#robert mr freezy prong#robert mr freezy pronge x reader#soft!dark!#dark!#dark!fic#soft!dark!fic#soft!dark!mr freezy#soft!dark!mr freezy x reader#soft!dark!robert pronge#soft!dark!robert pronge x reader#dark!mr freezy#dark!robert pronge#dark!mr freezy x reader#dark!robert pronge x reader#dark!chris evans#dark!chris evans character#dark!chris evans character x reader#soft!dark!chris evans#soft!dark!chris evans character#soft!dark!chris evans character x reader#fluffy!robert pronge#freezy baby#sub/dom#multiple orgasms
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ayo bestie can i have a fluffy albedo one shot <33
ayo bestie here you go :))
Dragonspine Issues.
fluff oneshot!! 1075 words!
Albedo doesn't know what love is or how to love. He always just deemed it as a chemical reaction to the brain, that there was actually no falling in love since it would be you controlling your emotions. He was just an observer, never really delving into the idea of "love"
Then you came to his camp in Dragonspine. You were a fellow researcher from the base camp near the icy land, eager to find out about the Dragon Heart, you just didn't think about how cold it would get, yet you find a campsite nearby, feeling the warmth of the fire.
"Ex-excuse me?" Your words faltering from the sheer coldness, putting distance from you and the camp. "Wou--ld, you-" not even finishing the sentence, the chief alchemist you heard of cut you off, looking concerned from how shaky you are. "Please, sit. You should've brought a coat with you" he nags at you. You thank him in response, you striding to the inside of his camp and sitting nearby the fire. It was warm.
From the base camp, you would always hear about the "Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius". Not only from the camp, when you would craft something in Mondstadt, Timaeus or Sucrose would tell you all about who their teacher is. God, oh to meet a celebrity. he would always be in Dragonspine, only coming down to Mondstadt for festivals or events so you could never really see him and when you learned you would be stationed near the snowy mountains, you were placed at the base, You couldn't even feel the snowy terrains and you were intrigued to find the Dragon Heart. So, as any other person would do, you enter Dragonspine. Though, you overestimated your body temperature and here you are, being tended to. You don't really know if the person who's helping you actually is the great Albedo, you've only ever heard of him.
"Um-May I ask? Who are you?" You turn to him who was getting you another portion of Goulash.
"I am Albedo, Chief Alchemist of the Knights of Favonius."
Ah, yup. This is the guy. The guy everyone wouldn't shut up about. You can see why.
"Oh, I'm Y/N" you respond to him.
He comes back to you and sets your 2nd portion of Goulash down. "How could you go to Dragonspine, without bringing a coat?" he says while sitting down next to you. "Oh, I just forgot to bring one." you take a spoonful of the meal. He looks at you with the most confused look, you look at him while your spoon was in your mouth. "Interesting" he looks at you as if you were some creature he had just stumbled upon on. He stares at you for awhile, looking over all your features. This surprises you, causing a brush of red around your face.
"Do you always do that?"
"Do what?"
"Only with things I'm interested in." He moves back to your eyes. You cough trying to break the tension, roaming around the camp and to also stretch. Your eyes get caught by the bookshelves, you ask Albedo about what type of books are on the bookshelves. He says while following you that it was just "Theories, and whatnot."
You gasp to see your favorite theory about Dragonspine being a former land. Your eyes glazed with excitement. You tell the man beside you that this was your favorite theory as a kid. He tells you more about the theory and compares it to his life here in Dragonspine. You were enamored by his words, it was like you always imagined. He takes note of this and starts talking more about it, putting in other theories to make the conversation longer. You and him talk for hours until you realize the sun has set, forgetting that you have to be back at the base. You look at the path, it was dark and there were no lamps nearby. Albedo sees your panic and tells you that he has an extra sleeping bag for you. You thank him for everything he's done these past hours.
You two have dinner together, still talking about the different theories you both shared. Albedo showing his prized sketchbook to you and asking you to draw for him though your skills would never beat his. He says how pretty your hair is, the beautiful color and the way it fits your face. You say the same to him, complimenting how fluffy his hair is, giving you a small smile in return. You never heard him fully laugh but he just chuckled along with your jokes. He never felt so alive with you, it was as if he didn't need to copy emotions and study them with other people, he was feeling it himself, you were the missing step in his experiment-no, in his life. He couldn't stop looking at you. Now you were the only thing making him feel so warm.
You yawn as he places your sleeping bag on the ground, he places his beside yours. You both prepare yourselves for bed. Again, thanking him for everything. He says not to mention it anymore but you kept asking what he would like as thanks.
"How about you bring a coat next time." He tells you
"Next time?"
"So that I can show you the Dragon's Heart"
"You'll show me the Dragon's-" You didn't even finish what you were going to say and just jumped on him, giving him a tight hug. You were on top of him, his hand placed on top of your back. You both were sharing your warmth in this dark and cold place. You stopped hugging him and tried to get up but Albedo just pulled you back to him. He wasn't lying down now, he supported himself using his free arm. So that he was eye-level to you, his action made you flustered.
"I don't need any thanks from you."
"And why is that?"
"Because you have given me something."
"I have?"
"Now, I too have found my own meaning." The arm he used to pull you was now climbing up your face, his hand was warm. So warm. He places a kiss to your lips. Despite being in Dragonspine, his lips were so soft, and the night was long--
Let's just say that, you came back the next day, and the day after that, and the months after that.
#genshin impact#genshin x reader#genshin x y/n#albedo fluff#albedo genshin impact#albedo genshin x reader#albedo imagines#albedo x reader#genshin impact x reader#albedo x gn reader#genshin impact oneshot#genshin albedo
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one more day
gojo satoru x f!reader
synopsis: Gojo's been sizing you up from across the club for awhile now, so when you walk out onto the empty balcony and give him the perfect opportunity to shoot his shot, he's more than happy to do so. After charming you with his oh so eloquent words, he may or may not fuck the shit out of you in the back of his car.
tags/warnings: smut, with a little bit of plot, if you squint you might be able to see the plot, very nsfw (18+), bar/club au
word count: 2.5k
a/n: i based the plot/idea of this fic on the song HER by chase atlantic. if you know it, i love you, lets be friends. if you don't, i highly recommend it, its a bop and a half
Gojo gracefully lifted his whiskey sour up to his lips, taking a small sip and closing his eyes. The music was getting loud and he hadn’t met a single interesting person here tonight. He exhaled deeply — this would be his last drink and then he’d probably call it early tonight and head home.
He sat the nearly empty glass back down on the bar counter top and slid some cash to the bartender before turning around and scanning the club one last time. His lazy eyes shot open when he saw you standing with your friends across the room, his interest suddenly piqued. He hadn’t noticed you before, but now that he did, he couldn’t leave without talking to you.
You seemed lost in your own thoughts, aimlessly dancing with your friends with a fake smile plastered across your face. Your façade was terribly see-through, though none of your friends seemed to notice, or maybe they just didn’t care.
Eventually, you separated from your group, heading up the stairs and towards the balcony of the club. Gojo watched as you walked, a slight wobble to your gait and an expensive looking handbag dangling from your wrist.
He gave you a two-minute head start, and then made his way up the stairs and out onto the balcony as well. You two were the only one’s insane enough to go out there, the winter air incredibly frigid at this time of night. He strode over and took a seat opposite you, a relaxed expression on his face.
You lifted your cigarette from your lips, blowing out a puff of smoke and giving him a small smile, “Hey, pretty-boy, I had a feeling you’d be joining me out here”.
“I had a feeling you only came out here so I’d follow you,” His words were care-free but perfectly composed.
“Maybe,” You laugh, taking another drag from your cigarette and propping your feet up on the table.
Gojo sat back, fully taking you in now. You were wearing a silky red dress, the extravagant fabric clinging perfectly to every curve of your body. Your hands flashed with several gold rings and long, shiny black nails -- cigarettes didn’t belong in fingers that beautiful.
“Your little show you’re putting on for everyone is pitiful you know. Some improv classes might help” Gojo prodded at you.
“That’s a new one. Is this how you flirt with all girls?” You couldn’t help but laugh — a light elegant laugh that was music to the silver-haired man’s ears.
“Of course not, but I’ve also never met someone who was such a bad actor before,” He crossed one of his long legs over the other, his own lips cracking a small smile.
“I’ve never met someone who was so weirdly good at reading people. How long were you watching me?” You jab back at him, putting out your cigarette and tossing it into a nearby trash bin.
“Not too long,” He shrugged, “So, what’s your deal? Mommy issues? You seem like someone who has mommy issues”.
You laughed again, this strange man continuing to catch you incredibly off guard, “So close. My mom wasn’t great but I think it’s more of a daddy issues thing”.
“Ouch,” He clicked his tongue, “Mommy and daddy issues, you’re the total package huh? I bet there’s a couple toxic ex-boyfriend’s in there too, right?”
“You could say that,” You give him a playful glance.
“How about you let me take it all away tonight? All the pain,” He leaned forward now, his icy blue eyes practically peering into your soul.
His offer sounded absolutely perfect — you could use a nice distraction from the shit-show that was your life.
“We can do whatever you want, pretty-boy, just don’t fall in love with me, okay? I don’t do second rounds,” You winked at him, standing up from your seat and offering him a hand.
“Deal,” Gojo laced his fingers through yours and stood up, a smirk tugging at his lips.
“How big is your car?” You ask while the two of you stride through the club, hand in hand.
“Big enough if we put the back seats down,” He looked down at you with hazy eyes.
It didn’t take long for Gojo to put down the back seats of his relatively large, black SUV — and before you knew it he was swiftly pulling you inside and locking the doors.
It was too dark to see much of anything, so you flinched when he wrapped a firm arm around your waist and flipped you underneath him. You expected a rough kiss to your lips, but were taken by surprise when you felt a subtle touch on your neck instead. He left gentle, wet kisses up both sides of your neck, soft sighs of bliss slipping out from between your lips.
The gentle kisses slowly got more intense, his teeth leaving small nibbles and his tongue working furiously against your skin. You caught yourself wondering how that tongue would feel on other parts of your body.
You traced your fingers up his arms and cupped them around his cheeks, pulling his face to meet yours. You were desperate to actually kiss him, parting your lips and placing a kiss to his incredibly soft lips. He was quick to deepen it, his long fingers intertwining themselves in your hair. Sparks of electricity were going off in your head, your thoughts blurring together as you lost yourself in Gojo Satoru’s captivating kiss.
He slowly pulled away after a couple minutes, his breaths heavy.
“Can I take your clothes off, angel?”
You whisper a small confirmation, your skin tingling under his soft touches. You quickly twisted onto your stomach and he swiftly pulled the zipper down the back of your dress. He carefully removed the silky material from your body, leaving you in only your undergarments.
He ran his cool fingertips up your sides, inspecting every inch of your body with his curious hands. A heavy breath shuddered from his throat as he pressed his lips onto your torso, his breath hot against your cool skin. He left kisses all over your body, sucking hard on the sensitive spots and leaving you breathlessly wanting more.
His kisses got lower and lower until he was sucking on a sensitive patch of skin on the inside of your thigh. He lifted his head and you could practically feel his heavy breaths hitting the heat between your legs.
“I can take these off too?” He asked, slipping his slender fingers under the band of your underwear.
“Please,” you exhale, curling your fingers into his soft, fluffy hair.
After gaining confirmation, he wastes no time pulling the panties down your legs and throwing them to the side. His warm tongue was quick to find your clit, swirling in small, gentle circles. He sucked the small nub into his mouth, gently nibbling on it and sending intense shivers coursing through your body. Soft, strangled moans escaped your lips as he continued to work, his hot tongue lapping up and down your slick entrance.
Your fingers curled tighter in his hair, yanking hard when he pressed his tongue deep into your entrance. This was complete bliss — you had a terrible habit of one-night stands but no one had ever made you feel this good — and you hadn’t even gotten to the main course yet.
He lifted his head and pressed a small kiss to your lower abdomen before sitting up. His slender hands went straight to the buckles of his trousers, his fingers working quickly to get them undone. You sat up and moved towards him, ready to reciprocate the favor he just did for you — but he quickly pushed you away.
“Lay down, angel. I told you, tonight’s about making you feel good,” His words were smooth and serious, and they made your heart beat a little faster.
You were more than happy to oblige, leaning back and enjoying the show while he finished removing his boxers. Your eyes had adjusted to the dark now, and your stomach filled with butterflies when his full length was finally exposed. You sucked in a sharp breath, worried that his lengthy shaft would cause more pain than pleasure.
He pulled out a condom and expertly slid it down to the base of his cock, and when he looked up again, he seemed to notice your hesitancy.
“Relax, baby. I’ll start slow,” He whispered, leaning forward and pressing more gentle kisses to the sides of your face while he teased your entrance.
Shudders ripped through your body as he rubbed the tip of his length up and down your swollen pussy, a small snicker audible from his lips as he nibbled on your earlobe. You roughly bucked up your hips, desperate for more than what he was teasing you with.
“Relax,” he repeated, but this time it sounded more like an order.
Again, you obliged, but not without a small whimper sneaking its way out of your mouth.
He did exactly what he said he would, positioning the tip of his cock and slowly pushing it inside of you. He carefully inserted his entire length, your body tensing up underneath him. He leaned down and pressed another kiss to your cheek bone, whispering feverishly in your ear.
“You okay?”
You give him an eager nod, the initial pain of taking his massive length slowly starting to subside.
“Good,” he mumbled, beginning short, tender strokes that made your entire body feel like it was on fire.
Heavy, raspy groans forced their way out of both of your throats — your hands grasping fiercely at tufts of his hair. He gradually increased his pace as your walls adjusted to his size, and somehow it managed to feel better and better each time.
Gojo let out a deep groan, his head dipping low as endorphins exploded within him, causing a blissful feeling to wash over his body. Your light moans and scattered whimpers were filling his ears, and he decided they were his new favorite sound. He’d do whatever it took to keep those beautiful noises coming out of your pretty mouth.
We can do whatever you want, pretty-boy, just don’t fall in love with me, okay? Your words echoed in his head. Normally, that kind of thing wouldn’t be a problem for Gojo, but as he stared down at the dimly illuminated silhouette of your body — he realized he was breaking the deal. You were breathtaking, every curve of your body felt perfect against his hands, and he knew he’d need to see you again — one night wasn’t enough.
His hips began thrusting faster, forcing the tip of his cock impossibly deeper inside of you, a strangled cry forcing its way out of your lips. He groaned and threw his head back at the sound of your whimpers, his own need building stronger in his stomach. Your head felt like it was spinning, each thrust sending electrical pulses of pleasure through your core.
Gojo slowed his hips for just a moment, leaning down and whispering in your ear.
“I want you to come, tell me how you like it,” his words sent a series of shivers all the way down to your fingertips.
“Fuck, from behind, please,” You whined back, your voice shaky and filled with need.
“Okay, get up,” he instructed, pulling back and removing his shaft from inside you.
You sucked in a sharp breath of air at his sudden absence, quickly climbing into position and desperate to feel him inside of you again.
“Such a good girl,” he cooed, firmly grasping his hand around either side of your hips.
He wasted no time driving forward and sheathing himself back into your tight cunt, raspy groans ripping through his throat. It didn’t take long for that warm pressure to build up in your core, your hips shifting back against his to help him get even deeper. Your moans and whimpers got louder, more needy, filled with desperation — you needed to come so badly, and you were painfully stuck right on the cusp.
“Come for me, angel. Let me make you feel good,” he murmured — his gently, lusty voice exactly what you needed to push you over the edge.
Your body began to shake, a warm feeling erupting in your stomach as your walls clenched hard against his cock. Pleasure-filled cries filled the car, your body heaving and convulsing as the intense contractions coursed through you.
Gojo rolled his hips back, caught off guard by just how good it felt to have you come all over him. He felt his own climax suddenly wash over him, raspy strings of curse words rattling out of his mouth as he slammed hard into your hips. You whined loudly in response, the intensity of his peak greatly enhancing your own.
A few moments later you were both collapsed next to each other, the only sound being your uneven breaths.
“I think I broke our deal,” Gojo spoke between heavy breaths, “I want to see you again”.
You let out a shaky laugh, still catching your own breath, “I tried to warn you, I don’t do second dates”.
“Mhm, but this is different, right? I know no one has ever made you feel that good before,” he rolled over to face you.
“Maybe,” You shoot him a side-ways glance.
“So, let me make you feel good again,” He was practically pleading with you, “I can make your pain better, just give me one more day. And then one more day after that too. Just keep giving me one day, until there’s no more days left to give”.
You let out a heavy sigh, your heart aching at the idea of getting to know this mysterious man a little bit better.
“I’ll be honest, your offer is incredibly tempting,” You turn so you’re facing him too.
“So accept it,” he smiled, his eyes darker and heavier than they’d been all night.
“If we’re lucky enough for our paths to intertwine a second time, I’ll consider it,” You smile back, sitting up and slipping your dress over your head.
“Zip this for me?” You turn around so your back is facing Gojo.
One of his soft hands rested firmly on your hip to hold the fabric in place, and the second carefully zipped up your dress. A chill ran through your shoulders at just how gentle he’d consistently been with your body all night.
“Thank you,” You mumbled as you reached for your underwear, pulling them back up around your hips.
Gojo hummed in response, gathering his own clothes and slipping them back on.
“What’s your name, pretty-boy?” You coo at him as you slip your heels back onto your feet.
“Gojo Satoru. Do I have the pleasure of getting to know yours?” He peered over at you, lazily pulling his shirt back over his head.
“No, that’s a secret for now. But if we do meet again, I’ll tell you,” A small smirk tugged at the corners of your lips, “And by the way, I do hope we meet again, Gojo Satoru”.
#jjk gojo#gojo#gojo satoru#gojo x reader#gojo x female reader#gojo satoru x reader#gojo satoru x female reader#jujutsukaisen#jujutsu kaisen x reader#jujutsu kaisen smut#gojo smut#gojo satoru smut#smut
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